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It's a boilerplate for usage of ESlint, Prettier and Husky (with hooks) in a future project. Check out the docs below to be in actual tune!


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It's a boilerplate for usage of eslint, prettier and husky (with commit-msg and pre-commit hooks) in a future project that is turned to be implemented with JavaScript(JS) or TypeScript(TS). Check out the docs below to be in an actual tune!

A future project is considered to use ESM (check the property type: module in the package.json file).

ESLint is turned to use eslint:recommended (as default recommended),
Airbnb-Base config (eslint-config-airbnb-base) as primary (for TS: "eslint-config-airbnb-typescript", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin", "@typescript-eslint/parser", 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended'),
eslint-plugin-import (eslint-config-airbnb require it) and
Prettier config. (check out the ./configs/eslint/.eslintrc.cjs file.

Also take a glance at Must use import to load ES Module .eslintrc.js because ESlint is not fully support ESM now and pay attention to the method of resolving URL of the tsconfig.json (i.e. project: path.resolve(__dirname, '../ts/tsconfig.json')).
For ESM config this will be going to be changed;

Prettier is turned to use particularly default settings despite the "singleQuote": true (check out the ./configs/prettier/prettier.config.js file). For only .html files "printWidth" rule set to 160 (twice as default 80) to prevent unnecessary splitting attributes onto multiple lines (check the How do you stop Prettier in VS code splitting attributes onto multiple lines? for details);

It's preffered to use Visual Studio Code with ESlint, Prettier and Format Code Action extensions (theirs settings are at .vscode/settings.json for a current project only. Check Using Prettier and ESLint to automate formatting and fixing JavaScript by Rob O'Leary (Feb 11, 2022) and vscode-eslint github for details);

Commitlint is turned to the conventional set usage, but 'header-max-length': [2, 'always', 200] rule is set commit header length up to 200 characters max. Also the 'type-enum' ruleset includes init type (check out the ./configs/commitlint/commitlint.config.js file);

TypeScript is also supported by the stuff above. There's a TS config file (configs/ts/tsconfig.json) and types declaration for TS (configs/ts/global.d.ts) to handle imported assets files (e.g. .svg, .html, scss, css etc).


If you're out of tending to use the TS so step the following moves:

npm uninstall typescript @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-config-airbnb-typescript
  • delete the configs/ts folder;

  • in the configs/eslint/.eslintrc.cjs remove the next strings:

        files: ['*.ts'],
        extends: [
        plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'],
        parserOptions: {
          parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
          project: path.resolve(__dirname, '../ts/tsconfig.json'),
          ecmaVersion: 'latest',
        env: {
          mocha: true,
          jest: true,
        files: ['**/*.test.ts'],
        extends: [
        plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'],
        parserOptions: {
          parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
          project: path.resolve(__dirname, '../ts/tsconfig.json'),
          ecmaVersion: 'latest',
  • delete "tsc": "npx tsc -p configs/ts/tsconfig.json" in the package.json => scripts.

The common struture of the tsconfig.json is

    "compilerOptions": {...},
    "include": [...],
    "exclude": []

tsconfig.json is containing particularly default settings despite the chosen ones (check the file for more).

in the "include" (pathes are relative to the tsconfig.json file!):


(check the link for more).

So TypeScipt (and ESlint + Prettier) will work with the (js|ts) files inside the src, tests directories and on the top of the boilerplate (feel free to change the behaviour as you wish).

in the "exclude" (pathes are relative to the tsconfig.json file!):


so is that node_modules are excluded from the sight of the TS.

To transpile all the .ts files run the npx tsc -p configs/ts/tsconfig.json, where -p (i.e. --project) means the path to the TS config file


npm run tsc

(note: tsc in the command above is the name of the script in the package.json, feel free to rename it what ever you like).

If you want to have TS => JS transpiled files in their own folder (relative to the corrensponding .ts file) change the tsconfig.json => compilerOptions => "outDir" (e.g "outDir": "dist" will emit .js files to the dist folder near the relative .ts file).

Check the file for details (descriptions are inside).

Important!!! Before usage, check the actuality of the scripts and settings by links below!!! The currents one could be outdated.

The boilerplate structure and brief descriptions:

  • .husky - folder for husky's hooks (with hooks config);
  • .vscode/settings.json - settings for appropraite work of the ESlint and Prettier VSCode extensions in a project (with a help of Format Code Action extension). There're settings and scripts for a usage of the configs (and ignore) files in the project (i.e. links to ones config files) and there's end-of-line(EOF) property that is set to LF (i.e. "files.eol": "\n");
  • configs/ - the folder includes config and ignore files for: ESlint, Prettier, Commitlint and TypeScript packages. Currently about ignore files: node_modules and a few more folders are ignored (check .gitignore file);
  • .editorconfig - the project common settings (as for now it's as in RSSchool recommended check the EditorConfig for VS Code for more.
    notice: EditorConfig IDE extension required!);
  • src/ - source folder for a future project;
  • .gitignore - exlude node_modules and a few more folders from git watching (like dist etc, check the file for more);
  • LICENSE - license file;
  • package.json - the heart of all. Check the scripts (especially, the pathes for linting/prettier'ing. Currently: './src'). Scripts already have CLI prefixes to link with config and ignore files;

Integration with Connections links:

To integrate the boilerplate do the following steps (note: copy the project structure as is!!!):

  • add the following lines to the package.json:
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
  "lint": "npx eslint ./src --ignore-path ./configs/eslint/.eslintignore --config ./configs/eslint/.eslintrc.cjs",
  "lint:fix": "npx eslint ./src --ignore-path ./configs/eslint/.eslintignore --config ./configs/eslint/.eslintrc.cjs --fix",
  "prettier": "npx prettier ./src --check --ignore-path ./configs/prettier/.prettierignore --config ./configs/prettier/prettier.config.js",
  "prettier:fix": "npx prettier ./src --write --ignore-path ./configs/prettier/.prettierignore --config ./configs/prettier/prettier.config.js",
  "format": "npm run prettier:fix && npm run lint:fix",
  "prepare": "husky",
  "tsc": "npx tsc -p configs/ts/tsconfig.json"
  • copy the .husky, .vscode, configs, .editorconfig, .gitignore (optionally);

  • install current packages as devDependencies via bash command below:

npm i -D @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-config-airbnb-typescript eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-import husky prettier typescript
  • do all the steps from the top of the document's # !Important (i.e. rename projectName, delete unnecessary files, check and correct the tsconfig.json 's property "include": [] to have actual(!) right passes not to be like '../../projectName/src/**/*.ts','../../projectName/src/**/*.js' (!!!));

With the new packages releases, the ones above can turn to pumpkin, so check'em out with official docs!!!


VSCode usage' links:






done: July 07, 2024


It's a boilerplate for usage of ESlint, Prettier and Husky (with hooks) in a future project. Check out the docs below to be in actual tune!







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