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Releases: jdbcode/LandsatLinkr


26 Apr 18:42
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0.5.0-beta Pre-release

This release includes a number changes. Most importantly it fixes a problem with building extents of image subsets in the msswarp function. The issue is tied to the R raster library version. Something in the raster::extent function has changed between raster version 2.5-8 and 2.6-7. The LLR code with swapping the order of min and max y coordinates, but older versions of raster::extent was dealing with this by first sorting the inputs by ascending order - for some methods of raster::extent, it is no longer doing this, which was throwing an error. The problem in the msswarp function is now fixed. msswarp is also improved by trying to find image-to-image tie points at three different window sizes, where previously it only used 1. This update is also more intelligent about knowing when to use 2 cores for parallel processing by checking on the available system memory. Also, there is now better handling of incorrect processing directory selection - the program tries to figure out if you've provided a valid processing directory and returns messages about possible problems with the selection. Changed how messages are printed in the LLR interface.


12 Mar 23:20
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0.4.3-beta Pre-release

This version includes better error handling and messaging for image archive input errors. It also now uses a series of bitwise & operators to construct a mask from the Fmask band, instead of digital numbers.


26 Jun 18:11
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0.4.2-beta Pre-release

Previously you needed to have at least two years of intersection between OLI and ETM+ for OLI to be harmonized to ETM+, now you only need one year. However, it is recommended that you included as many years of overlap between ETM+ and OLI as possible for better harmonization.


13 Jun 21:38
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0.4.1-beta Pre-release

Add ability to process the new Landsat Collection 1 surface reflectance imagery for Landsat 5, 7, and 8. It will still process pre-collection 1 data, but it is probably not a good idea to mix them.


17 Aug 20:35
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0.4.0-beta Pre-release

This version is mostly housekeeping. It removes a bunch of loose-end functions and reduces the package dependency list. There are a couple of bug fixes too. The most notable is that previously, during OLI calibration to ETM+, if there was not a coincident instance of a year between OLI and ETM+, then for that year no OLI-to-ETM+ calibrated image would be created. This has been fixed. There is also now a function map to make altering forks easier. Please let me know if you hit any bugs!


04 Aug 18:49
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0.3.6-beta Pre-release

This version fixes a bug related to defining a day-of-year range to include in annual image compositing and how to deal with labeling the files if the date range crosses the year divide. A variable involved in these matters was not being defined by default, so in some cases an undefined parameter was passed to the mixel compositing function causing it to throw an error.


26 Jul 18:22
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0.3.5-beta Pre-release

This release fixes a bug that occurs when compositing images across the year divide where there are no image dates from the first year in an annual set (no 2009 dates in the 2009-2010 set, for example) - it would not create a composite in this case. It also adds the ability to define how to label the annual composites when crossing the year divide - either pre- or post- divide year. Previously, it was hardwired to label with the pre-divide year.


07 Jul 16:51
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0.3.4-beta Pre-release

This version hopefully fixes a bug in the mixel compositing procedure where a temporary file is inadvertently deleted before the program is finished using it. This version reloads the file from its "permanent" location instead of the temporary R raster package location. Please email me if you get an error similar to the following when running the compositing step after loading this version of the code:

[1] "...calculating mean pixel-level offset"
[1] "...adjusting images by mean pixel-level offset:"
[1] "......2013_project1_tca_composite.bsq"
[1] "......2014_project1_tca_composite.bsq"
Error in file(fn, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In create2GDAL(dataset = dataset, drivername = drivername, type = type,  :
  mvFlag=NA unsuitable for type Byte
2: In file(fn, "rb") :
  cannot open file 'C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpymihj4\raster\r_tmp_2016-07-07_011312_7288_93312.gri': No such file or directory


06 Jul 18:33
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0.3.3-beta Pre-release

This version adds two parameters to the compositing step that control the range of dates to include in annual composites. When asked by the run_landsatlinkr() function, you must supply a start day-of-year and end day-of-year. This allows for finer control over what dates are included in composites and allows users working in the southern hemisphere to make composites that bridge the year divide in their growing season. For more information on defining these parameters please see the Define a range of dates to include in your composites section of the user guide.


21 Apr 20:53
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0.3.2-beta Pre-release

This version fixes a bug in file extension swapping, where if the characters "tif" were present in a file path before the file extension, the program would swap the first match for "bsq", which causes problems with file writing. This version also has a major overhaul to the "mixel" cloud-free annual composting function. The re-write gets rid of redundant image processing, which speeds up completion time, and it was re-organized to be more flexible to future changes in allowing different time periods to be composited.