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Small library to support data synchronisation and messages between Android and Android Wear devices with Rx interface

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Small library to support data synchronisation and messages between Android and Android Wear devices with Rx interface

It's easy to use, first install the library:

implementation 'com.jaumard:rxwearbridge:x.x.x'

Under your main build gradle you need to add this:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        //...other repo here

Basic usage

What can I do with this library ?

You can send and recieve messages, data, assets. You can listen for new capability on the wear network and send messages per capability

Foreground usage (Activity/Fragment/ViewModel...)

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val rxWearBridge = RxWearBridge(this)

    fun sendMessage() {
        rxWearBridge.sendMessage(MESSAGE_PATH, DataMap().apply{ putInt("test", 5) })
                .subscribeBy(onError = {
                    //an error occured
                }, onComplete = {
                    //message sent

    fun listenForMessage() {
        //don't forget to dispose it later
        rxWearBridge.messageSubject.subscribe {
            Log.d(TAG, "${it.path} from ${it.sourceNodeId}")

    fun listenForCapability() {
        //don't forget to dispose it later
        rxWearBridge.capabilitySubject.subscribe { (path, dataMap) ->
            Log.d(TAG, "${path} with ${dataMap}")

    fun listenForData() {
        //don't forget to dispose it later
        rxWearBridge.dataSubject.subscribe {
            Log.d(TAG, "CapabilityInfo = ${it}")

    override fun onStart() {

    override fun onStop() {

Background usage (WearableListenerService)

Pretty much similar as the foreground usage except you need to extend the RxWearBridgeListenerService class.

After that you'll have access to rxWearBridge property that'll allow you to listen for (or send/sync) new messages/data/capability

class MyWearableListenerService : RxWearBridgeListenerService() {
    fun listenForMessage() {
        //don't forget to dispose it later
        rxWearBridge.messageSubject.subscribe {
            Log.d(TAG, "${it.path} from ${it.sourceNodeId}")

    fun listenForCapability() {
        //don't forget to dispose it later
        rxWearBridge.capabilitySubject.subscribe { (path, dataMap) ->
            Log.d(TAG, "${path} with ${dataMap}")

    fun listenForData() {
        //don't forget to dispose it later
        rxWearBridge.dataSubject.subscribe {
            Log.d(TAG, "CapabilityInfo = ${it}")

Don't forget to specify your service on you manifest with correct filter info to recieve data from wear device


RxWearBridge::messageSubject -> PublishSuject<MessageEvent> will give you all recieved messages

RxWearBridge::dataSubject -> PublishSuject<Pair<String, DataMap>> will give you all recieved data, as path and data

RxWearBridge::capabilitySubject -> PublishSuject<CapabilityInfo> will give you all recieved capability

RxWearBridge::bindCapability(vararg capabilities: String) allow you to listen for capabilities by String, response will arrived on capabilitySubject

RxWearBridge::unbindCapability(vararg capabilities: String) allow you to remove the listener for capabilities by String

RxWearBridge::bindCapability(vararg data: Pair<Uri, Int>) allow you to listen for capabilities by Uri and filter, response will arrived on capabilitySubject

RxWearBridge::bind() allow you to bind data and message reception

RxWearBridge::unbind() allow you to unbind data and message reception

RxWearBridge::sendMessage(path: String, dataMap: DataMap = DataMap(), capability: String? = null): Completable allow you to send a message with data to connected device, with the possibility to filter by capability

RxWearBridge::syncData(path: String, dataMap: DataMap): Single<DataItem> allow you to sync data with connected devices, and return you the updated data

RxWearBridge::getData(path: String, locally: Boolean = false): Maybe<DataMap> allow you to retrieve data from connected device

RxWearBridge::syncDataArray(path: String, dataMaps: ArrayList<DataMap>): Single<DataItem> allow you to sync an array of data with connected devices, and return you the updated data

RxWearBridge::getDataArray(path: String, locally: Boolean = false): Single<List<DataMap>> allow you to retrieve an array of data from connected devices or locally

RxWearBridge::getAllData(path: String? = null): Single<List<DataMap>> allow you to retrieve all data from connected devices or specific one by putting his path

RxWearBridge::syncBitmap(path: String, assetName: String, bitmap: Bitmap): Single<DataItem> allow you to sync a bitmap with connected devices, and return you the updated data

RxWearBridge::getBitmap(path: String, assetName: String): Maybe<Bitmap> allow you to retrieve a bitmap from connected device


This library come with a small example app, feel free to check it to see all the above cases.


To bintray

./gradlew clean bintrayUpload


./gradlew clean deployDebugLocally




Small library to support data synchronisation and messages between Android and Android Wear devices with Rx interface






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