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A repo that documents my journey into trying to be a Vim developer as well as a place to keep my current setup.


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A repo that documents my journey into trying to be a developer who uses Vim as well as a place to keep my current setup.

Table of Contents


Note: These install instructions are for linux. There are install instructions for windows and MacOS in their appropriate markdown files but they are out of date now as I'm now using linux solely for development

  1. Install OhMyZsh with this script sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Symlink the .zshrc files that are in the Vimspirational repo ln -s ~/Projects/Vimspirational/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
  3. Symlink the .zshrc files that are specific for linux that get sourced in ln -s ~/Projects/Vimspirational/.zshrc.linux ~/.zshrc.linux understand that part of the linux zshrc sets up npm to use a global repo in your home directory so you don't have to sudo install global packages. This means that if you had an npmrc previously it won't overwrite with the correct settings. Checkout the npm global install settings in this file to see what is needed.
  4. Symlink the .zshrc files that are for any secret tokens you want to use and not risk checking into this repo ln -s ~/Projects/Vimspirational/.zshrc.tokens ~/.zshrc.tokens
  5. Symlink the .npmrc file ln -s ~/Projects/Personal/Vimspirational/.npmrc ~/.npmrc
  6. Symlink the .screenrc file ln -s ~/Projects/Personal/Vimspirational/.screenrc ~/.screenrc
  7. Install the font Jetbrains Mono from this website worth pointing out that I use Gnome terminal and I set the font in the settings for that. I use the italic version to make my terminal all shoowshy!
  8. Install some requirements for plugins etc using sudo apt-get install ack-grep nodejs yarn python3 httpie ruby silversearcher-ag tmux vim-gnome gnome-tweak-tools
  9. Symlink .tmux.conf to the one in the repo using the same method as above, for some reason vim goes funny when you open my dot files in anything other than tmux so you'll need to do the rest within tmux.
  10. Install tmux plugin manager with this command git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  11. Install gcloud components
# Add the Cloud SDK distribution URI as a package source
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list

# Import the Google Cloud Platform public key
curl | sudo apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add -

# Update the package list and install the Cloud SDK
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk
  1. Install the kubernetes-cli
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubectl
  1. Hook up your gcloud instances, checkout the commands in th GCP console for this, it's a copy pasta job
  2. Install kubectx and kubens
sudo git clone /opt/kubectx
sudo ln -s /opt/kubectx/kubectx /usr/local/bin/kubectx
sudo ln -s /opt/kubectx/kubens /usr/local/bin/kubens
mkdir ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions
sudo chmod -R 755 ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions
sudo ln -s /opt/kubectx/completion/kubectx.zsh ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_kubectx
sudo ln -s /opt/kubectx/completion/kubens.zsh ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_kubens
  1. Put the _vimrc file in the $HOME directory and change the g:pathToVimRc so that it points to the mydotfiles.vim in the folder where you pulled this repo down. Also change the other Does grecent which uses grecent to switch branches for me
  2. Install vim-plug by opening up vim the dot files will automatically download vim-plug and install all the plugins, you'll have a few error messages to hit enter through but after that, close down
  3. Add my little git alias scripts to your global git config. edit-unmerged opens all unmerged changes in vim, helpful for when you have merge conflicts and you want to open them all to edit them. add-unmerged adds all the unmerged files to the staged changes for after you've done the merge. prune-branches deletes all local branches that no longer have a remote on the server. prune-branches-force does the same thing but deletes the branch even if it has unpushed changes, be careful with that second one!
  4. Install npm packages globally with npm i flow prettier cowsay lolcatjs grecent -g
  5. Install tmuxinator with gem install tmuxinator and then symlink the koodoo-service project with ln -S ~/.config/tmuxinator/koodoo-service.yml ~/Projects/Vimspirational/koodoo-service.yml

Plugins I'm using

Plugin name Link Why?
Sensible The defaults on vim are showing their age a bit and sensible makes vim at it's core behave a little more like you'd expect a modern editor to act.
NERDTree A file tree for exploring folders and opening up files, I know we're editing in a terminal but there's no need to go overboard here! I don't want to have to type out every file I want to open.
vim-devicons Pretty icons for use in NERDTree to show for different files and obviously I can use these for other places that need icons as well
vim-gitgutter Shows icons for lines that have been modified and added in files that I open that are in a git repo. This opens up the ability to us [c and ]c to jump between hunks in a buffer. Might be work looking at the readme on the vim-gitgutter repo as well because there is some cool extensions that might be useful there
Unimpaired Give you handy little shortcuts based on [ and ] to do things like swap lines and add blank lines above and below etc
vim-javascript For some of that extra syntax highlighting for javascript and improved indenting
vim-jsx For some of that extra syntax highlighting for JSX etc. etc.
vim-flow Does flow checking when you save a file that is flow enabled and also add some omnicompletion functionality. I have a script in the vimrc that searched for local installs of flow when you open a javascript file and sets the flow path to that install rather than the global one. This might cause problems if you are working on multiple projects with different flow settings but works fine in my situation.
vim-airline Gives you a nice status bar along the button to show you things about the file you have open and a tab bar along the top that shows all the buffers you have open so you can more easy swithc between buffers at a glance with :b# or [b or ]b (the motion commands come from unimpaired)
vim-airline-themes A plugin to do some extra cool stuff with airline, like different colours etc.
vim-airline-clock Just put the time in the bottom right of the airline so I can full screen my terminal and still see the time.
vim-surround Does a little more than my little scripts that surrounds a word with quotes, this will change surrounding characters, delete them etc. Basicallty it defines some operator pending bindings that allow you to modify surrouding characters. Again I should us this more than I do.
ack.vim Ack is a code anaylsis and searching tool that you can integrate into vim. This is by far the best way I've found to search and entire project for something.
ALE Asynchronous Linting Engine, does what it says on the tin, tries to lint everything as you type. Thing is either I'm not using it right or this thing isn't asynchronous enough because on my work computer this slows things down a fair bit. Still gotta have something in this department because the alternative is annoying as hell so till I find a better one this is it.
vim-autopairs Just a simple little thing to write a closing bracket after I've typed and opening bracket.
vim-repeat Repeat commands from things like surround and unimpaired with the . instead of having to do them again. Should probably look into what other plugins support this if I'm honest because I'm sure there is more from big daddy TPope.
CoC Completion engine that will give you helpful completions for all types of things
typescript-vim Syntax highlighting and completion for typescript.
vim-jsx-typescript Syntax highlighting and completion for JSX inside typescript
nerdtree-git-plugin Shows git status icons next to files in nerd tree
ctrl-p Fuzzy finder for files in the current working directory also you can navigate between buffers and recent files. Pretty awesome, just have to remember to use it :P
indentPython I....I mean, come on. It does proper indenting for python right?
vim-flake8 Does syntax checking etc. for python
itchy A plugin to help easily make scratch buffers
targets Awesome extensions to changing thing within brackets and apostrophes or tags etc.
vim-mustache-handlebars Just does syntax highlighting for mustache better
vim-rooter Sets the cwd to the path of the open buffer. Helps with making Ack work the way you'd expect etc.
onedark My preferred colour scheme for vim
neovim-gauge A plugin to help with syntax highlight and writing of Gauge tests
vim-table-mode Auto formats ascii tables in files other than javascript, other plugins do ascii table formatting in tests for me but I found when I tried to do the same in gauge files it didn't work, this plugin does it for me
vim-svelte Syntax highlighting for svelte
vim-obsession Saves my vim sessions so that in conjunction with tmux ressurect I can bring all my vim sessions back on starting up tmux

Custom commands and key remaps in my vimrc

Vim plugins

Command or Key remap Mode[filetype] What it does Why?
<c-u> Normal,Insert Toggles the case on the current word
<leader>" Normal Put double quotes around the current word
<leader>' Normal Put single quotes around the current word
<localleader>c Normal[javascript] Comment out this line of code
<localleader>u Normal[javascript] Uncomment this line of code
jk Normal, Visual Change back to normal mode to save me having to use Esc
in( Operator Do something with what's in the next set of parentheses on the line
il( Operator Do something with what's in the previous (last) set of parentheses on the line
an( Operator Do something with what's in the next set of parentheses on the line, including the parentheses
al( Operator Do something with what's in the previous (last) set of parentheses on the line, including the parentheses
<leader>ev Normal Edit the vimrc that vim is currently using
<leader>sv Normal Source the vimrc again to reload it after making settings changes and the like
<c-j>, <c-k>, <c-h>, <c-l> Normal Moves the cursor between active windows in the appropriate direction Just didn't want to have to hit before each of them, this simplifies things
:CAB Command Silently deletes all open buffers When I begin a new problem I like to have a clean slate so I close all my buffers before beginning a new
<esc> Normal Clear highlighting in normal mode to clear that annoying highlighting you get after doing a find
<F6> Normal,Insert Runs :set shellslash Some plugins I use need :set noshellslash to work correctly because I'm on windows however with that set like that when I use ^X^F in insert mode it fills in the wrong slashes for my directories, I needed a quick way to flick between the two
<F7> Normal,Insert Runs :set noshellslash See above
<leader>w, <leader>h Normal Sets the tab settings to 4 spaces also turns pretiier on and off My work requires me to use 4 spaces when I'm coding but I prefer 2 so I needed a quick way to switch between the two when I'm switching between doing my own coding and works.
<leader>cd Normal Sets the pwd to the the directory of the currently open buffer This helps for when you are trying to use ^X^F that's what it was there for before, although now I'm using vim-rooter I wonder if I don't need this anymore....hmmm....I'll have to test this.
<F2>, <leader>nt Normal Runs the :NERDTreeToggle command to open NERDTree Less key presses to open NERDTree
PS Command Runs the :PlugStatus command to check the status of plugin in vim-plug Because less keystrokes
PI Command Runs the :PlugInstall command to install plugins with vim-plug Because less keystrokes
<leader>s Normal Start a command that will replace all instances the word under the cursor with whatever you finish the command with i.e press <leader>s then type what you want to replace the word with plus a /g and hit enter to replace globally in the doc
<leader>aj and <leader>ak Normal Move to the next or previous ALE error in the document
`rr Normal Replace the current line with the line that is currently in the unnamed register
<leader>rs Normal Replace the current line with whatever is in the * register
<leader>y <leader>d Normal, Visual Yank or delete into the star register in less keystrokes
<leader>p <leader>P Normal, Visual Put out of the * register in less keystrokes
<leader>gs Normal, Visual Open a scratch buffer
<leader>f Normal Just does a :w so I don't have to
<leader>F Normal Does a :wa
<leader>l Normal Opens location list, good for jumping between errors in a file
<leader>ln Normal Jumps to next error in a file
<leader>lp Normal Jumps to previous error in a file

Tmux plugins

Command or Key remap Mode[filetype] What it does Why?
tmux-resurrect Saves my tmux sessions and restores them next time I load up tmux
tmux-yank Makes copying and pasting between the terminal and outside sources work the way you think it should
tmux-continuum Makes it so that I don't have to save things in tmux-resurrect it just gets done for me

Custom commands and key remaps in my zshrc

Command or Key remap Mode[filetype] What it does Why?
k alias Does kubectl so I don't have to type as much
kb alias Does kubens so I don't have to type as much
kc alias Does kubectx so I don't have to type as much
kadc alias Kill All Docker Containers because sometimes I have latent containers running that conflict and I don't want to have to close them all manually
gs, ga, gc, gp, gd, gr alias Shortcuts for git status git add . git commit git push git diff and git reset with cowsay and lolcat goodness for the status
gb plugin Does grecent which uses grecent to switch branches for me
kd function Runs the tmuxinator koodoo-service project in the current directory or if you supply it with a path to run it in it will do that so you can quickly open up service tmuxinator projects
git yeet git config function Resets the current branch back to the HEAD from the server, this is for when you have made commits on your local branch and just want to throw them away and start with whats on the server again. CAREFUL THIS IS WAY PERMENANT DOODZ!
git list-tags git list-tags Does what you wish git tag did

Things I've tried and moved away from

I loved HyperJS for all the awesome plugins and stuff and the way you could customise the loog and feel to death. But in the end the quirks that I had to put up with, in particular vim freezing constantly and the lack of true colour support and the incredibly slow pace at which these things were getting fixes was just too much for me. RIP sweet prince.

Problems I'm sure I can solve but haven't yet

General ideas

  • Find a plugin that closes for html tags too so I can work with JSX in a less annoying fashion too
  • Look into vim-react-snippets looks like it could save some time. For that you need Ultisnips which has a dependency on YouCompleteMe so start with YouCompleteMe

Problems I've managed to overcome

See problems I've managed to overcome archived in v2.0 of my dotfiles


A repo that documents my journey into trying to be a Vim developer as well as a place to keep my current setup.







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