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Puppet Module: Supervisor


Please Note: This code is here for historical purposes only.

I have not used this module in production for many years. Although it is still in use by others, and occasional contributions come in, you use it at your own risk. I merge in contributions if they look appropriate, but do not provide support or maintenance.

Module Information

Puppet module for configuring the 'supervisor' daemon control utility. Currently tested on Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora.

Install into <module_path>/supervisor

Example usage:

include supervisor

supervisor::service {
    ensure      => present,
    command     => '/usr/bin/scribed -c /etc/scribe/scribe.conf',
    environment => 'HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/server',
    user        => 'scribe',
    group       => 'scribe',
    require     => [ Package['scribe'], User['scribe'] ];

To use default debian paths:

class { 'supervisor':
  conf_dir => '/etc/supervisor/conf.d',
  conf_ext => '.conf',

Running tests:

$ bundle install --path=.gems
$ bundle exec rake spec