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Security: vocaloidat/panel



安全性是我们最关心的问题之一,我们已在多个不同应用的生产环境广泛应用耗子 Linux 面板,至今无一例安全事故。

耗子 Linux 面板采用业界多种方案尽可能保证面板的安全性,但是我们不能保证面板的绝对安全性,因此我们不对面板的安全性做任何保证

如果您在使用面板的过程中发现任何安全问题,请勿提交 Issue,可通过以下方式直接联系我们:

致某些 CVE 爱好者:通过面板 access_token 执行的任何操作(包括且不限于:获取 root 权限、读取/写入系统敏感文件、执行任意 shell 命令等)均不被认为是安全问题,请不要刷此类报告浪费彼此的时间,这类低水平的报告对你的简历也没有任何帮助。

Security Policy

Security is one of our biggest concerns. We have widely used HaoZi Linux Panel in production environments for many different applications, and there has been no safety incident so far.

HaoZi Linux Panel adopts various solutions in the industry to ensure the security of the panel as much as possible, but we cannot guarantee the absolute security of the panel, therefore we do not make any guarantees on the security of the panel.

If you find any security issues while using the panel, please do not submit an Issue. You can contact us directly through the following methods:

To some CVE enthusiasts: Any operation performed through the panel access_token (including but not limited to: obtaining root permissions, reading/writing system sensitive files, executing arbitrary shell commands, etc.) is not considered a security issue, please Don’t waste each other’s time with these types of reports. These low-level reports won’t do anything to help your resume.

There aren’t any published security advisories