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STI Detection Engineering White Paper

STI ISE 5901 Whitepaper repository.
Endpoint Gap Analysis Test Plan and Commands
Gap Analysis Test Environment
Wazuh Endpoint Agent Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis with AtomicRedTeam

MITRE ATT&CK Navigator

  • The AtomicRedTeam Test Plan is stored in json format for Navigator 4.x or 3.x.
  • To view import the Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into MITRE ATT&CK Navigator 4.x ( to see test plan with sub-techniques.
  • To view import the Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_3.0.json into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator 3.x in Security Onion 2.3.x to see the test plan without sub-techniques.


50 techniques and sub-techniques selected in 9 of the 12 MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Tactics

  2. Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
  3. Copy the following text into the Filter field:
    .techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, comment: .comment} | .techniqueID
  4. Copy and Paste Output into techniques.txt
  5. PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
    get-content techniques.txt | sort-object | get-unique | measure-object -word

33 Unique techniques will be tested (Duplications removed)

  2. Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
  3. Copy the following text into the Filter field:
    .techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, comment: .comment} | select(.comment!="") | .techniqueID
  4. Copy and Paste Output into techniqueID.txt
  5. PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
    get-content techniqueID.txt | sort-object | get-unique | measure-object -word

68 Atomic Red Team tests planned

  2. Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
  3. Copy the following text into the Filter field:
    .techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, comment: .comment} | select(.comment!="") | .comment
  4. Copy and Paste Output into comments.txt
  5. PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
    (get-content comments.txt).split("|") | select-string "Atomic Test #" | sort-object | measure-object -line

Install Invoke-AtomicRedTeam Setup

Follow instructions at

For this research paper, the following setup commands were used.

  1. Make a Tools Directory: New-Item -Path"c:\" -Name "Tools" -ItemType "directory"
  2. Install Invoke-AtomicRedTeam Module: IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing); \ Install-AtomicRedTeam -InstallPath "c:\Tools" -getAtomics
  3. Update PowerShell profile to automatically install the module in new shell:
  4. notepad $profile
  5. Paste the following, save, then close. Import-Module "C:\Tools\invoke-atomicredteam\Invoke-AtomicRedTeam.psd1" -Force \ $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{"Invoke-AtomicTest:PathToAtomicsFolder"="C:\Tools\atomics"}

Invoke-AtomicRedTeam Tests

Execute command Invoke-AtomicRedTeam TECHNIQUE_ID -TestNumbers TEST_NUMBERS
Atomic Red Team Test Commands

How I made the test command list from Test Plan

  2. Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
  3. Copy the following text into the Filter field:
    .techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, tactic: .tactic, comment: .comment} | select(.comment!="")
  4. Copy and Paste Output into techniqueID.txt
  5. PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
    (((((gc .\command_list.txt | sort-object | get-unique).split("|")).TrimEnd("\n")).TrimStart('{"').TrimEnd('"}')).TrimEnd('"comment":')).split(",") | out-file
  6. The rest is good old fashion manual text editing


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