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psoukie edited this page May 4, 2024 · 8 revisions

To install ZipChord, download and run the installer (zipchord-install-[version].zip) from the release page. You can also use the stand-alone executable (zipchord-exe-[version].zip) or download the source files. The files for each release are located under the "Assets" heading.

Note: You might receive warnings when downloading or running ZipChord. The executable files downloaded from the above link are completely safe. See more details about safety and privacy.

Installation window of ZipChord

Using the installer

Run the zipchord-install.exe file from the downloaded archive.

You can select the installation folder, folder for dictionary files, and additional installation options. Then click Install and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

If you use the installer, it will also register the ZipChord application with Windows so it can be correctly uninstalled.

Using the stand-alone executable

If you download and run zipchord.exe for the first time, it will offer downloading two starting dictionary files (chords-en-qwerty.txt and shorthands-english.txt). It will also place a configuration file (config.ini) and keyboard and language settings file (locales.ini) and a license document in the default AppData folder.

Running or compiling the script

If you'd like to run the uncompiled ZipChord script, download all the .ahk files from the /source folder in the repository and run the zipchord.ahk file using AutoHotkey.


You can use the provided chord and shorthand dictionaries as a starting point and expand or modify them, or create your own shortcut dictionaries. The dictionary files are available from the dictionaries folder on GitHub. (See more details about shortcut-dictionaries.)

Operating system support

Currently, ZipChord supports only Windows operating systems because of its dependency on AutoHotkey.

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How to Use ZipChord