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OSM Scout Offline & Sight Safary Qt Map Plugin

Based on OSM Qt Map Plugin. Uses OSM Scout Server for getting tiles and Sight Safary service for routing.


  1. Install the plugin
  2. Install OSM Scout Oflline service (see below)
  3. Define Map, MapPolyline, Plugin, RouteQuery, and RouteModel objects like this:
Page {

    Map {
        id: map
        anchors.fill: parent
        plugin: mapPlugin

        MapPolyline {
            id: mapPolylineRoute
            line.color: 'green'
            line.width: 3

        Component.onCompleted: {
            map.zoomLevel = 14
   = QtPositioning.coordinate(55.7542, 37.6221)

            mapRouteQuery.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(55.7708, 37.5944))
            mapRouteQuery.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(55.7513, 37.6286))

    Plugin {
        id: mapPlugin
        name: "osmscoutoffline"

    RouteQuery {
        id: mapRouteQuery

    RouteModel {
        id: mapRouteModel
        plugin: mapPlugin
        query: mapRouteQuery
        autoUpdate: false

        onRoutesChanged: {
            mapPolylineRoute.path = mapRouteModel.get(0).path

OSM Scout Offline service

The following steps is actual for Sailfish OS / Aurora OS. In your tasks you can use a pure libosmscout library.

  1. Install OSM Scout Server
  2. Install OSM Scout Server Module: Fonts
  3. Open OSM Scout Server application on your phone
  4. Choose a profile recommended for vector and raster tiles
  5. Download necessary maps


You can find a working demo which uses this plugin here.