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Explore the capabilities of RealROS and MultiROS in training robots for real-world tasks. This repository showcases real-world training and Gazebo simulation-based training for a reach task based on the ReactorX 200 robot manipulator.

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Reach Task for RealROS and MultiROS - OpenAI Gym based

This repository contains experiments conducted to showcase the capabilities of the RealROS and MultiROS frameworks.

Here we show how to train a simple reach task using the Rx200 robot.

This repo demonstrates the following features:

  1. Training the task directly in the real world (No need for a simulation environment - only RealROS is required).
  2. Training in simulation (using MultiROS package) and deploying the trained model in the real world.
  3. Real-time training with simulation and real-world data for obtaining better generalisation.


Before installing this package, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

1. RealROS

This ROS repo requires RealROS to train or evaluate the reach task in the real world. Please follow the instructions in the RealROS repository to install RealROS.

Note: Make sure to check out the openai_gym branch of the RealROS repository before making the ros workspace.

2. MultiROS

To simulate the task in Gazebo, you must install the MultiROS package. Please follow the instructions in the MultiROS repository to install MultiROS.

Note: Make sure to check out the openai_gym branch of the RealROS repository before making the ros workspace.

3. Rx200 Robot Repository

You can download the official repository of the Rx200 robot from here and follow the instructions to install it.

Furthermore, you can also follow the instructions in the Rx200 Official Documentation to install the related ros packages.

At the moment, these are the installation instructions for the Rx200 robot with ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04:

sudo apt install curl
curl '' >
chmod +x
./ -d noetic

Note: This will also install ROS Noetic (if not already installed) and create a new ROS workspace in your home directory. So source your workspace accordingly.

4. Rx200 Robot description package and other supporting packages

These packages contain the URDF description of the Rx200 robot. It is a modified version of the original URDF and is necessary to execute this example.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash

5. SB3 ROS Support Package

This package contains the necessary scripts to train and evaluate the reach task using Stable Baselines3. You can download it from here and follow the instructions to install it.

# download the package
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

# install the required Python packages by running
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/sb3_ros_support/
git checkout openai_gym
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# build the ROS packages and source the environment:
cd ~/catkin_ws/
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash

Please note that the instructions assume you are using Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. If you are using a different operating system or ROS version, make sure to adapt the commands accordingly.


Follow these steps to install this package:

  1. Clone the repository:

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone
  2. This package relies on several Python packages. You can install them by running the following command:

    # Install pip if you haven't already by running this command
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
    # install the required Python packages by running
    cd ~/catkin_ws/src/reactorx200_ros_reacher/
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Build the ROS packages and source the environment:

    cd ~/catkin_ws/
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
    catkin build
    source devel/setup.bash
    rospack profile


This repo contains both simulated and real-world environments. Out of these environments

  • All the environments only supports continuous action spaces and continuous observation spaces
  • v0 is now deprecated
  • v1 - Supports both sequential and asynchronous learning and uses Moveit to move the robot
  • v1 - Also supports controlling the robots with joint positions (5 elements) or by giving the end-effector 3D position (3 elements) as actions. (Must be set when initialising the environment. Default is Joint positions)
  • v2 - Supports sequential and asynchronous learning and uses ROS Controllers (Joint positions) to move the robot. Doesn't support end-effector 3D position.

1. Available Environments

Simulation based on Gazebo:

  • Base Envs:

    • RX200ReacherEnvSim-v0 (deprecated)
    • RX200ReacherEnvSim-v1 (both sequential and asynchronous - MoveIt)
    • RX200ReacherEnvSim-v2 (both sequential and asynchronous - ROS control)
  • Goal-Conditioned Envs:

    • RX200ReacherGoalEnvSim-v0 (deprecated)
    • RX200ReacherGoalEnvSim-v1 (both sequential and asynchronous - MoveIt)
    • RX200ReacherGoalEnvSim-v2 (both sequential and asynchronous - ROS control)

The env parameters are explained in the following table:

Common parameters for all simulated environments and their default values:

Parameter Description Base Goal-Conditioned
launch_gazebo (bool) Whether to launch Gazebo or not. True True
new_roscore (bool) Whether to launch a new roscore or not. True True
roscore_port (str) Port of the roscore to be launched. If None, a random port is chosen. None None
gazebo_paused (bool) Whether to start Gazebo in a paused state or not. False False
gazebo_gui (bool) Whether to start Gazebo with the GUI or not. False False
seed (int) Seed for the environment. None None
reward_type (str) Type of reward function to use. 'dense' 'sparse'
delta_action (bool) Whether to use delta actions or not. False True
delta_coeff (float) Coefficient for the delta action. 0.05 0.05
real_time (bool) Whether to run the simulation in real-time or not. Don't pause Gazebo and use asynchronous learning mode if 'True' False True
environment_loop_rate (float) Rate at which the environment should run in Hz. (only for real-time) None None
action_cycle_time (float) Time to wait between two consecutive actions. 0.0 0.0
use_smoothing (bool) Whether to use action smoothing or not. 'delta_action' should be 'True'. Use 'delta_coeff' if 'action_cycle_time' is zero False False


  • Base Envs:

    • RX200ReacherEnvReal-v0 (deprecated)
    • RX200ReacherEnvReal-v1 (both sequential and asynchronous - MoveIt)
    • RX200ReacherEnvReal-v2 (both sequential and asynchronous - ROS control)
  • Goal-Conditioned Envs:

    • RX200ReacherGoalEnvReal-v0 (deprecated)
    • RX200ReacherGoalEnvReal-v1 (both sequential and asynchronous — MoveIt)
    • RX200ReacherGoalEnvReal-v2 (both sequential and asynchronous - ROS control)

Common parameters for all real-world environments and their default values:

Parameter Description Base Goal-Conditioned
new_roscore (bool) Whether to launch a new roscore or not. True True
roscore_port (str) Port of the roscore to be launched. If None, a random port is chosen. None None
seed (int) Seed for the environment. None None
reward_type (str) Type of reward function to use. 'dense' 'sparse'
delta_action (bool) Whether to use delta actions or not. False True
delta_coeff (float) Coefficient for the delta action. 0.05 0.05
real_time (bool) Whether to run in asynchronous learning mode or not. False True
environment_loop_rate (float) Rate at which the environment should run in Hz. (only for real-time) None None
action_cycle_time (float) Time to wait between two consecutive actions. 0.0 0.0
use_smoothing (bool) Whether to use action smoothing or not. 'delta_action' should be 'True'. Use 'delta_coeff' if 'action_cycle_time' is zero False False

Unique parameters for both environment types of both simulated and real-world are explained in the following table:

Parameter Description v1 v2
ee_action_type (bool) Whether to use end-effector actions or joint actions. ✔️

2. Observation Space and Action Space

Observation Space:

Observation Description Elements
End effector position Position of the end effector in the world frame 3
Vector to the goal Normalized linear distance between the EE pos and the Goal 3
Euclidian distance to the goal Euclidian distance between the EE pos and the Goal 1
Current joint angles Current joint angles of the robot 8
Previous action Previous action taken by the agent 5 or 3 (joint or ee)
Joint velocities Current joint velocities of the robot 8

Action Space:

Action Description v1 v2 Elements
EE Position 3D end-effector position in the world frame ✔️ 3
Joints position joint posiions of the robot ✔️ ✔️ 5

3. Training in the real world or simulation

  • The first step is to check the or files in the scripts folder and modify the parameters accordingly.
  • The RL model parameters are in the config folder in the project repo.
  • The task configuration is also found in the config folder inside the project repo. (reach_task_config_v1.yaml)


rosrun reactorx200_ros_reacher


rosrun reactorx200_ros_reacher

or if you prefer to use your own RL algorithm, you can get started by using the following structure:

import rospy
import gym

import reactorx200_ros_reacher
from multiros.core import multiros_gym

# wrappers
from multiros.wrappers.normalize_action_wrapper import NormalizeActionWrapper
from multiros.wrappers.normalize_obs_wrapper import NormalizeObservationWrapper
from multiros.wrappers.time_limit_wrapper import TimeLimitWrapper

if __name__ == '__main__':
    env = gym.make('RX200ReacherEnvSim-v2', gazebo_gui=False, delta_action=True, real_time=True, reward_type="dense",
                   environment_loop_rate=10.0, action_cycle_time=0.8, seed=0, use_smoothing=True)
    # # or 
    # env = multiros_gym.make('RX200ReacherEnvSim-v2', gazebo_gui=False, delta_action=True, real_time=True, reward_type="dense",
    #                environment_loop_rate=10.0, action_cycle_time=0.8, seed=0, use_smoothing=True
    #                )
    env = NormalizeActionWrapper(env)
    env = NormalizeObservationWrapper(env)
    env = TimeLimitWrapper(env, max_steps=100)
    # your RL algorithm
    # ...

4. Evaluating the trained model

  • The first step is to check the or files in the scripts folder
  • The RL model parameters are in the config folder in the project repo.


rosrun reactorx200_ros_reacher


rosrun reactorx200_ros_reacher

or if you prefer to use your own RL algorithm, you can get started by using the following structure:

import rospy
import gym
import sys

import reactorx200_ros_reacher
from multiros.core import multiros_gym

# wrappers
from multiros.wrappers.normalize_action_wrapper import NormalizeActionWrapper
from multiros.wrappers.normalize_obs_wrapper import NormalizeObservationWrapper
from multiros.wrappers.time_limit_wrapper import TimeLimitWrapper

if __name__ == '__main__':
    env = gym.make('RX200ReacherEnvSim-v2', gazebo_gui=False, delta_action=True, real_time=True, reward_type="dense",
                   environment_loop_rate=10.0, action_cycle_time=0.8, seed=0, use_smoothing=True)
    # # or 
    # env = multiros_gym.make('RX200ReacherEnvSim-v2', gazebo_gui=False, delta_action=True, real_time=True, reward_type="dense",
    #                environment_loop_rate=10.0, action_cycle_time=0.8, seed=0, use_smoothing=True)
    env = NormalizeActionWrapper(env)
    env = NormalizeObservationWrapper(env)
    env = TimeLimitWrapper(env, max_steps=100)
    # load your trained model
    # ...
    # evaluate the model
    obs = env.reset()
    episodes = 1000
    epi_count = 0
    while epi_count < episodes:
        action, _states = model.predict(observation=obs)
        obs, _, dones, info = env.step(action)
        if dones:
            epi_count += 1
            rospy.logwarn("Episode: " + str(epi_count))
            obs = env.reset()



If you have installed the Rx200 robot package from the official documentation, you may face an error when running the scripts in this repository.

This occurs because the official installation creates a new ROS workspace (interbotix_ws) in your home directory and adds it to the ~/.bashrc file. As a result, each time you open a new terminal, the Rx200 ROS workspace in your home directory is sourced instead of your catkin_ws directory.

To resolve this, you have two options:

  1. modify the line in the ~/.bashrc file that sources the Rx200 ROS workspace. This will ensure that your catkin_ws directory is sourced instead when opening a new terminal.

  2. Source the catkin_ws directory explicitly before running the scripts in this repository. This will override the sourcing of the Rx200 ROS workspace and ensure that the correct workspace is used.

By taking one of these steps, you can avoid the error and ensure that the correct workspace is sourced when running the scripts in this repository.

To source the catkin_ws directory, run the following commands in a new terminal:

cd ~/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile

If you encounter any issues while installing or running the scripts in the repo, please open an issue in this repository.


For questions, suggestions, or collaborations, feel free to reach out to the project maintainer at


Explore the capabilities of RealROS and MultiROS in training robots for real-world tasks. This repository showcases real-world training and Gazebo simulation-based training for a reach task based on the ReactorX 200 robot manipulator.







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