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A lightweight .NET library of useful and convenient extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders


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Ramstack.FileProviders is a collection of lightweight .NET libraries that enhance file handling capabilities in .NET applications, building upon Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.


This repository contains projects:


Offers useful and convenient extensions for IFileProviders, bringing its capabilities and experience closer to what's provided by the DirectoryInfo and FileInfo standard classes.

To install the Ramstack.FileProviders.Extensions NuGet package in your project, run the following command:

dotnet add package Ramstack.FileProviders.Extensions


Provides additional implementations of IFileProvider including PrefixedFileProvider, SubFileProvider, and ZipFileProvider.

To install the Ramstack.FileProviders NuGet package in your project, run the following command:

dotnet add package Ramstack.FileProviders


Provides an implementation of the IFileProvider that filters files using include and/or exclude glob patterns for flexible file visibility control.

To install the Ramstack.FileProviders.Globbing NuGet package in your project, run the following command:

dotnet add package Ramstack.FileProviders.Globbing


Provides a helper class for flattening and composing IFileProvider instances.

To install the Ramstack.FileProviders.Composition NuGet package in your project, run the following command:

dotnet add package Ramstack.FileProviders.Composition



This library offers additional implementations of the IFileProvider interface:

  • SubFileProvider
  • PrefixedFileProvider
  • ZipFileProvider


PrefixedFileProvider allows you to apply a prefix to the paths of files and directories. This is useful when you need to organize files in a virtual hierarchy.


IFileProvider provider = new PrefixedFileProvider(innerProvider, "/project/app");
IFileInfo file = provider.GetFileInfo("/project/app/docs/README");

This is how you can add virtual directories to your project that are external to the project root:

string packagesPath = Path.Combine(environment.ContentRootPath, "../Packages");
string themesPath   = Path.Combine(environment.ContentRootPath, "../Themes");

environment.ContentRootFileProvider = new CompositeFileProvider(
    new PrefixedFileProvider("/Packages", new PhysicalFileProvider(packagesPath)),
    new PrefixedFileProvider("/Themes",   new PhysicalFileProvider(themesPath)),

The Packages and Themes directories are now available to the ASP.NET infrastructure under their respective names, as if they were originally defined within your project.


├── Controllers
├── Models
├── Views
└── wwwroot

├── package-1
└── package-2

├── theme-1
└── theme-2


├── Controllers
├── Models
├── Views
├── Packages         <-- (virtual)
│   ├── package1
│   └── package2
├── Themes           <-- (virtual)
│   ├── theme1
│   └── theme2
└── wwwroot


SubFileProvider lets you limit the view of the file system to a specific subdirectory, effectively creating a sandbox.


IFileProvider provider = new SubFileProvider(innerProvider, "/docs");
IFileInfo file = provider.GetFileInfo("/README");


ZipFileProvider enables access to files within ZIP archives as if they were part of the file system.


IFileProvider provider = new ZipFileProvider("/path/to/");
foreach (IFileInfo file in provider.GetDirectoryContents("/"))


GlobbingFileProvider class filters files using include and/or exclude glob patterns. Include patterns make only matching files visible, while exclude patterns hide specific files. Both include and exclude patterns can be combined for flexible file visibility control.

It relies on the Ramstack.Globbing package for its globbing capabilities.


IFileProvider provider = new GlobbingFileProvider(innerProvider, patterns: ["**/*.txt", "docs/*.md" ], excludes: ["**/"]);
foreach (IFileInfo file in provider.GetDirectoryContents("/"))


Provides useful extensions for IFileProvider, bringing its capabilities and experience closer to what's being provided by DirectoryInfo and FileInfo classes.

Simply stated, a FileNode knows which directory it is located in, and a directory represented by the DirectoryNode class can access its parent directory and list all files within it, recursively.

using Ramstack.FileProviders;

FileNode file = provider.GetFile("/docs/README");

// Prints the full path of the given file
Console.WriteLine($"Reading: {file.FullName}");

using StreamReader reader = file.OpenText();
DirectoryNode directory = provider.GetDirectory("/docs");

foreach (FileNode file in directory.EnumerateFiles())

Furthermore, the methods for enumerating files (EnumerateFiles/EnumerateDirectories/EnumerateFileNodes) allow specifying glob patterns to search for the desired files, as well as patterns to exclude files from the resulting list.

DirectoryNode directory = provider.GetDirectory("/project");

// Finds all *.md files and converts them to HTML
foreach (FileNode file in directory.EnumerateFiles(pattern: "**/*.md"))

// Excludes files in a specific folder
foreach (FileNode file in directory.EnumerateFiles(pattern: "**/*.md", exclude: "vendors/**"))

For convenience, many methods specific to DirectoryNode or FileNode are also available for IFileProvider.

Thus, if we know the directory in which to look for files or the file to read, there is no need to obtain the DirectoryNode or FileNode object.

using StreamReader reader = provider.OpenText("/docs/README", Encoding.UTF8);

// Finds all *.md files and converts them to HTML
foreach (FileNode file in provider.EnumerateFiles("/project", pattern: "**/*.md"))


Provides a helper class FileProviderComposer for flattening and composing IFileProvider instances.

Flattening Providers

The FlattenProvider method attempts to flatten a given IFileProvider into a single list of file providers.

This is especially useful when dealing with nested CompositeFileProvider instances, which might have been created during different stages of a pipeline or configuration. Flattening helps in removing unnecessary indirectness and improving efficiency by consolidating all file providers into a single level.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Application pipeline configuration

builder.Environment.ContentRootFileProvider = FileProviderComposer.FlattenProvider(

Composing Providers

The ComposeProviders method combines a list of IFileProvider instances into a single IFileProvider. During this process, all encountered CompositeFileProvider instances recursively flattened and merged into a single level. This eliminates unnecessary indirectness and streamline the file provider hierarchy.

string packagesPath = Path.Combine(environment.ContentRootPath, "../Packages");
string themesPath   = Path.Combine(environment.ContentRootPath, "../Themes");

environment.ContentRootFileProvider = FileProviderComposer.ComposeProviders(
    // Inject external Modules directory
    new PrefixedFileProvider("/Packages", new PhysicalFileProvider(packagesPath)),

    // Inject external Themes directory
    new PrefixedFileProvider("/Themes", new PhysicalFileProvider(themesPath)),

    // Current provider

In this example, the ComposeProviders method handles any unnecessary nesting that might occur, including when the current environment.ContentRootFileProvider is a CompositeFileProvider. This ensures that all file providers merged into a single flat structure, avoiding unnecessary indirectness.

NuGet Packages

  • Ramstack.FileProviders.Extensions — Useful and convenient extensions for IFileProvider, bringing its capabilities and experience closer to what's provided by the DirectoryInfo and FileInfo classes.
  • Ramstack.FileProviders — Additional file providers, including ZipFileProvider, PrefixedFileProvider, and SubFileProvider.
  • Ramstack.FileProviders.Globbing — A file provider that filters files using include and/or exclude glob patterns. Include patterns make only matching files visible, while exclude patterns hide specific files. Both include and exclude patterns can be combined for flexible file visibility control.
  • Ramstack.FileProviders.Composition — Provides a helper class for flattening and composing IFileProvider.

Supported versions

.NET 6, 7, 8


Bug reports and contributions are welcome.


This project is released as open source under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


A lightweight .NET library of useful and convenient extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders








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