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kmarkley edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Mac Disks

This plugin uses shell commands (diskutil and df) to determine if volumes are mounted on the machine running Indigo Server and obtain some statistics about them. Volumes may be mounted or unmounted by turning the associated Indigo device on or off.

Plugin Configuration

  • Update Frequency
    How often to check whether disks have been mounted or unmounted.

  • Touch Disk Frequency
    For disks that have been configured to prevent sleep, this determines how often to touch a hidden file.

  • Reset Identifier Frequency
    For Local Disks, the logical attchment point (e.g. disk1s2) can occaisionally change between mounts. This setting determines how often to confirm/reset the prior value.

  • Enable Debugging
    If checked, extensive debug information will be written to the log.

Device Configuration

Local Disk

  • Volume Name
    The name of the disk as it appears in the Finder.

  • Prevent Disk Sleep
    Check to periodically touch a hidden file on the disk, thus preventing it from sleeping.

  • Force Unmount
    Use the forced version of the unmount command. This will unmount the disk even if there are open files.

Network Disk

  • Volume Name
    The name of the disk as it appears in the Finder.

  • Volume URL
    The full URL used to connect to the network share. Embed 'username:password@' for shares that require authentication. Supported formats are smb, nfs, afp, ftp, and webdav.

  • Prevent Disk Sleep
    Check to periodically touch a hidden file on the disk, thus preventing it from sleeping.

  • Force Unmount
    Use the forced version of the unmount command. This will unmount the disk even if there are open files.

Device States

  • Total Size
    Size of the disk as a string.

  • Total Megabytes
    Size of the disk as an integer in megabytes.

  • Used Size
    Used space on the disk as a string.

  • Used Megabytes
    Used space on the disk as an integer in megabytes.

  • Free Size
    Free space on the disk as a string.

  • Free Megabytes
    Free space on the disk as an integer in megabytes.

  • Percent Used
    Used space on the disk as a percent ot total.

  • Percent Free
    Free space on the disk as a percent ot total.

  • Identifier
    The identifier of the disk as it appaers in the first column of the df command.

  • Disk Type
    The type of disk.

  • Last Touch
    Timestamp of the last time the disk was touched to prevent sleep.

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