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Awesome-Graph-Generation Awesome

  • A curated list of up-to-date graph generation papers and resources.
  • This Repo is being actively updated and maintained! 03/17/24
  • Please let us know if we miss any papers!



Generative Diffusion Models on Graphs: Methods and Applications IJCAI 2023

A Survey on Deep Graph Generation: Methods and Applications LoG 2022

Deep graph generators: A survey IEEE Access 2021

Graph Generators: State of the art and open challenges CSUR 2020

A Systematic Survey on Deep Generative Models for Graph Generation TPAMI 2022


GraphGT: Machine Learning Datasets for Graph Generation and Transformation NeurIPS 2021


Efficient and Scalable Graph Generation through Iterative Local Expansion ICLR 2024

Sparse Training of Discrete Diffusion Models for Graph Generation Arxiv 2024

Autoregressive Diffusion Model for Graph Generation ICML 2023

MolHF: A Hierarchical Normalizing Flow for Molecular Graph Generation IJCAI 2023

Efficient and Degree-Guided Graph Generation via Discrete Diffusion Modeling ICML 2023

Graph Generative Model for Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks ICML 2023

DiGress: Discrete Denoising diffusion for graph generation ICLR 2023

Conditional Diffusion Based on Discrete Graph Structures for Molecular Graph Generation AAAI 2023

GraphGDP: Generative Diffusion Processes for Permutation Invariant Graph Generation ICDM 2022

Disentangled Spatiotemporal Graph Generative Models AAAI 2022

Deep Generative Model for Periodic Graphs NeurIPS 2022

AgraSSt: Approximate Graph Stein Statistics for Interpretable Assessment of Implicit Graph Generators NeurIPS 2022

Evaluating Graph Generative Models with Contrastively Learned Features NeurIPS 2022

Symmetry-induced Disentanglement on Graphs NeurIPS 2022

An Unpooling Layer for Graph Generation Arxiv 2022

Deep graph translation TNNLS 2022

SPECTRE : Spectral Conditioning Helps to Overcome the Expressivity Limits of One-shot Graph Generators Arxiv 2022

Top-N: Equivariant Set and Graph Generation without Exchangeability ICLR 2022

Score-based Generative Modeling of Graphs via the System of Stochastic Differential Equations ICML 2022

TD-GEN: Graph Generation Using Tree Decomposition AISTATS 2022

Deep generative models for spatial networks SIGKDD 2021

Order Matters: Probabilistic Modeling of Node Sequence for Graph Generation ICML 2021

GraphDF: A discrete flow model for molecular graph generation ICML 2021

Interpretable deep graph generation with node-edge co-disentanglement SIGKDD 2020

Multi-MotifGAN (MMGAN): Motif-Targeted graph generation and prediction ICASSP 2020

Node-edge co-disentangled representation learning for attributed graph generation SIGKDD 2020

Unsupervised joint k-node graph representations with compositional energy-based models NeurIPS 2020

Scalable Deep Generative Modeling for Sparse Graphs ICML 2020

Network principled deep generative models for designing drug combinations as graph sets Bioinformatics 2020

Permutation invariant graph generation via score-Based generative modeling AISTATS 2020

GraphGen: a scalable approach to domain-agnostic labeled graph generation WWW 2020

Edge-based sequential graph generation with recurrent neural networks Neurocomputing 2020

Graph deconvolutional generation Arxiv 2020

Efficient graph generation with graph recurrent attention networks NeurIPS 2019

Graphite: Iterative Generative Modeling of Graphs ICML 2019

Deep Q-Learning for directed acyclic graph generation ICML 2019 Workshop

Decoding molecular graph embeddings with reinforcement learning ICML 2019 Workshop

STGGAN: Spatial-temporal graph generation SIGSPATIAL 2019

Gravity-inspired graph autoencoders for directed link prediction CIKM 2019

Can NetGAN be improved on short random walks? BRACIS 2019

D-vae: A variational autoencoder for directed acyclic graphs NeurIPS 2019

Graph normalizing flows NeurIPS 2019

Graph generation by sequential edge prediction ESANN 2019

Encoding robust representation for graph generation IJCNN 2019

Labeled graph generative adversarial networks Arxiv 2019

Explore Deep Graph Generation 2019

Graph generation with variational recurrent neural network NeurIPS 2019 Workshop

Learning deep generative models of graphs ICLR 2018 Workshop

Constrained generation of semantically valid graphs via regularizing variational autoencoders NeurIPS 2018

Graph convolutional policy network for goal-directed molecular graph generation NeurIPS 2018

Variational graph auto-encoders NeurIPS 2018 Workshop

Defactor: Differentiable edge factorization-based probabilistic graph generation Arxiv 2018

GraphRNN: Generating Realistic Graphs with Deep Auto-regressive Models ICML 2018

NetGAN: Generating Graphs via Random Walks ICML 2018

GraphVAE: Towards Generation of Small Graphs Using Variational Autoencoders ICANN 2018

Syntax-directed variational autoencoder for structured data ICLR 2018

MolGAN: An implicit generative model for small molecular graphs ICML 2018 Workshop

DiPol-GAN: Generating Molecular Graphs Adversarially with Relational Differentiable Pooling 2017

Scene graph generation by iterative message passing CVPR 2017

Generating synthetic decentralized social graphs with local differential privacy SIGSAC 2017

BrainNetCNN: Convolutional neural networks for brain networks; towards predicting neurodevelopment NeuroImage 2017

gMark: Schema-Driven Generation of Graphs and Queries TKDM 2016

Functional Dependencies for Graphs ICMD 2016

Composing graphical models with neural networks for structured representations and fast inference NeurlIPS 2016

A synthetic data generator for online social network graphs Social Network Analysis and Mining 2016

A dynamic multiagent genetic algorithm for gene regulatory network reconstruction based on fuzzy cognitive maps IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2015

Learning Structured Output Representation using Deep Conditional Generative Models NeurIPS 2015

Graph-based statistical language model for code ICSE 2015

A modularity-based random SAT instances generator IJCAI 2015

How Community-like is the Structure of Synthetically Generated Graphs? Graph Data management Experiences and Systems 2014

Structured generative models of natural source code PMLR 2014

S3G2: A Scalable Structure-Correlated Social Graph Generator TCPEB 2012

Fast random walk graph kernel SDM 2012

An Efficient Generator for Clustered Dynamic Random Networks Mediterranean Conference on Algorithms 2012

Kronecker graphs: An approach to modeling networks JMLR 2010

RTG: a recursive realistic graph generator using random typing KDD 2009

Generation and Analysis of Large Synthetic Social Contact Networks WSC 2009

RTM: Laws and a Recursive Generator for Weighted Time-Evolving Graphs ICDM 2008

Recent developments in exponential random graph (p*) models for social networks Social networks 2007

Realistic, Mathematically Tractable Graph Generation and Evolution, Using Kronecker Multiplication European conference on principles of data mining and knowledge discovery 2005

Collective dynamics of ‘smallworld’ networks nature 1998

On the evolution of random graphs Publ. Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci 1960


MMD Graph Kernel: Effective Metric Learning for Graphs via Maximum Mean Discrepancy ICLR 2024

Curvature Filtrations for Graph Generative Model Evaluation NeurIPS 2023

Evaluation Metrics for Graph Generative Models: Problems, Pitfalls, and Practical Solutions ICLR 2022

On Evaluation Metrics for Graph Generative Models ICLR 2022

Metrics for graph comparison: A practitioner’s guide PONE 2022



Geometric Latent Diffusion Models for 3D Molecule Generation ICML 2023

Coarse-to-Fine: a Hierarchical Diffusion Model for Molecule Generation in 3D ICML 2023

Learning Joint 2D & 3D Diffusion Models for Complete Molecule Generation Arxiv 2023

MiDi: Mixed Graph and 3D Denoising Diffusion for Molecule Generation Arxiv 2023

An efficient graph generative model for navigating ultra-large combinatorial synthesis libraries NeurIPS 2022

Molecule Generation by Principal Subgraph Mining and Assembling NeurIPS 2022

Exploring Chemical Space with Score-based Out-of-distribution Generation Arxiv 2022

Interpretable molecular graph generation via monotonic constraints SDM 2022

Robust Molecular Image Recognition: A Graph Generation Approach Arxiv 2022

Small molecule generation via disentangled representation learning Bioinformatics 2021

Deep latent-variable models for controllable molecule generation BIBM 2021

Spanning Tree-based Graph Generation for Molecules ICLR 2021

GraphEBM: Molecular graph generation with energy-based models ICLR 2021 Workshop

E(n) Equivariant Normalizing Flows NeurIPS 2021

Nevae: A deep generative model for molecular graphs JMLR 2020

Mol-CycleGAN: a generative model for molecular optimization Journal of Cheminformatics 2020

GraphAF: a flow-based autoregressive model for molecular graph generation ICLR 2020

MoFlow: an invertible flow model for generating molecular graphs KDD 2020

A deep generative model for fragment-based molecule generation AISTATS 2020

A two-step graph convolutional decoder for molecule generation NeurIPS 2019 Workshop

MolecularRNN: generating realistic molecular graphs with optimized properties Arxiv 2019

Graphnvp: An invertible flow model for generating molecular graphs Arxiv 2019

Graph residual flow for molecular graph generation Arxiv 2019

Likelihood-free inference and generation of molecular graphs Arxiv 2019

Scaffold-based molecular design with a graph generative model Chemical Science 2019

Constrained graph variational autoencoders for molecule design NeurIPS 2018

Junction tree variational autoencoder for molecular graph generation ICML 2018


Protein Design with Guided Discrete Diffusion NeurIPS 2023

Generative modeling for protein structures NeurIPS 2018

A generative model for protein contact networks Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2016

Social Science

Synthetic generators for cloning social network data ASE International Conference on Social Informatics


Deep Generative Graph Distribution Learning for Synthetic Power Grids Arxiv 2019



Deep Generative Models for Highly Structured Data ICLR 2022

Deep Generative Models for Highly Structured Data ICLR 2019


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