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Implementation of Point Cloud Upsampling with Bilateral Filter and Octree


Before starting install, need some dependencies:

pip install "pybind11[global]"
sudo apt install libpcl-dev
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt install libnanoflann-dev
sudo apt install pybind11-dev
sudo apt install python3-dev


Can install/build everything, including the MLS interpolation for comparison with the commands below.

If cloned, can also install and set-up with:

pip install -e .

To avoid cloning, can alternatively pip install with the following, however you will not be able to run MLS point upsampling

pip install git+                                                                            

MLS resampling

To build the executable to use MLS resampling perform the following:

  1. First install point cloud library (pcl), with ubuntu/debian its quite simple (see below), for other platforms refer to the documentation here
sudo apt install libpcl-dev
  1. After cloning and changing directories to the directory, compile the program
cd pcl_src && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build .

After its built, you should be able to run and reconstruct surfaces with MLS with:

<path to git repo>/pcl_src/build/mls <path to pcd file> <number of neighbours> <polynomial degree> <path to output pcd>

An example:

pcl_src/build/mls ./tmp/pointcloud.pcd 30 2 ./tmp/pointcloud_up.pcd

the above call runs MLS surface reconstruction with 30 neighbours, and a polynomial of degree 2 of the point cloud in pointcloud.pcd and outputs an upsampled pointcloud to pointcloud_up.pcd


The dataset used to evaluate the model is found here, it is derived from the ShapeNet dataset.



Since BOLT can be used as a standalone upsampling library, a sample usage case can be found in in the root directory. The only parameter needed to run BOLT is a path to an npy file. An example below:

import bolt

point_cloud_path = "/media/storage/ShapeNetCore.v2.PC15k/02691156/train/1021a0914a7207aff927ed529ad90a11.npy"

upsampled_point = bolt.upsample.bolt(point_cloud_path)

We describe a list of keyword arguments/hyperparameters that may help with better results:

Argument Description
n_initial_sample The number of points to initially sample from the ground truth / source point cloud, default is 1024
k_nearest_neighbours The number of neighbours used in bilateral filtering as well ass KNN smoothing, default is 30
sigma_d The sigma_d parameter used in one of the weight gaussians (refer to paper for more specifics)
sigma_n The sigma_n parameter used in one of the weight gaussians (refer to paper for more specifics)
n_iter Number of times to run the bilateral filtering method on the new points inserted by octree, default is 1
n_final_sample number of desired points in the final upsampled point cloud, default is 2048 (must be a multiple of n_initial_sample)
visualize a boolean to show a visualization of each stage (initial point cloud, coarse octree upsampling, final smoothed point cloud)
smoothing_type a string either knn or bilateral, determines what smoothing algorithm is used after upsampling with octree
random_sample a boolean to skip using an octree and plot points randomly instead, mainly used to compare octree vs no octree performance

The BOLT library also has a bunch of seperate useful tools and classes, such as an Octree implementation, as well as the actual implementation of both the KNN and Bilateral smoothing methods.


The tree is a very simple implementation, there is no depth parameter. Simply create one with the following:

import bolt

# Assume point_cloud is a numpy array of shape (N, 3) 
octree = bolt.octree.Octree()

This will read each point one by one and insert. Other functions that may be useful are deepest_parent which for a point find the direct parent, get_points which gets all points stored in the tree.


The smoothing module contains the smoothing methods used in BOLT, KNN and Bilateral. Can be called as below:

import bolt

# Assume point_cloud is the original sample of shape (N, 3) and new_points are the points we wish to add to our point_cloud, also with a shape (N', 3)
point_cloud_up = bolt.smoothing.nearest_neighbours_smoothing(point_cloud, new_points, k=30) # k is the number of neighbours
point_cloud_up = bolt.smoothing.bilateral_smoothing(point_cloud, new_points, k=30, sigma_d=0.1, sigma_n=0.1, n_iter=1)


An attempt at point cloud upsampling






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