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A conceptual eCommerce site with a full-fledged CMS built for my favorite car brand Audi using .NET Core 5, Angular 12, Tailwind CSS, Clarity Design System, and Audi UI.

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A conceptual eCommerce site with a full-fledged CMS built for my favorite car brand: Audi.

Stack: .NET Core 5, Postgresql, Angular 12, Tailwind CSS, Clarity, Audi UI. Deployed via Docker and GCP.

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App Preview App Preview App Preview


Database is being hosted on a dockerized pg sql instance. If you do not have docker, install docker and setup docker container (see, e.g.,

docker run --name {dockerContainerName} -e POSTGRES_USER={userName} -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD={password} -p {portToBindToPostgres}:5432 -d postgres:latest

  1. get a cloudinary account, and update the fields in CloudinarySettings of your appsettings.json with your credentials.
  2. create a appsettings.Development.json file under API, copy the properties from appsettings.json and fill them out. Make sure you are pointing your database connection to a pgsql db.
  3. cd to API, run dotnet restore, and set your aspnetcore environment to Development
  4. run dotnet watch run to setup db, seed data, and spin up APIs
  5. cd to client and run npm i
  6. run npm run start:public or npm run start:sys to spin up angular project accordingly
  7. have fun!

Dotnet API

cd to server/Audi

Generate Initial Migrations:

dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -o Data/Migrations

Generate Migrations:

dotnet ef migrations add ${MigrationName}

Remove Migrations:

dotnet ef migrations remove

Apply Migrations/Create Database:

dotnet ef database update

Drop Db:

dotnet ef database drop

Run Project:

dotnet watch run

Note: seed data can be generated via:

To quickly convert the models to typescript interfaces, use the JSON to TS extension in VSCode and paste the returned values from the API there.


cd to client

npm i

Run ecommerce site project:

npm run start:public

Run backend CMS project:

npm run start:sys

Local Docker Environment

To run this project via docker, run the following commands in your terminal:

  1. In the root folder, run docker-compose build to build the docker image
  2. Then, after the image is built, run docker-compose up -d to launch the image in the background process


  • the pgsql db is run internally on 5432 port of the docker VM, exposed by docker on 5439 port
  • the dotnet api is run internally on 8800 port of the docker VM, exposed by docker on 6578 port
    • API endpoint: localhost:6578/api
    • Swagger endpoint: localhost:6578/swagger
  • the angular project is run internally on 80 port of the docker VM, exposed by docker on 8080 port
    • public project: localhost:8080
    • sys project: localhost:8080/sys/

For documentation on how this is setup, see:



This app is hosted via GCP with dockerized images of this solution through a pretty hacky way.

Not sure what the best way to do this is as i couldn't figure out how to deploy the entire docker network created via "docker-compose build" together.

I had to push these images one by one to GCP and I don't know how to contain them under one IP with different ports like they are setup in my "docker-compose build".

To deploy, you will need the following GCP APIs enabled:

  1. VPC network
  2. Container Registry
  3. VM instances
  4. Kubernetes Engine

Also, you need to host your pgsql somewhere: I chose to use AWS RDS because I couldn't figure out how to connect to GCP's Cloud SQL via their auth proxy. (

Get the outgoing IP and credentials of the cloud db, set it up in your appsettings.Production.json.

Login to docker with docker login

Login to gcloud with gcloud auth login

Then, build and deploy your api image to gcloud first:

  1. cd server && docker build --build-arg "ENV=PROD" -t audi-ecommerce-concept_production_api .

  2. docker tag audi-ecommerce-concept_production_api<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/audi-ecommerce-concept_production_api

  3. gcloud builds submit --tag<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/audi-ecommerce-concept_production_api

After the image is created in your container registry (, go to kubernetes ( and create a cluster, then go to workloads and deploy the image.

After it is deployed, expose the image (workload) and get its external IP.

Then, go to External Addresses under VPC Network ( and make that IP static.

Next, in your angular projects' environment.production.ts (both sys and and public), replace apiUrl with the IP of the api container's external ip.

Then, build and push the angular image:

  1. cd client && docker build --build-arg "ENV=PROD" -t audi-ecommerce-concept_production_web .

  2. docker tag audi-ecommerce-concept_production_web<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/audi-ecommerce-concept_production_web

  3. gcloud builds submit --tag<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/audi-ecommerce-concept_production_web --timeout=3600

follow the same steps listed about, e.g., deploy and expose the image's ip, set it to static.

lastly, you will need to go to your appsettings.Production.json of the dotnet project and set the config property ProductionAngularUrl to the angular deployment's IP, and then redeploy the api image.

See below on how to perform rolling updates on the kubernetes deployment when you push a new docker image.



On how to perform rolling updates on GCP Kubernetes, e.g., use new docker image on same workload/service, see:

  • basically, once the image is built, go to Container Registry and copy the latest image name, then go to Kubernetes Engine > Workload tab > click into Workload and click Edit > in yaml tab, update the docker image tag under "containers" > click save
    • remember to set imagePullPolicy to Always in the yaml file so you don't need to manually restart your deployment.
    • if you dont' want to do that, go to "KUBECTL" tab in your workload, which opens up the terminal, then:
      • kubectl get deployment to see all deployments
      • kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment_name> to restart your deployment (not necessary if you set imagePullPolicy to Always)
      • kubectl rollout status deployment <deployment_name> to see status of your deployment's rollout
      • kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment_name> to see rollout history of a deployment

Features to be implemented / Bugs to be fixed, in no particular order:


  • Email Template UI for all system emails (order placed, order status update, sign up, forget pw, etc.)
  • SignalR for live chat
  • site-wide search
  • email / messaging / inbox functionality
    • inbox system for users, admin can send promo messages to them
    • notification system for pushing notification to users
  • Statistics table and repo / controller

Angular Sys Project

  • live chat module with signalr
  • sys inbox thread with users
  • notification push system
  • ngx charts for statistics

Angular Public Project

  • convert to Angular universal
  • live chat
  • site-wide search
  • inbox thread between user and moderator
  • notification system


A conceptual eCommerce site with a full-fledged CMS built for my favorite car brand Audi using .NET Core 5, Angular 12, Tailwind CSS, Clarity Design System, and Audi UI.






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