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Rule Based Validation Library for Swift


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Rule based validation library for swift.

Platform Carthage Compatible SPM Compatible LICENSE


  • Rule based validation
  • Class/Struct validation
  • JSON validation
  • Validatable/Validator chaining
  • Linux Compatible (Can be used with Kitura, Vapor, Perfect)

iPhone Screenshot



To install Validator, add it as a submodule to your project (on the top level project directory):

git submodule add


You can use Carthage. Specify in Cartfile:

github "smbhuin/SBValidator"

Run carthage to build the framework and drag the built SBValidator.framework into your Xcode project. Follow build instructions.


You can use CocoaPods.

platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SBValidator'

or for newest version from specified branch of code:

pod 'SBValidator', :git => "", :branch => "master"

Swift Package Manager

You can use Swift Package Manager and specify dependency in Package.swift by adding this:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")

or more strict

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .exact("3.0.0"))


import SBValidator

let v = Validator()
v.add(name: "Email", value: email, rules: [.required, .email])
v.add(name: "Name", value: name, rules: [.required, .fullName])
v.add(name: "Subject", value: subject, rules: [.required, .length(min: 10, max: 200)])
v.add(name: "Message", value: message, rules: [.required, .length(min: 10, max: 2000)])
do {
    try v.validate()
} catch {

Validation Rules

Rules Description
AlphaNumericRule Only Alpha Numeric characters are allowed.
AlphaRule Only Alpha characters are allowed.
ArrayLengthRule Puts a limit on array length.
ArrayRule Apply rules on each element of array.
CharacterSetRule Provides set of characters to be allowed.
ConfirmRule Match with specific value.
CoordinateRule Takes latitude and longitude as [Double] and validates.
CurrencyRule Takes currency as String and validates.
DateRule Takes date as String and validates.
EmailRule Checks for valid email.
EnumRule Checks against a set of values.
ExactLengthRule Checks for fixed length of String
FloatRule Check for valid floating point number as String
FullNameRule Checks for full name of a person.
HexColorRule Validates hex color code.
IPV4Rule Checks for IP v4.
ISBNRule Checks for valid ISBN number.
ISO8601DateRule Checks for Date String in IOS8601 format.
LengthRule Checks for minimun and maximum length provided.
MonthRule Checks for valid month number (01 to 12)
NumericRule Checks for decimal degits only.
PasswordRule Checks for password of desired strength.
PhoneNumberRule Checks for valid phone number.
PinCodeRule Checks for valid indian pin code.
RangeRule Checks against minimum and maximum value provided.
RegexRule Checks against regular expression provided.
RequiredRule Checks if it has value, not nil or empty
ValidatableRule For struct or object validation.
YearExpiryRule Validates credit/debit card's expiry year.
ZipCodeRule Checks for valid zip code.

API documentation

For more information visit our API reference.


Thanks to SwiftValidator


This library is licensed under MIT. Full license text is available in LICENSE.