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Tech Skill Form Component

Building this component arose as a challenge by FrontEnd Pro. Here are the challenge requirements and my approach to solving them

Challenge Requierments

  • The component should display a list of up to 5 selected skills in a column.


    • create a useState hook to handle list in an array

      const [skills, setSkills] = useState([]);
    • create an addSkill function, which after selecting a skill or inputting a skill, the skills array is updated with the added skill

         if (skills.length < 5 && !skills.includes(skill)) {
           let newSkills = [...skills, skill];
    • create a list skills component to display lists

If the list doesn't have all 5 selected skills, the component should display an input box just after the last selected skill in the list.


  • create a useState hook to hold a disabled boolean array i.e the state of the search Input. It should be of length by 5 by default with the first element always as false since skills array would be empty at the beginning.
  • create an SearchInput component that would inputs a skill
  • if a skill is added, create a new diabled array of length 5- the length of skills Array
  • render skills first then conditionally render SearchInput on the skills is of length less than 5.

The input box should display suggestions as the user types from an API or hard-coded data.


  • create a useState hook to store suggestions
  • create a useEffect hook with a dependency array to update suggestion with hard-coded example skills
  • create a function handleChange to update suggestions using its useState update function. Below the input display updated suggestion with a map function

After selecting a skill from the suggestions, the selected skill should be added to the list of selected skills.


  • pass add skill function to the suggested skills component a call it one a suggestion is clicked

The component should allow the user to delete a selected skill by clicking on a delete button.


  • on the div that skills input, add an x icon and on its onClick call delete function passing the name of the skill as the parameter
  • create a delete function that would filter the suggested array not to contain the array to be deleted.

The component should allow the user to rearrange the selected skills by drag and drop.


The component should also display a column of suggested skills next to the list. The user should be able to select a skill from the suggested skills column and add it directly to the list by clicking on the skill.


  • Pass add skill function to hardcorded suggested skills

Other requirements

  • Show the hover state of all the elements.
  • The component should be responsive and display correctly on different screen sizes.
  • Make this landing page look as close to the design as possible.


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