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Ore-Wizard is a bash command tool based on multiple screen sessions.


  • Multi-screen mining
  • Parallel mining sessions for single miner account
  • Periodic SOL balance checking and funding for multiple miner accounts
  • Periodic reward claiming for multiple miner accounts in the background
  • Check SOL balance, Ore rewards, and Ore balance for multiple miner accounts


Run in the project root directory to install the required packages.

chmod +x

Alternatively, you can install the required packages manually as follows:

  • Rust

    curl -sSf | sh
    source $HOME/.cargo/env
  • Solana CLI

    sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
  • Ore CLI or Ore CLI forks

    • Official Ore CLI:
    cargo install ore-cli

    Or any other modified version of the Ore CLI using the same ore-cli command.

  • Screen

    sudo apt-get install screen
  • YQ

    sudo snap install yq

    For more installation options, refer to


  • Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.

  • Add the project directory to the PATH.

    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ore-wizard
  • Grant execute permissions to the scripts.

    chmod +x $HOME/ore-wizard/ore-wizard
    chmod +x $HOME/ore-wizard/src/*.sh

    Add path to the .bashrc or .bash_profile to make it permanent (optional).

    nano $HOME/.bashrc

    Add the following line at the end of the file and save

    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ore-wizard

    Reload the bashrc file.

    source $HOME/.bashrc

    or use the following command to append the path to the .bashrc file, then reload the file as above.

    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ore-wizard' >> $HOME/.bashrc
  • For GPU mining, after installing the forked Ore CLI, add <path_to_forked_ore_cli>/target/release to the PATH.

    nano $HOME/.bashrc

    Add the following line at the end of the file and save

    export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_forked_ore_cli>/target/release


    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_forked_ore_cli>/target/release' >> $HOME/.bashrc

    Reload the bashrc file.

    source $HOME/.bashrc

Setup Account and Mining Configuration

  • Run the setup command to create the keypairs and corresponding mining scripts.

    ore-wizard --setup

    Default keypairs path: ore-wizard/keypairs Default scripts path: ore-wizard/scripts

  • rpc_urls: enter your RPC URLs here, default is

  • id_prefix: the prefix for the miner keypair filenames to classify the miner accounts across different machines.

  • session_count: parallel mining sessions for each miner account, set to 1 for single mining session.

  • priority_fee: the priority fee to set for the mining transactions in lamports.

  • addr_list.txt: the index file for the keypair addresses. Use ore-wizard --pubkeys to generate the address list file if it is missing.

Fund Miner Accounts

  • Fund the miner accounts with SOL to maintain the minimum balance.

    ore-wizard --fund-sol


    ore-wizard -f
  • trigger_balance: the minimum SOL balance to trigger the fund transfer.

  • maintain_balance: the SOL balance to maintain for each miner account.

  • funding_account_keypair: the keypair to fund the miner accounts. Ensure the funding account has sufficient SOL balance for distribution.

  • Display the SOL balance for each address.

    ore-wizard --sol-balance


    ore-wizard -s

Start Mining Sessions

  • Start the mining sessions for the configured miner accounts.
    ore-wizard --start-miners
    ore-wizard -m

The limit of mining sessions is determined by the number of mining scripts in /scripts directory. MAKE SURE THE MINER ACCOUNTS ARE FUNDED BEFORE STARTING THE MINING SESSIONS.

  • List all active screen sessions.
    screen -ls
  • Attach to the screen session to monitor the mining process. Default screen name is ore-<index>.
    screen -r <session_name>
  • Detach from the screen session.
    Ctrl + A + D

Claim Ore Rewards

  • Initialize the reward claiming sessions for each miner account in /keypairs directory.

    ore-wizard --claim


    ore-wizard -c
  • priority_fee: the priority fee to set for the reward claim transactions in lamports.

  • recipient: the address to receive the claimed Ore rewards. Leave empty to claim the rewards to the miner addresses.

  • trigger_level: the Ore balance to trigger the reward claim.

  • hourly_rate: the estimtad hourly rewards for calculating the reward claim frequency. e.g. 0.1 Ore/hour for a trigger level of 0.5 Ore will claim every 5 hours.

  • keypair_dir: the directory containing the miner keypairs for reward claiming.

  • auto-claim-script: script to claim rewards for single address.

Script Usage

  • Display the help information for commands.
    ore-wizard --help
    ore-wizard -h


  • --setup: Initialize and configure wallets and mining scripts.
  • --update-scripts or -u: Update the RPC URLs and priority fee in the Ore scripts.
  • --sol-balance or -s: Check the SOL balance for each address.
  • --fund-sol or -f: Fund the SOL balance for each miner address to maintain the minimum balance.
  • --rewards or -r: Check the Ore rewards for each address.
  • --claim or -c: Automate claiming Ore rewards for configured wallets.
  • --ore-balance or -o: Check the Ore balance for each address.
  • --start-miners or -m: Start multiple screens for Ore mining sessions.
  • --pubkeys: Fetch the public keys for each address and export to addr_list.txt.
  • --upgrade: Upgrade ORE token from V1 to V2 in batch.
  • --stakes: Stake the ORE token in batch.
  • --collect-sol or -cs: Collect the SOL balance for each address.
  • --help or -h: Display usage information.


  • ore-wizard --setup: Initialize and configure wallets and mining scripts.
  • ore-wizard -s: Checks the SOL balance for addresses in addr_list.txt.


  • Modify the configuration file for default paths and settings. Install yq to make it functional.

    nano <root directory for ore-wizard>/.config.yaml


    cd <root directory for ore-wizard>
    nano .config.yaml
  • Default configuration file: The initial priority fee is set to a large value for V1 mining, you may update the priority fee to a lower value for V2 mining if required.

        root: "$HOME/ore-wizard" 
        keypair_dir: "$HOME/ore-wizard/keypairs" 
        script_dir: "$HOME/ore-wizard/scripts" 
        account_index_file: "$HOME/ore-wizard/addr_list.txt" 
        primary_keypair: "$HOME/.config/solana/id.json"
        default_url: "" # For regular use. e.g. checking balance, checking rewards, etc.
        backup_urls: [""] # Placeholder for rpc switch.
        mining_url: ""
        funding_url: ""
        rewards_url: ""
        collect_url: ""
        keypair_file_prefix: "id_"
        mining_screen_prefix: "ore-"
        claim_screen_prefix: "claim-ore-"
        mining_script_prefix: "auto-ore-"
        session_count: 1
        priority_fee: 5000  # Default fee in lamports. 
        thread_count: 4
        session_count: 1 # Number of mining screen sessions per keypair.
        trigger_balance: 0.003 # SOL
        maintain_balance: 0.01  # SOL
        funding_account_keypair: "$HOME/.config/solana/id.json"
        priority_fee: 1  # Default fee in lamports.
        sleep_duration: 14400  # Seconds
        trigger_level: 0.01  # Ore
        hourly_rate: 0.001  # Ore/hour
        recipient: ""  # Empty for self-claiming to the miner accounts.
        priority_fee: 5000  # Default fee in lamports.
        reserved_gas: 0.001  # SOL
        fee_payer: ""  # Empty for self-paying.
        priority_fee: 1  # Default fee in lamports.
        recipient: ""  # ADD YOUR ADDRESS HERE.
        setup: ["--setup"]
        update_scripts: ["--update-scripts", "-u"]
        check_sol_balance: ["--sol-balance", "-s"]
        fund_sol: ["--fund-sol", "-f"]
        check_rewards: ["--rewards", "-r"]
        claim_rewards: ["--claim", "-c"]
        check_ore_balance: ["--ore-balance", "-o"]
        start_miners: ["--start-miners", "-m"]
        fetch_pubkeys: ["--pubkeys", "-p"]
        collect_sol: ["--collect-sol", "-cs"]
        help: ["--help", "-h"]
        # V2 Commands
        upgrade: ["--upgrade"]
        stake: ["--stake"]
    version: "2.0.0 (beta)"



  • Transfer a small amount of Ore to the problematic address, or
  • Run spl-token create-account oreoN2tQbHXVaZsr3pf66A48miqcBXCDJozganhEJgz for the address and try again. Set the correct keypair with solana config set --keypair <path_to_keypair> before running the above command.

addr_list.txt not found:

  • Run ore-wizard --pubkeys to generate the address list file.


ORE CLI management tool







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