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Animate is an interpreter written in Python which reads commands from an Excel file and some bitmap images and composes an animation with these commands. It can make simple animations, but also much more complex ones. No Python knowledge is needed to use the library. An overview of what animate can do can be found in the overview of examples.



  • it can smoothly modify location, rotation, scale and opacity of many images in parallel
  • the transitions can be independent of each other
  • since Animate uses a spreadsheet to define the animation, all parameters can be driven by calculated relations in the spreadsheet
  • the Z-order of images can be modified on the fly
  • it can use nested scripts to generate a composed image that can be used in a script on a higher hierarchical level
  • frames can be combined to produce an animated GIF or a movie

Animate heavily relies on open source software such as Python, the Python Imaging Library (PIL) and Pandas. Many thanks to the creators of this great software. Please don't forget to donate to all these great projects.

Table of Contents

Typical workflow

An Animate project directory looks like this:

  • An spreadsheet which holds all SCRIPTs and TABLEs
  • A Python file which imports and calls Animate and refers to the spreadsheet and the main script
  • A ../Pictures subdirectory which holds all images used in the animation. The bitmaps are typically .png files with transparent background. They can for instance be created using Inkscape.
  • A ../Frames subdirectory which holds all frames generated by Animate. Does not have to be created by the user, Animate will create this directory if it does not yet exist. Can be removed to save disk space after the project is completed.

The Excel file typically contains various sheets, each containing a SCRIPT, TABLE, ASSEMBLY or CANVAS. One SCRIPT is the main script that is reffered to in the Python file.

The Python file typically contains just two lines of code:

from Animate import Animate
Animate.Model('Simulation.xlsx', 'Main')

The two parameters refer to the Excel file and the name of the sheet that contains the main script.


The following libraries must be installed:

python ≥v3.0
animate pip install py-animate
pandas pip install pandas
pillow pip install Pillow


  • if you are using a package installer such as Anaconda, pandas and pillow may already be installed
  • ffmpeg is only needed if video files need to be created
  • ffmpeg must be installed such that it is accessible from the command line (i.e. added to the PATH)

List of examples

The examples are provided for inspiration:

drawing 01-bulldozer demonstrates SCRIPT, IMAGE and XPOS
drawing 02-bulldozer-with-table produces the same result, now using the TABLE command
drawing 03-solar-system demonstrates BRINGTOFRONT and SENDTOBACK
drawing 04-rotating-text demonstrates TEXT, XPOLE and YPOLE
drawing 05-rotating-cloud demonstrates XPOLE, YPOLE, ROTATION and OPACITY
drawing 06-bulldozer-with-bucket uses an ASSEMBLY to move the bucket and the wheel of the bulldozer. YMOVE is used together with DAMPED and ACCEL to create the bouncing cloud
drawing 07-bouncing-balls demonstrates ASSEMBLY and TIMEOFFSET. All three balls are created by a single assembly. The ball is split in two to mimic the compression as it bounces on the floor. The lower half of the ball uses XSCALE and YSCALE, the upper half only XSCALE
drawing 08-two-cylinders demonstrates the MASK item and some complex arithmetic in the spreadsheet to model the bubbles speeding up in the tube
drawing 09-canvas demonstrates the CANVAS
drawing 10-car also uses a CANVAS to draw the tire tracks, and demonstrates a TABLE driving multiple SCRIPTs, driving the car and the rear tires at the same time.
drawing 11-camera demonstrates the use of an ASSEMBLY on multiple levels, one for the glass in the lower left corner, using a MASK and ROTATE
drawing 12-sewing-machine is a similar example of a sewing machine.

The SCRIPT command

A SCRIPT is a timed sequence of commands that influence properties

The columns have a predefined meaning:

Column A Contains the time at which an event takes place
Column B Contains a property or a command
Column C Contains an item name or a value
Column D Contains a value, if column C contains an item name




  • The other columns can be used for comments or for calculations (such as columns F and G in the example above)
  • If the cell in column A does not contain a number, the row is ignored by the script (such as row 1)
  • The times do not have to be ordered (such as row 15 and beyond)
  • By definition, Frame0000 corresponds to t=0 s in the main SCRIPT
  • Items do not need to be explicitly created. If the item occurs for the first time in the script, Animate automatically creates a new item. Therefore, pay attention to spell the names of the items correctly; if an item name is spelled incorrectly, a second item will be created
  • Animate asserts that every Image item has at least one image assigned. If not, an error is raised.
  • Commands, properties and item names are not case sensitive
  • All items have most properties in common

In Example 1, the SCRIPT command is demonstrated.

The TABLE command

When the TABLE command is used in a script, the name after the TABLE refers to the sheet name in which the TABLE is defined. A TABLE sheet must be formatted as follows:

Column A Specifies the time at which the event takes place The time does not have to be ordered. Animate orders the time and interpolates between the given values.
If column A does not contain a number, the row is ignored, cells can be used as comment or for internal calculations
Row 1 Specifies the name of the item that needs to be modified Items cannot be created in a TABLE. Items declared in the calling SCRIPT can be modified by a TABLE
If an item name is not declared in the SCRIPT that calls the table, it will be ignored by that script.
Note that the same table can also be called by another script, in which the item can be declared
Row 2 Specifies the property of the item that needs to be modified
Cells Specifies the value for the property of the item at the given time Not every cell in a time/item combination has to have a value.
If a cell has no value, the transition happens smoothly between the time/value pairs that are defined


  • The TABLE allows a more compact way to describe transitions
  • A number is required in column A to distiguish the row from a comment row. However, the value of the time before the TABLE command is ignored.
  • The times in column A do not have to be ordered
  • If values for a property are missing for certain points in time, Animate will interpolate between the values that are present
  • If FIRSTFRAME and LASTFRAME are not specified, the animation will run from t=0 until the last point in time specified
  • Between time 0 and the first specified value, the property will be constant until the first specified value
  • Same for the last specified value until the end of the animation
  • A script can call more than one table.
  • More than one script can call the same table. If the table controls an item that is not in the calling script, the item is ignored

In Example 2, the TABLE command is demonstrated.

Types of items

The following types of items are defined:

IMAGE retrieves an bitmap from disk and makes it part of the animation
TEXT displays text
ASSEMBLY an item that is dynamically made up of other items
CANVAS similar to an ASSEMBLY, but not erased between subsequent frames
MASK used to hide or reveil certain parts of the items below the mask

The IMAGE item

The IMAGE command loads an image from file and links it to an item with a unique name.

The example below creates an item called Glass, and loads different images at 4 and 5 seconds. The image loaded at t = 3s will already be loaded as the script starts.

Example 1 demonstrates the IMAGE item.

The TEXT item

The TEXT command declares a TEXT item and immediately assigns a text value to it. The text value can be changed ad different moments in time.

In Example 4, the TEXT item is demonstrated.


The main script can call an ASSEMBLY, which is in fact another script which can be used as an item. Multiple levels can be cascaded. The main script can display a single ASSEMBLY multiple times, for example with different scaling, position, rotation or mask.

In the following example, the bulldozer from example 1 is animated. This time, the bulldozer is not a static image, but the wheel and the bucket of the bulldozer can move.

Example 6 demonstrates the ASSEMBLY item.

The CANVAS item

A CANVAS is like an ASSEMBLY; the difference is that the image is not erased in between frames. A CANVAS can be useful as a drawing board, to draw text or a graph.

Example 9 demonstrates the CANVAS item.


It is possible to work with multiple instances of an ASSEMBLY or CANVAS, while giving each instance a different offset in time.

For each instance, it is possible to call the TIMEOFFSET to specify that the instance must start at a different moment in time.

The offset given can both be:

  • positive: the instance starts later than the calling script, or
  • negative: the instance starts earlier

As a simple reminder: if a TIMEOFFSET of +3 seconds is specified, the called ASSEMBLY or CANVAS starts at 3 sec.

To let the item start later than the calling script, the offset is subtracted from the time in the calling script. In the example below, the called script starts 3 seconds later than the calling script:

0 sec -3 sec
1 sec -2 sec
2 sec -1 sec
3 sec 0 sec
4 sec 1 sec
5 sec 2 sec

This demonstrates that negative times in the called ASSEMBLY or CANVAS can occur. It is possible to also provide negative times in the called scripts to define the behaviour for negative values of the time.

Example 7, demonstrates the TIMEOFFSET command.

The MASK item

A MASK is used to reveil some parts of the underlying stack, or conceil others.

The MASK accepts a filename as an argument. It works in the following way:

  • At the white parts of this mask, the parts of the underlying picture will be revealed
  • At the black parts of this mask, the parts of the underlying picture will become transparent
  • The grey parts will partly reveal the underlying picture.

At different moments in time, a different bitmap can be loaded as MASK.

Example 8 demonstrates the MASK item.

Commands and properties

Global commands

The following commands are only relevant for the main script. These commands are ignored for other scripts:

FRAMESPERSECOND Sets the number of frames per second of the animation. This is the ratio between the frame number and the time in the simulation.
FIRSTFRAME This is a property for debug purposes. If the total script takes very long to process, only a subset of the frames can be re-rendered. The value following the FIRSTFRAME command references the actual frame number, not the time to which the frame corresponds.
LASTFRAME Similar to FIRSTFRAME to determine the last frame in the scene that is processed.
SHOWTIME This property is also for debug purposes. Displays the time in the lower left corner of the frames
HIDETIME Hides the time in the lower left corner of the frames
ANIMATEDGIF Creates an animated GIF of the frames that were created, with a filename followed by the ANIMATEDGIF command
MOVIE Creates an mpeg movie of the frames that were created, with a filename followed by the MOVIE command (see remarks below)


  • For these global commands, a number must be present in column A to prevent the row is ignored, but the value of this number is ignored
  • For short animations, ANUMATEDGIF is conventient.
  • If the animation is larger, the GIF file will become very large, and MOVIE is more suitable
  • The AnimatedGIF command stores the rendered images in memory and then creates the GIF at the end. This can require much memory. Only the frames between FIRSTFRAME and LASTFRAME end up in the animated GIF
  • The Movie command uses the frames in the ../Frames directory. Therefore, all rendered frames are used. If going from a high to a low FRAMERATE, ensure to remove the frames that are no longer needed from the ../Frames directory before creating the movie
  • If you plan to create a movie, consider to choose a standard movie format, such as 720x576 (PAL) 1280×720 (HD720p) or 1920×1080 (HD1080p), to ensure the output is compatible with standard movie players.
  • The MOVIE command uses ffmpeg, but there seems to be an issue. Creating an .mp4 file seems to work best, but the result cannot always be played by standard Windows Media Player. As a workaround, try opening the movie in VLC and save it as another .mp4 file using the menu option Media > Convert / Save
  • After the Movie or AnimatedGIF has been created, the ../Frames directory can be removed to save disk space

Time in Animate

  • In Animate, time is specified in seconds
  • By definition, the animation starts at 0 seconds and frame 0 corresponds to t=0 s
  • The FRAMERATE command defines the ratio between frames and seconds
  • Rendered frames are stored in the ../Frames subdirectory. If this directory does not exist, it will be created by Animate
  • By default, the last event in all script is used to determine how long the animation takes
  • If a shorter animation is desired, the LASTFRAME command can be used to define the duration. Note that this is a frame number and not a time in seconds


  • For debugging purposes, the FIRSTFRAME and LASTFRAME commands can be used to render a subset of the frames
  • Also for debugging purposes, it can be helpful to temporatily use a lower FRAMERATE to test if the animation works well
  • With a bitmap viewer such as IrfanView, it is easy to browse though the ../Frames directory, to check which frames need to be re-rendered. These frames can already be inspected while the rendering of the remaining frames is still running.
  • It is also possible to use SHOWTIME to display the time in each frame
  • To temporarily disable a row, it can be useful to type a text instead of a number in column A

Properties specific to SCRIPT, ASSEMBLY and CANVAS

WIDTH Sets the width of the output frames, measured in pixels
HEIGHT Sets the height of the output frames
SCRIPT Calls a SCRIPT in another worksheet
TABLE Calls a TABLE in another worksheet
ASSEMBLY Creates an ASSEMBLY item and calls the worksheet where it is defined. The worksheet that is referred to must be formatted as a SCRIPT
CANVAS Creates a CANVAS item and calls the worksheet where it is defined. The worksheet that is referred to must be formatted as a SCRIPT
TIMEOFFSET Applies only to ASSEMBLY and CANVAS. Determines the time difference between the time base of the calling script and the called script. This is useful if the ASSEMBLY or CANVAS are called more than once with different instances. This way, not all instances need to start at the same moment, but the same SCRIPT or TABLE can be used to define each instance.


  • Commands and properties are not case sensitive

Properties common to all items

All items have the following properties in common:

XPOS The horizontal position on which the item is positioned.
The position corresponds to the position of the image as if the rotation of the image is zero and the scale is 100% in horizontal and vertical direction.
Note that the origin of the coordinate system is the top left corner of the image, if XPOS=0, the left side of the item will be aligned to the left side of the output stream.
YPOS The vertical position on which the item is positioned.
Note that the origin of the coordinate system is the top left corner of the image, if YPOS=0, the top of the item will be aligned to the top of the output stream.
ROTATION The rotation of the item in degrees.
Positive angles are counterclockwise.
Angles can be less than 0° or more than 360° to support multiple revolutions.
Rotation and scaling is explained in more detail in this paragraph
XSCALE The scale of the item in horizontal direction. A value of 1 means that the scale is not changed.
See also the paragraph on the pole
YSCALE The scale of the item in vertical direction.
See also the paragraph on the pole
XPOLE The pole around which the item is rotated and scaled
YPOLE The pole around which the item is rotated and scaled
OPACITY Determines the transparency of the item. A value of 0 means the item is invisible, a value of 1 means the item is opaque
BRINGTOFRONT Changes the Z-order of the item list, bringing this item on top of the others. This property does not need a value. See BRINGTOFRONT and SENDTOBACK
SENDTOBACK Changes the Z-order of the item list, sending this item to the bottom of the list. See BRINGTOFRONT and SENDTOBACK
TEXTCOLOR Specific for text items: the color for the font of the text
FONT Specific for text items: the font for the text

Coordinate system

Animate uses the same coordinate system conventions as bitmaps:

  • the origin is in the upper left corner
  • positive X-axis is to the right
  • positive Y-axis is down

Scaling, rotating and the pole

When scaling and rotating an item, the default pole of scaling and rotating is the origin of the item (=upper left corner). The XPOLE and YPOLE commands can be used to change the coordinates of the pole of rotation and scaling. The coordinates provided with XPOLE and YPOLE are relative to origin of the item.


In Example 4, the TEXT, XPOLE and YPOLE commands are demonstrated.

Example 5 demonstrates rotation of the cloud in the original bulldozer animation.

Speed modifiers

Transitions for XPOS, YPOS, ROTATION, XSCALE, YSCALE and OPACITY can be made smoother by using their respective speed modifiers:

XMOVE The velocity profile of the movements in horizontal direction. Possible values are explained below
YMOVE The velocity profile of the movements in vertical direction
RMOVE The velocity profile of rotation
SXMOVE The velocity profile of scaling in horizontal direction
SYMOVE The velocity profile of scaling in vertical direction
OMOVE The velocity profile for changing opacity

The position, scaling, orientation and opacity modifiers can have the following values:

LINEAR the property changes proportional to time
CYCLOID the property changes with a smooth start and finish
SPRING the property moves to the other value with some dynamic overshoot
CLICK the property moves with overshoot at the beginning and at the end
ACCEL the property accelerates from low speed to high speed
DAMPED the property starts fast and then decelerates
SUDDEN the property suddenly moves at the end of the interval

The different values can be depicted as follows:


  • The default setting for all move modifiers is LINEAR
  • SUDDEN can be useful when switching OPACITY


Items are ordered in a certain Z-order, meaning some items are placed in front of other items. An item can be put in front of all other items using BRINGTOFRONT, and placed at the back using SENDTOBACK.


  • This changes the order of items within a SCRIPT, ASSEMBLY or CANVAS.
  • The ASSEMBLY or CANVAS can also be placed in front of or behind other items in the script in which they are defined.

In Example 3, the BRINGTOFRONT and SENDTOBACK are demonstrated.

Known issues

  • .xlsx not yet supported, only .xls
  • if OPACITY is less than 100% or a MASK is not white or black, or an IMAGE has partial transparency, a red shade may occur. This is probably something in Pillow
  • MOVIE is not always working well. .mp4 seems to work better than .mpeg, but in both cases the result does not seem to be reliable. VLC media player can be used to convert a buggy .mp4 into one that is accepted by other viewers such as Microsoft Powerpoint. An issue is posted at ffmpeg-python
  • MOVIE and ANIMATEDGIF do not support the FRAMERATE
  • Font support is not system independent
  • The ffmpeg library does seem to have some bugs. It produces video, but the video cannot always be displayed on all devices or it may look suboptimal. Use VLC player to convert the video to something else that does not have these flaws.

To do for future versions

  • More options for AnimatedGIF and Movie
  • Consider another spreadsheet library (such as Pandas) to allow support of open document spreadsheets too
  • Allow for negative scaling
  • Solve why opacity turns red
  • Let the user choose between 'fast' or 'pretty'
  • Gather all scaling, translation and rotation transformations in one transformation to make it faster
  • Make a robust Init procedure for the font directory. Use try .. except statements to check in which folder the fonts are located and which fonts are available.
  • Default Zorder should be in the order in which the items are created
  • Zorder as DiscreteProperty
  • Zorder, while time[index] < time
  • Remember images in different phases, create the possibility to turn it off if too memory intensive
  • Parse commands can be easier if commands are grouped in a few groups
  • Opacity interpolates only linear. Benificial to add other options?
  • Make Animate run with SVG elements instead of PNGs


2D Animations, creating Animated GIFs or movies







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