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100-days-of-react-native with WhiteBoard

This project serves as logs entries for the original react native project called WhiteBoard. I started this project on 10th October, 2019.

The project can be viewed at:

View URL
Frontend Git :octocat:
Expo view 📱
---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Backend Git :octocat:

I am planning to build something with these requirements.


Day 0: October 10-11, 2019

✅ Initial setup done

Today's Progress:

  • Read getting started docs for React Native and Expo.
  • Created main project using Expo's Managed Workflow with Typescript.
  • Created both repos, logs and main project.
  • Setup github actions to deploy and publish in main project.


  • It took some more time to complete initial setup, but that's okay. I am happy with it 😄.

Links to work:

Link URL
Logs Project Github Pages :octclipboard:
Main Project Git :octocat:
Web 💻
Expo 📱

Day 1: October 12, 2019

Server and API setup

Today's Progress:

  • Created api server White Board Strapi project using Strapi
    • Created 4 content-types in it:
      • Notes
      • Categories
      • Colors
      • Tags
  • Also deployed it on heroku

Link to work:

White Board Strapi Repo

Day 2/3: October 14/15, 2019

Further authentication setup on server

Today's Progress:

  • I've setup policies so that logged-in user can see only owned notes, categories, tags.
  • Added native base for UI kit, lottie for loader animation and react navigation for routing.
  • Changed primary theme color of native base, guide here.
  • Created a Main component, which will hold all the navigations like below:
    • HomeScreen - Currently it's showing only loader. I will logically hide it and show dashboard page if logged in and login page if not.
    • DashboardScreen - Just a skeleton
    • LoginScreen - Just a skeleton
    • RegisterScreen - Just a skeleton
    • ForgotPasswordScreen - Just a skeleton


  • I will continue on how to store jwt token in react native and will implement login, register and forgot password next.

Link to work:

Day 4-5: October 18-19, 2019

Login, Auth flow and jwt token management

Today's Progress:

Link to work:

Day 6: October 31, 2019

Fetch notes

Today's Progress:

  • Fixed login UI.
  • Fetched notes after login.
  • Used Card of NativeBase to preview notes.
  • Added header in login and home screen.
  • Added fonts: Poppins and AnonymousPro, thanks to

Link to work:

fonts, fetch notes, login ui corrections

Day 7: November 1, 2019

Change in content types, add note ui, settings ui, no notes ui

Today's Progress:

  • Created couple of UIs - No notes UI, Add Note UI, Settings UI.
  • Added animations using react-native-animatable.
  • Changed content types on backend and removed relationships.
  • Added list-is-empty image when no notes are there.
  • Created some shared components: HeaderText (and input), TextLoader to handle custom stylings.


I really struggled with animations, but react-native-animatable made it easier at last.

Day 8: November 23, 2019

Colors, Archive, Edit and Delete Note

Today's Progress:

  • Used react-native-color-palette for color selections
  • Added update api calls
  • Showing delete confirm dialog before actually deleting
  • Archive note and undo it (by toast button)

Day 9: December 10th, 2019

Today's Progress:

Fixed iOS specific issue. TouchableNativeFeedback is only working in android. So, made a shared component which will return TouchableNativeFeedback for android and TouchableHighlight for iOS.

Link to work:


Day 10: December 11th, 2019

Today's Progress:

Added a searchbar with menu, search and thumb icons.

Link to work:
