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lvjr edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 62 revisions

2024-09-01: Version 2024B

2024-02-16: Version 2024A

  • fix undefined props with latest l3kernel (#22, #474)
  • add experimental hook and html libraries (#197)
  • only run code of the same library once (#364)
  • fix incorrect longtblr pagebreaks before sectioning commands (#361)
  • expand multiple macros with outer key expand (#77)
  • update rollback release 2021 to version 2021R

2023-03-01: Version 2023A

  • mark inner key verb as obsolete for future removal (#104, #294, #358, #370)
  • add experimental \lTblrMeasuringBool for measuring phase (#179)
  • allow to evaluate all functions in the table body (#254)
  • fix vline positions when belowpos=0 (#272)
  • add \empty as a table command (#328)
  • allow to define \relax as a table command (#328)
  • fix wrong capcont template when label=none (#335)
  • extend from X-Z to U-Z for the last children (#353)
  • add new chapter "Tips and Tricks" in manual

2022-11-01: Version 2022D

  • add inner key delimiter and its left and right subkeys (#300)
  • fix wrong delimiter positions of delimited matrices in amsmath library (#300)
  • add \tblrcontheadname and \tblrcontfootname for babel translations (#167)
  • allow setting multiple environments at the same time (#37)
  • add nameref and zref libraries (#256)
  • fix a mistake in storing styles of elements (#286)

2022-07-01: Version 2022C

  • fix wrong calculation of border sizes (#260)
  • avoid adding struts before and after cell text (#265)
  • fix extra line breaks when cells begin or end with CJK punctuations (#145, #257)
  • make \pagebreak and \nopagebreak accept an optional argument (#259)
  • restore table commands before building cells (#31)
  • share rownum and colnum counters (#269, davidcarlisle/dpctex#33)
  • replace TeXSE with TopAnswersTeX in support sites

2022-06-01: Version 2022B

It is in Overleaf installation of TeX Live 2022.

  • provide functional library for doing functional programming in tables (#81)
    • add outer specification evaluate for file inputting and table building
    • add inner specification process for cell summing and conditional styling
    • add \cellGetText, \cellSetText, \cellSetStyle, \rowSetStyle, \columnSetStyle
  • make tabularray correctly nest in align environment (#143)
  • add guard option in siunitx library (#175)
  • fix wrong page breaks of long tables with positive \parskip (#203)
  • fix missing first and last hlines in subtables (#227)

2022-03-01: Version 2022A

  • make justifying the default in table cells (#69)
  • make justifying the default in table head/foot (#174)
  • make \TblrNote overlap to the right side by default (#198)
  • restore paragraph parameters in table head/foot (#181)
  • fix multiline nonnumeric cells in siunitx's S columns (#90)
  • fix wrong cell widths when using font=\boldmath option (#137)
  • fix @ expression in math mode (#138)
  • fix vlines that cross double hlines caused by span cells (#141)
  • fix wrong counters in math mode for counter library (#154)
  • fix wrong cell widths caused by counter library (#162)
  • fix wrong widths of enumerate cells caused by hyperref (#196)
  • don't add headsep/footsep if table head/foot is empty (#86)
  • normalize \NewSomeThing and \DefSomeThing commands (#115)
  • add longtabs and talltabs environments in booktabs library (#170)
  • add stretch=-1 option for removing vertical space around lists (#99)
  • add an optional argument to odd and even selectors (#105)
  • add new interfaces hborder and vborder (#183)
  • add pagebreak=yes/no/auto options to hborder (#165)
  • add baseline key for aligning table at any row (#72)
  • remove \firsthline and \lasthline commands (#72)
  • remove \multicolumn and \multirow commands (#28)
  • allow to rollback to version 2021 by \usepackage{tabularray}[=v2021] (#28)
  • update change log on wiki page of the project (#95)
  • rename README as README.txt and add CONTRIBUTING.txt (#178)

2021-12-01: Version 2021Q

  • fix missing last row (#114)
  • use \thetable in caption-lot template (#126)
  • add missing \therownum, \thecolnum, \therowcount, \thecolcount (#129)

2021-10-01: Version 2021P

  • fix lost lines in some long tables in PDF readers (#88)
  • add counter library for manipulate LaTeX counters (#89)
  • add mode option for cells/columns/rows (#45)
  • allow to modify fg settings (#62)
  • allow to modify cmd settings (#57)
  • define +array, +cases, +pmatrix, etc with amsmath library (#87)
  • use \tablename in caption-tag templates (#103)
  • fix an error caused by verb option (#112)
  • update endpos and expand options in the manual (#92, #110)

2021-09-01: Version 2021N

  • add crossing and trimming options for hlines and vlines (#55)
  • add trim options for \cmidrule command (#41)
  • add vertical spaces below and above booktabs rules (#79)
  • add \morecmidrules, \specialrule and \addlinespace for booktabs
  • add varwidth library for using enumerate inside cell text (#36)
  • add simple template for caption and capcont (#70)
  • fix bug in including \linewidth graphics in X columns (#80)
  • fix disappeared borders around colored cells in Adobe Acrobat (#76)
  • fix wrong span widths with hspan=minimal option (#71)
  • change pdfborder setting only inside tblr environment (#33)
  • fix bug with tabularray and shortverb | (#58)
  • fix bug with extra space at the end of a multiline cell (#48)
  • remove \par tokens at the beginning and at the end of cell text (#32)
  • fix blank page in long tables when using \newpage command (#39)
  • fix blank page after \section starts at the top of a page (#42)

2021-08-01: Version 2021M

  • expand every occurrence of the specified macro once (#18, #23)
  • provide some table commands (T-F-S/csvsimple#12)
  • use X, Y, Z for the last three childs in child selectors (#24)
  • support \verb command via verb option (#13)
  • implement s column for siunitx library
  • fix empty table pages with only one row (#38)
  • implement \\*, \nopagebreak and \pagebreak (#30)
  • define empty template for every elements
  • implement \caption[]{text} and \caption*{text} (#25)
  • implement floatable tall tables (#26)

2021-07-01: Version 2021L

It is in Overleaf installation of TeX Live 2021.

  • add full support for long tables with longtblr environment
  • add templates for caption and continuation text and table footnotes
  • add templates firsthead, middlehead, lasthead, firstfoot, middlefoot, lastfoot (#12)
  • add \DefTblrTemplate, \SetTblrTemplate, \UseTblrTemplate and \ExpTblrTemplate
  • add \SetTblrStyle for setting color, font, alignment, parindent and hangindent
  • add \NewTblrTheme command for defining new themes for long tables
  • replace \SetTblrDefault with \SetTblrInner for setting inner specifications
  • add \SetTblrOuter command for setting outer specifications
  • add \NewTblrEnviron command for defining new tblr environments
  • add \UseTblrLibrary command and booktabs, diagbox, siunitx libraries
  • provide \leftsep, \rightsep, \abovesep and \belowsep for cell text
  • add options for distributing span sizes evenly to columns or rows (#3)
  • keep row height and column widths even if all cells in them are spanned (#15)
  • fix font option for multiline cells (#17)
  • add preto/appto/cmd options for cells/rows/columns (#18)
  • fix problem with \relax after \\ or \hline (#20)
  • update the manual and add three chapters

2021-06-05: Version 2021K

  • make it run much faster by using less property lists
  • fix child selectors with more than nine childs
  • allow to change rulesep
  • add fg and font options
  • include old version as tabularray-2021.sty

2021-05-25: Version 2021J

  • compatible with TeX Live 2020
  • document \SetTblrTracing command
  • avoid "need 0.0pt more!" warnings

2021-05-13: Version 2021H

  • first public release