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In ScroogeCoin, the central authority Scrooge receives transactions from users. Implemented is the logic used by Scrooge to process transactions and produce the ledger.

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Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies

1. ScroogeCoin

In ScroogeCoin, the central authority Scrooge receives transactions from users. Implemented is the logic used by Scrooge to process transactions and produce the ledger. Scrooge organizes transactions into time periods or blocks. In each block, Scrooge will receive a list of transactions, validate the transactions he receives, and publish a list of validated transactions.

Note that a transaction can reference another in the same block. Also, among the transactions received by Scrooge in a single block, more than one transaction may spend the same output. This would of course be a double-spend, and hence invalid. This means that transactions can’t be validated in isolation; it is a tricky problem to choose a subset of transactions that are together valid.

The provided Transaction class represents a ScroogeCoin transaction and has inner classes Transaction.Output and Transaction.Input.

A transaction output consists of a value and a public key to which it is being paid. For the public keys, we use the built-in Java PublicKey class.

A transaction input consists of the hash of the transaction that contains the corresponding output, the index of this output in that transaction (indices are simply integers starting from 0), and a digital signature. For the input to be valid, the signature it contains must be a valid signature over the current transaction with the public key in the spent output.

More specifically, the raw data that is signed is obtained from the getRawDataToSign(int index) method. To verify a signature, use the verifySignature() method included in the provided file

public static boolean verifySignature(PublicKey pubKey, byte[] message,
byte[] signature)

This method takes a public key, a message and a signature, and returns true if and only signature correctly verifies over message with the public key pubKey.

Note that given code can verify signatures. The computation of signatures is done outside the Transaction class by an entity that knows the appropriate private keys.

A transaction consists of a list of inputs, a list of outputs and a unique ID (see the getRawTx() method). The class also contains methods to add and remove an input, add an output, compute digests to sign/hash, add a signature to an input, and compute and store the hash of the transaction once all inputs/outputs/signatures have been added.

The provided UTXO class represents an unspent transaction output. A UTXO contains the hash of the transaction from which it originates as well as its index within that transaction. There are also included equals, hashCode, and compareTo functions in UTXO that allow the testing of equality and comparison between two UTXOs based on their indices and the contents of their txHash arrays.

Further, the provided UTXOPool class represents the current set of outstanding UTXOs and contains a map from each UTXO to its corresponding transaction output. This class contains constructors to create a new empty UTXOPool or a copy of a given UTXOPool, and methods to add and remove UTXOs from the pool, get the output corresponding to a given UTXO, check if a UTXO is in the pool, and get a list of all UTXOs in the pool.

Implementation of handleTxs() returns a mutually valid transaction set of maximal size (one that can’t be enlarged simply by adding more transactions). It need not compute a set of maximum size (one for which there is no larger mutually valid transaction set).

Based on the transactions it has chosen to accept, handleTxs will also update its internal UTXOPool to reflect the current set of unspent transaction outputs, so that future calls to handleTxs() and isValidTx() are able to correctly process/validate transactions that claim outputs from transactions that were accepted in a previous call to handleTxs().

Extra implementation called whose handleTxs() method is able to find a set of transactions with maximum total transaction fees -- i.e. Maximum sum over all transactions in the set of (sum of input values - sum of output values).

The BlockChain class is responsible for maintaining a blockchain. Since the entire blockchain could be huge, you should only keep around the most recent blocks. The exact number to store can be arbitrary, as long as all the API functions are implemented.

Since there can be (multiple) forks, blocks form a tree rather than a list. The design takes this into account. An UTXO pool is maintained and corresponding to every block on top of which a new block might be created.

Assumptions and hints:

  • A new genesis block won’t be mined. If an incomming block claims to be a genesis block (parent is a null hash) in the addBlock(Block b) function, then it should return false.
  • In the case of multiple blocks at the same height, the oldest block in getMaxHeightBlock() function should be returned.
  • We assume for simplicity that a coinbase transaction of a block can be spent in the next block mined on top of it. (This is contrary to the actual Bitcoin protocol when there is a “maturity” period of 100 confirmations before it can be spent).
  • Only one global Transaction Pool is maintained for the blockchain, and we keep adding transactions to it on receiving transactions and removing transactions from it if a new block is received or created. It’s okay if some transactions get dropped during a blockchain reorganization, i.e., when a side branch becomes the new longest branch. Specifically, transactions present in the original main branch (and thus removed from the transaction pool) but absent in the side branch might get lost.
  • The coinbase value is kept constant at 25 bitcoins, whereas in reality, it halves roughly every 4 years.
  • When checking for the validity of a newly received block, just checking if the transactions form a valid set is enough. The set need not be a maximum possible set of transactions. Also, we don’t need to do any proof-of-work checks.


In ScroogeCoin, the central authority Scrooge receives transactions from users. Implemented is the logic used by Scrooge to process transactions and produce the ledger.






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