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Digital Humani API

BackEnd is mangage by serverless using

  • Lamda (processing in JavaScript)
  • DynamoDB (Data persistency)
  • API Gateway (manage by serverless)

FrontEnd is a single HTML page (apitest.html) using

  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap

Install Node.js

First, install nvm as describe here:

Then, install latest Node.js LTS Dubnium (10.x) - End-of-life April 2020

> nvm install --lts=dubnium
> nvm alias default lts/dubnium

FIXME: Lamda are limited to Node.js 8.10, maybe we should use this version instead of latest LTS. FIXME: Do load test to validate DynamoDB choice

Install dependency

> npm install

Install and config serverless

> npm install -g serverless
> serverless config credentials --provider aws --key ??? --secret ???


> sls deploy           # Deploy backend (Lambda and DynamoDB)
> sls client deploy    # Deploy frontend (a Web page on S3)

Try BackEnd

> export BASE=""
> curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST ${BASE}/enterprise -d '{"name": "My shop", "contact": "John"}'
> curl -X GET ${BASE}/enterprise/abcd1234

Try FrontEnd

Go to

Install and config awscli

> sudo snap install aws-cli --classic
> aws configure


To init DynamoDB table with some fixture

> cd fixture
> ./

Offline setup

In one terminal star a local lambda server

> sls offline start

NOTICE: This local lamda server is using the remote DynamoDB. All change to the database goes directly to AWS.

In another terminal, reach the API. Here's some example.

> export BASE="http://localhost:3000"

> curl -s -X POST ${BASE}/enterprise -d '{"name": "My shop", "contact": {"name": "John"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
> curl -s -X GET ${BASE}/enterprise/abcd1234
> curl -s ${BASE}/select | jq .
> curl -s ${BASE}/enterprise | jq .[].name

API Route

TODO: Add JSONP capability (jsonp or callback param) TODO: Allow POST to work with contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'multipart/form-data'

✓ [GET] /select

✓ [GET] /enterprise

✓ [POST] /enterprise {name: '', contact: { name: '', email: '', phone: '' }} ✓ [GET] /enterprise/:id ✓ [GET] /enterprise/:id/treeCount/:monthDate ✓ [DELETE] /enterprise/:id ✓ [PATCH] /enterprise/:id {...}

✓ [GET] /project

✓ [POST] /project {name: '', description: '' } ✓ [GET] /project/:id ✓ [DELETE] /project/:id ✓ [PATCH] /project/:id {...}

✓ [GET] /tree

✓ [POST] /tree {enterpriseId: '', projectId: '', user: '', treeCount: 1 } ✓ [GET] /tree/:uuid ✓ [DELETE] /tree/:uuid

✓ [GET] /report ✓ [GET] /report/enterprise/:enterpriseId/ ✓ [GET] /report/enterprise/:enterpriseId/:monthDate

✗ [POST] /report/generate


Digital Humani API






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