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Traject EAD Indexing

Jack Reed edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

Migrating solr_ead to Traject [stub]

  • gotchas
  • PR review checklist

How can I check what I'm doing?

One way:

# Index content in a fresh solr instance using traject
$ TRAJECT=true bundle exec rake arclight:seed
# Run the feature specs (or individual tests)
$ bundle exec rspec spec/features

Another way:

# Index content in a fresh solr instance using legacy method
$ bundle exec rake arclight:seed
# Store a version of a document
$ curl -o old.json*&q=id%3Aaoa271
# Restart solr to get a fresh version
# Index using trajct
$ TRAJECT=true bundle exec rake arclight:seed
$ curl -o new.json*&q=id%3Aaoa271
# diff the output
$ colordiff old.json new.json


Some differences for stored fields only in Solr


  • a test that compare solr_ead--> JSON with Traject --> JSON