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Tags: iNamik/go_lexer



Toggle v0.9.0-beta.1's commit message
Fixes small Syntax error


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
Added internal support for an auto-expanding buffered reader, allowin…

…g for truly infinite lookahead. Changed lexer.New() to default to auto-expanding. Added contructor NewSize(), which replaces previous New(), accepting a readerBufLen parameter. Also added additional constructors NewFromString() and NewFromBytes() which allow you to deal with fixed-length input. Added Match*Func() functions which take a call-back function to validate the runes. Added MatchMinxMax*() functions to allow control over the number of runes that match. Modified word_count example to use NewSize(), and to deal with words longer than readBufferLen. Moved internal function runesContainRune() into external function go_pkg/runes.IndexRune()