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Scripts that parse LoFreq variant files and annotate CoV mutations in RNAseq data

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CoVariant (Viral Variant Detection)

Detection, annotation, and quantification of viral variants in short-read Illumina RNA-seq datasets.


Datasets must be pre-aligned to the indexed viral genome. Please choose an appropriate aligner. Bowtie2 and STAR are recommended for accuracy and sensitivity. BBMap is a flexible tool for alignment and data parsing. See for more info.

Example alignment workflow:

cd target directory/
while IFS= read -r line
	java -jar /home/denison-thelio/Trimmomatic-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -threads 32 ${line}_R1.fastq.gz ${line}_R2.fastq.gz ${line}_R1_paired.fastq ${line}_R1_unpaired.fastq ${line}_R2_paired.fastq ${line}_R2_unpaired.fastq ILLUMINACLIP:/home/denison-thelio/Trimmomatic-0.39/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36
	bowtie2 -p 32 -q -x SARSCoV2 -1 ${line}_R1_paired.fastq -2 ${line}_R2_paired.fastq -U ${line}_R1_unpaired.fastq,${line}_R2_unpaired.fastq -S ${line}_bowtie2.sam
	samtools view -b -@ 32 ${line}_bowtie2.sam > ${line}_bowtie2.bam
	samtools sort -@ 32 -o ${line}_bowtie2.sort.bam ${line}_bowtie2.bam
	samtools index -@ 32 -b ${line}_bowtie2.sort.bam ${line}_bowtie2.sort.bam.bai
	/home/denison-thelio/bbmap/ in=${line}_bowtie2.sam basecov=${line}_bowtie2_coverage.txt delcoverage=f 32bit=t -Xmx64g
	lofreq call-parallel --pp-threads 32 -f SARSCoV2_virema.fasta -d 100000 -o ${line}.vcf ${line}_bowtie2.sort.bam
done < "$input"

Python scripts require packages pandas os and fnmatch

Script was written under Python version 3.9.

Required input files:

  1. VCF (v4.0) named {sample}.vcf
##source=lofreq call -f SARSCoV2_virema.fasta -d 100000 -o SARS2-05-1.vcf SARS2-05-1_bowtie2.sort.bam 
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Raw Depth">
##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">
##INFO=<ID=SB,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled strand bias at this position">
##INFO=<ID=DP4,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description="Counts for ref-forward bases, ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases">
##INFO=<ID=INDEL,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates that the variant is an INDEL.">
##INFO=<ID=CONSVAR,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates that the variant is a consensus variant (as opposed to a low frequency variant).">
##INFO=<ID=HRUN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Homopolymer length to the right of report indel position">
##FILTER=<ID=min_dp_10,Description="Minimum Coverage 10">
##FILTER=<ID=sb_fdr,Description="Strand-Bias Multiple Testing Correction: fdr corr. pvalue > 0.001000">
##FILTER=<ID=min_snvqual_68,Description="Minimum SNV Quality (Phred) 68">
##FILTER=<ID=min_indelqual_20,Description="Minimum Indel Quality (Phred) 20">
MT020881.1	821	.	G	A	108	PASS	DP=955;AF=0.014660;SB=0;DP4=454,486,7,7
MT020881.1	884	.	C	T	74	PASS	DP=743;AF=0.012113;SB=13;DP4=392,342,8,1
MT020881.1	3927	.	C	T	68	PASS	DP=468;AF=0.017094;SB=5;DP4=278,181,3,5
MT020881.1	4162	.	G	A	92	PASS	DP=599;AF=0.020033;SB=1;DP4=224,363,5,7
MT020881.1	5150	.	G	A	69	PASS	DP=603;AF=0.016584;SB=6;DP4=279,310,7,3
MT020881.1	5457	.	C	T	459	PASS	DP=412;AF=0.070388;SB=0;DP4=203,179,16,13
MT020881.1	11083	.	G	T	171	PASS	DP=417;AF=0.035971;SB=25;DP4=186,212,13,2
MT020881.1	13422	.	T	C	86	PASS	DP=585;AF=0.023932;SB=32;DP4=239,328,0,14
MT020881.1	14637	.	T	C	68	PASS	DP=658;AF=0.012158;SB=5;DP4=280,370,5,3
MT020881.1	14679	.	T	C	101	PASS	DP=544;AF=0.027574;SB=26;DP4=241,285,1,14
MT020881.1	17142	.	T	C	84	PASS	DP=496;AF=0.022177;SB=23;DP4=341,143,3,8
  1. BBMap coverage file named {sample}_coverage.txt Currently, only coverage input files with column headers accepted. A future version will include coverage files that do not have headers for user flexibility.
#RefName	Pos	Coverage
MT020881.1	0	2
MT020881.1	1	2
MT020881.1	2	5
MT020881.1	3	7
MT020881.1	4	7
MT020881.1	5	7
MT020881.1	6	8
MT020881.1	7	9
MT020881.1	8	13
MT020881.1	9	13
MT020881.1	10	15
MT020881.1	11	28
MT020881.1	12	63
MT020881.1	13	85
MT020881.1	14	113
MT020881.1	15	273
MT020881.1	16	573
MT020881.1	17	800
MT020881.1	18	1611
MT020881.1	19	1886
MT020881.1	20	2574
MT020881.1	21	3100
  1. Text file of samples to run in an experiment. No underscores, or spaces. Must match {sample} name of VCF and coverage files.

Usage is run via command line. There is a "debug" version that can be run in PyCharm and is used for updating functionalities.

python3 ./ Sample_List Virus Working_Directory Experiment [options]

Sample_List = path to .txt file listing samples in an experiment (1 sample name per line)
Virus = "MHV", "MERS", "SARS2", or "other"
Working_Directory = path to directory where VCF and coverage files are found
Experiment = name of experiment for outout files

--freq Frequency cutoff (0 to 1) for filtering variants
--tag File naming tag to match filter applied by --freq flag

Future versions will have the ability to input feature files (GTF) to provide annotations for genomes other than MHV (AY910861.1), MERS-CoV (JX869059.2), and SARS-CoV-2 (MT020881.1). If you select "other" for virus field, gene in output file will be listed as "unknown"

Output files

For each sample in an experiment, a tab-delineated {sample}_variants.txt file and a {experiment}_summary.txt file are created.

  1. Variants file
MT020881.1	4162	G	A	0.020033000000000002	599	224	363	5	7	12	transition	nsp3
MT020881.1	5150	G	A	0.016584	603	279	310	7	3	10	transition	nsp3
MT020881.1	5457	C	T	0.070388	412	203	179	16	13	29	transition	nsp3
MT020881.1	11083	G	T	0.035970999999999996	417	186	212	13	2	15	transversion	nsp6
MT020881.1	13422	T	C	0.023932	585	239	328	0	14	14	transition	nsp10
MT020881.1	14637	T	C	0.012158	658	280	370	5	3	8	transition	nsp12
MT020881.1	14679	T	C	0.027574	544	241	285	1	14	15	transition	nsp12
MT020881.1	17142	T	C	0.022177000000000002	496	341	143	3	8	11	transition	nsp13
MT020881.1	19275	T	C	0.01566	894	447	430	4	10	14	transition	nsp14
MT020881.1	19633	G	A	0.007402	1486	757	715	8	3	11	transition	nsp15
MT020881.1	19896	T	C	0.011918000000000002	1762	978	756	6	15	21	transition	nsp15
MT020881.1	21747	T	G	0.017797999999999998	2416	1322	1049	14	29	43	transversion	S protein
MT020881.1	21784	T	A	0.021172	2645	1290	1277	29	27	56	transversion	S protein
MT020881.1	22009	C	T	0.006667	3300	1489	1785	8	14	22	transition	S protein
MT020881.1	22020	T	C	0.007547	3180	1402	1749	12	12	24	transition	S protein
MT020881.1	22114	T	C	0.022702	1806	1023	694	10	31	41	transition	S protein
MT020881.1	22350	C	T	0.009745	2976	1383	1560	15	14	29	transition	S protein
MT020881.1	23242	G	A	0.0063880000000000004	4070	2211	1825	12	14	26	transition	S protein
MT020881.1	23403	A	G	0.010151	3448	1523	1881	17	18	35	transition	S protein

Future releases will contain the nonsynonymous amino acid changes based on annotated genes.

  1. Summary file
sample	unique_variants	variant_nts	total_nts	transition_nts	transversion_nts	AtoG_nts	GtoA_nts	CtoT_nts	TtoC_nts	AtoT_nts	TtoA_nts	AtoC_nts	CtoA_nts	CtoG_nts	GtoC_nts	GtoT_nts	TtoG_nts	mutation_freq	transition_freq	transversion_freq	AtoG_freq	GtoA_freq	CtoT_freq	TtoC_freq	AtoT_freq	TtoA_freq	AtoC_freq	CtoA_freq	CtoG_freq	GtoC_freq	GtoT_freq	TtoG_freq
SARS2-DMSO-1	65	34588	1572038080	15317	19271	2192	805	8836	3484	7314	6304	1475	46	0	0	108	4024	2.20E-05	9.74E-06	1.23E-05	1.39E-06	5.12E-07	5.62E-06	2.22E-06	4.65E-06	4.01E-06	9.38E-07	2.93E-08	0	0	6.87E-08	2.56E-06
SARS2-DMSO-2	62	35948	1950550128	14779	21169	1817	280	9859	2823	7999	6491	2330	67	0	0	131	4151	1.84E-05	7.58E-06	1.09E-05	9.32E-07	1.44E-07	5.05E-06	1.45E-06	4.10E-06	3.33E-06	1.19E-06	3.43E-08	0	0	6.72E-08	2.13E-06
SARS2-DMSO-3	56	27333	2044217597	12982	14351	1788	270	8649	2275	250	6548	1594	49	0	0	530	5380	1.34E-05	6.35E-06	7.02E-06	8.75E-07	1.32E-07	4.23E-06	1.11E-06	1.22E-07	3.20E-06	7.80E-07	2.40E-08	0	0	2.59E-07	2.63E-06


Scripts that parse LoFreq variant files and annotate CoV mutations in RNAseq data






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  • Python 61.4%
  • R 38.6%