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For Developers

Nick Glorioso edited this page Apr 26, 2017 · 9 revisions

Getting started

We use the Maven build system. We are using version 3. Download Maven

We test with OpenJDK 7 and 8, so those are currently recommended. Do whatever your system requires to use one of those JDKs.

Build the library:

$ cd error-prone
$ mvn package

You'll also need to configure your IDE to build with a supported JDK.

A Maven plugin for your IDE should setup the project very conveniently, and a git plugin can simplify source code management. The core developers use IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

It's very useful and recommended to locate the sources for your JDK and attach them in the IDE, so you can navigate into the javac libraries when needed.

We generally follow the Sun style guide, and limit lines to 100 cols.

Write a checker

Let's say you want to write a checker and contribute it to the project. Here are the steps you should follow.

Set up your work environment

Follow the Getting Started steps above. Then create a branch in which to do your work.

You should also add the check to the Issue Tracker (if it is not already there), comment that you are taking the issue over, and change the status from "New" to "Accepted".

IDE Configuration


We recommend installing the m2e-apt plugin and enabling preferences > maven > annotation processing so AutoValue is run automatically.


We provide an intellij code style that conforms to Google Java Style:

To install it, copy GoogleStyle.xml to your intellij configuration directory (e.g. ~/.IntelliJIdea14/config/codestyles/ for intellij 14 on linux, or ~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC14/codestyles/ for intellij 14 on mac). Then select 'Google Style' in Settings > Editor > Code Style.

Write your checker

Checkers are in the package You can follow the tutorial on writing a check here. Don't forget to write tests!

Request a code review

A member of error-prone team needs to review your code and merge it into the mainline project. We use github for code reviews.