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Implementation of the Bitcoin cryptographic primitives in Haskell


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Implementation of the Bitcoin cryptographic primitives in Haskell

Project Status: Experimental


haskoin-crypto is a component of haskoin, an ecosystem of haskell libraries implementing the various parts of the bitcoin protocol. Specifically, haskoin-crypto provides the elliptic curve cryptography required for creating and validating bitcoin transactions. Only operations on the bitcoin-specific SECP256k1 curve are available in this package. haskoin-crypto also implements the SHA-256 and RIPEMP-160 digest algorithms.

The philosophy behind haskoin-crypto is to provide a sound implementation of the elliptic curve cryptography by favouring elegance and safety over performance. We do, however, consider performance as an important goal to achieve when it doesn't conflict with code safety. Instead of hiding behind abstractions, we implement the elliptic curve cryptography in pure Haskell which provides the following advantages:

  • Provide an alternative to openssl for the cloud of bitcoin nodes
  • Describe precisely the canonical crypto formats used in bitcoin
  • Reduce trust on third party code


    import Haskoin.Crypto
    import Haskoin.Crypto.Util (bsToInteger)

    -- For serializing/de-serializing interface
    import Data.Binary
    import Data.Binary.Put
    import Data.Binary.Get

    -- Access to /dev/random
    import System.IO
    import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

    import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

    -- Generate a random Integer with 256 bits of entropy
    random256 :: IO Integer
    random256 = withBinaryFile "/dev/random" ReadMode $ \h -> do
        bs <- BS.hGet h 32 -- Read 32 bytes
        return $ bsToInteger bs

    main :: IO ()
    main = do

        -- Create a private key from a random source
        priv <- makePrivateKey <$> random256

            -- Derive the public key from a private key
        let pub   = derivePublicKey priv
            -- Compute the bitcoin address from the public key
            addr  = publicKeyAddress pub
            -- Serialize the private key to WIF format
            wif   = toWIF priv
            -- Deserialize a private key from WIF format
            priv' = fromWIF wif

            -- Serialize a public key
        let pubBin = runPut $ put pub
            -- Deserialize a public key
            pub'   = runGet get pubBin :: PublicKey

        -- Generate a random seed to create signature nonces
        seed <- random256
        -- Initialize a safe environment for creating signatures
        withECDSA seed $ do 
                -- Create a message in ByteString format
            let msg = BS.pack [1,3,3,7]
                -- Compute two rounds of SHA-256
                hash = doubleHash256 msg

            -- Signatures are guaranteed to use different nonces
            sig1 <- signMessage hash priv
            sig2 <- signMessage hash priv

            -- Verify signatures
            let ver1 = verifyMessage hash sig1 pub
                ver2 = verifyMessage hash sig2 pub

                -- Serialize a signature 
            let sigBin = runPut $ put sig1
                -- Deserialize a signature
                sig1'  = runGet get sigBin :: Signature

            return ()


All the types and functions in this section are exported by Haskoin.Crypto

    import Haskoin.Crypto


    data PublicKey  = PublicKey  Point | 
                      PublicKeyU Point

    data PrivateKey = PrivateKey  FieldN | 
                      PrivateKeyU FieldN

Public and private keys each have an associated data type. They each have two data constructors corresponding to either the compressed or uncompressed versions of the keys. The default format used across this library is the compressed format, so uncompressed versions are usually explicitly postfixed with an upper-case U. The data constructors are mainly used internally for serialization and are not exported by the library.

The PublicKey type is an instance of Data.Binary so it can be serialized and de-serialized through the Get and `Put monads. Below is a sample code describing how to use the serialization interface.

    import Data.Binary 
    import Data.Binary.Get 
    import Data.Binary.Put 
    import Data.ByteString

    -- toByteString and fromByteString are only example functions
    -- They are not exported by Haskoin.Crypto
    toByteString :: PublicKey -> Data.ByteString
    toByteString key = runPut $ put key
    fromByteString :: Data.ByteString -> PublicKey
    fromByteString bs = runGet get bs

An uncompressed public key will store both x and y components of a point and will start with an 0x04 byte. Compressed public keys are more space efficient as they only store the x component and one additional byte 0x02 if y is even or 0x03 if y is odd. You don't loose any security by using compressed keys. In fact, the y component can be fully deduced from the elliptic curve equation knowing the x component of the point and the parity of y.

To create a private key from an Integer, you can use either:

    makePrivateKey  :: Integer -> PrivateKey -- Compressed format
    makePrivateKeyU :: Integer -> PrivateKey -- Uncompressed format

Note that the Integer is your secret for the private key and it needs to be drawn from a random source containing at least 256 bits of entropy. We can not be held accountable if you are using a bad random number generator.

You can derive a PublicKey from a PrivateKey:

    derivePublicKey :: PrivateKey -> PublicKey

If you need to test whether you are dealing with a compressed or uncompressed key:

    isCompressed :: PublicKey -> Bool
    isPrivateKeyCompressed :: PrivateKey -> Bool

You can also test if a PublicKey is valid. This will check that the elliptic curve point associated with the public key is not the point at infinity and that the x and y coordinates of the point lie on the SECP256k1 curve.

    validatePublicKey :: PublicKey -> Bool

To derive a base58 Bitcoin address from a public key (like 176CwMCWMq1y9CxFZWk7Vfoka5PoaNzxRq):

    publicKeyAddress :: PublicKey -> Data.ByteString

You can also import and export private keys to the WIF (Wallet Import Format) format which is compatible with the reference Satoshi client:

    -- fromWIF returns Nothing if the ByteString format is bad
    fromWIF :: Data.ByteString -> Maybe PrivateKey
    toWIF :: PrivateKey -> Data.ByteString

For more details on the WIF format, check out:


    newtype ECDSA m a = ECDSA StateT Nonce m a

The ECDSA monad provides a safe context in which to call signMessage for signature creations. signMessage calls within the ECDSA monad are guaranteed not to re-use the same k nonce. The ECDSA monad has an internal state containing the current k value. Whenever you ask for this value, it is hashed with SHA-256 and a new value is stored inside the ECDSA monad by hashing it a second time with SHA-256. This guarantees that the k value you are going to use for you signature is not stored anywhere and can not accidentally be re-used.

    withECDSA :: Monad m => Integer -> ECDSA m a -> m a

Runs an ECDSA monad by seeding it with the initial k nonce used for signature creations. This library doesn't provide the random number generator (RNG) for seeding this initial value. You need to make sure you provide an Integer drawn from a random pool of at least 256 bits of entropy.

    data Signature = Signature FieldN FieldN

Data type describing an ECDSA signature.

    signMessage :: Monad m => Hash256 -> PrivateKey -> ECDSA m Signature

signMessage should be called withing the ECDSA monad to safely sign the hash of a message.

A Signature is an instance of Data.Binary and can be serialized/de-serialized using the Get and Put monads. Below is a code example describing how to use the serialization interface.

    import Data.Binary 
    import Data.Binary.Get 
    import Data.Binary.Put 
    import Data.ByteString

    -- toByteString and fromByteString are only example functions
    -- They are not exported by Haskoin.Crypto
    toByteString :: Signature -> Data.ByteString
    toByteString sig = runPut $ put key
    fromByteString :: Data.ByteString -> Signature
    fromByteString bs = runGet get bs


The Hash256 and Hash160 data types represent hashes of either 256 or 160 bits. They are essentially unsigned integers modulo 2^256 or modulo 2^160. They behave the same way as the Word8, Word16, Word32 and Word64 types of the Data.Word package, except with 160 and 256 bits. We use these types as opposed to Integers to convey the information that we are dealing with hashes produced by digest functions rather than arbitrary integers.

    type Hash256 = Ring Mod256
    type Hash160 = Ring Mod160

The following message digest functions are exported by the library

    -- Single round of SHA-256
    hash256 :: Data.ByteString -> Hash256
    hash256BS :: Data.ByteString -> Data.ByteString

    -- Single round of RIPEMD-160
    hash160 :: Data.ByteString -> Hash160
    hash160BS :: Data.ByteString -> Data.ByteString

    -- Double round of SHA-256
    doubleHash256 :: Data.ByteString -> Hash256
    doubleHash256BS :: Data.ByteString -> Data.ByteString

A 32 bit checksum is represented as a CheckSum32 data type

    newtype CheckSum32 = CheckSum32 Word32

It is an instance of Data.Binary so you can serialize/de-serialize it easily. To compute a CheckSum32, use:

    chksum32 :: BS.ByteString -> CheckSum32


    git clone
    cabal install

For running the test suites

    cabal configure --enable-test
    cabal build
    cabal test

For running the benchmarks

    cabal configure --enable-benchmark
    cabal build
    cabal bench


Here are the results of some benchmarks running on a single core I7:

    Ring multiplication (mod n) (10000000 samples)
    Total time: 1.868806s
    Op/sec    : 5351010.217218908757s
    Ring inversion (mod n) (100000 samples)
    Total time: 7.244239s
    Op/sec    : 13804.072449846008s
    Point multiplications (2000 samples)
    Total time: 4.372304s
    Op/sec    : 457.424735334048s
    Point additions (100000 samples)
    Total time: 0.684761s
    Op/sec    : 146036.354290036961s
    Point doubling (100000 samples)
    Total time: 0.455613s
    Op/sec    : 219484.518659476353s
    Shamirs trick (2000 samples)
    Total time: 4.366215s
    Op/sec    : 458.062646937908s
    Signature creations (2000 samples)
    Total time: 4.786426s
    Op/sec    : 417.848306857768s
    Signature verifications (2000 samples)
    Total time: 5.70411s
    Op/sec    : 350.624374354632s


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  • Fork haskoin-crypto
  • Create a branch git checkout -b my_branch
  • Commit your changes git commit -am 'comments'
  • Push the branch git push origin my_branch
  • Open a pull request

Code guidelines:

  • 80 colums. If you need more, you're doing something wrong. It's not readable.
  • 4 space indentation. No tabs.
  • Follow the general style of the code, whenever it makes sense.


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Implementation of the Bitcoin cryptographic primitives in Haskell







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