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Tags: gjorgiev/platform



Toggle v3.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Ushahidi v3.1


New Features

**Activity view**
The new activity view keeps track of recent changes and trends on your deployment.

**Notifications on collections and saved searches**
You can now set up email or SMS notifications for new posts added to collections or matching saved searches.

**Prompts to configure a new deployment**
New deployments now prompt you to configure the deployment on your first login.

**Dropped support for PHP 5.4**
PHP 5.4 recently reached end-of-life. We've dropped support for PHP 5.4 so we can keep improving our codebase and using other libraries in the PHP ecosystem.

Other Improvements

- Removed username's and moved to using emails instead
- Caching layer to the client speed things up
- Improved UX on list view
- Cleaner data sources settings to make it clear what needs to be configured before enabling a data source
- New alert and confirmation dialogs
- Better client start up. Load setting before we render everything
- Show "There are no posts yet" on new sites
- Added API to fetch all stages and attributes
- Rate limiting for login attempts to prevent brute force attacks
- Added configurable quotas for posts, post type and admins
- API: Better error reporting for validation issues
- Added config get/set console commands
- Added default post type on new deployments
- CLI task to create admin user for a deployment
- Added required indicator asterisks to set required fields
- Load site name into page title
- Improved iconpicker and added to category picker
- Ability to upload files to CDN, instead of local filesystem
- Make sure maps use map settings consistently
- Drop support for PHP 5.4
- Remove defunct kohana models
- Remove stats and posts/export APIs
- Remove old Kohana authentication modules
- Add multisite db switching (for powering
- Default to MySQLi connection if DB_TYPE not set
- Updated vagrant setup to work with Puppet 4+

Bug Fixes

- Fixed headings on saved search and collection settings
- Fixed error handling when uploading a banner image
- Various fixes to charting views
- Fixed bugs in email, twitter and SMSSync data providers
- Lots of other smaller fixes


Toggle v3.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0 (2015-08-19)

This is just the change log since the previous beta, for full list of new features since v2 check our launch blog posts.

New Features

- Password reset function for when you forget your password (boring but super important)
- Language switching
- Custom background images for your deployment


- Updated and cleaned up styling
- Add option to configuring client through config.js
- Fix searching for a location
- Hiding incomplete parts of the UI
- Hide extra non-filter parameters from filter list (ie. current collection, charting params)
- Fix filtering by multiple collections
- Twitter data source now manages its own rate limits
- Bumped API to version 3
- Tidy up category and user editors
- Avoid accidentally resetting post status filter when applying other platform
- Fix reordering steps in the post type settings
- Toggle compact / full header depending on where we are in the UI
- Add sticky-sidebar on create post page: so you can always find the save button
- Use compressed CSS by default
- Hide Admin settings from normal user
- Switch UI language and text direction based on site language setting
- New date picker
- Close main menu when you click a link
- Fix add to collection buttons
- Hide map on post pages if we don't have a location
- Return newest posts first

Known Issues
- Current step filter doesn't always correctly reflect the priority of stages

Coming up next
- Notifications
- Caching and performance improvements in the client
- CSV imports through the UI
- About pages for your deployment
- Replying to SMS and other messages


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.22's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.22 (2015-08-06)


New Features

- Create and edit your own saved searches
- Create and edit your own collections
- Now showing a list of currently active filters on all post views
- Import posts from a CSV - currently only from a command line but the web UI is coming soon!


- Better page loads: show a loading screen and hide unrendered templates
- Create "structure" step on all new post types
- Post type default values get used in the post create form
- Fixes to location editor: search on enter, properly check if required locations are set, add clear button.
- Fix date pickers for post listing (styling is still bad though)
- Update pattern library markup: lots of improved styling
- Fixes to collections and saved search api's
- Fix permission errors creating anonymous posts

Coming up next
- CSV Import web UI
- Forgotten password retrieval (boring but super important)
- Language switching
- Custom background images for your deployment


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.21's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.21 (2015-07-23)

New Features

- View Collections and Saved Searches.
- Add posts to collections
- Turn "unstructured" posts (ie. incoming SMS) into fully fledged posts
- Twitter support (prototype). You can now configure a twitter data source and pull in message based on a hashtag or other search terms
- Use "related post" field to add links between different posts. ie. linking an incident post to a hospital post
- Added filters for posts status and stage. You can use these to find posts in the various stages of their workflow.


- Showing a posts "Current step" in listings
- Updated user profile editor
- Cleaned up and fixed timeline view
- Better authentication handling: only redirect to login when we really need to.
- Fix bugs receiving SMS messages
- Add filters for current step, and post status
- Optionally collection name and email address on posts from non-logged in users

Coming up next
- Create your own saved searches and collections of posts. Finally we won't be stuck with just the defaults!


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.20's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.20 (2015-07-02)


New Features

- Posts are now shown split into steps when creating and editing a post. These steps define the workflow of a post.
  You can move back and forward between steps, and mark each step as complete.

- Data sources such as SMS can now be configured through Settings.


- Cleaner configuration of dev environments using .env file
- Fast client development builds
- Minor fixes to data providers and posts APIs

Coming up next
- Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.19's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.19 (2015-06-18)


New Features

- Manage post types through the settings UI.

  Add, edit and remove post types. Create a post type, add steps, add fields.. build out your data collection requirements as you need.


- Lots of fixes to styling, particularly on forms
- Add a new modal directive - already put to use in the Post Type settings
- Rebuilt the API for fetching and querying the posts in a collection
- Split the sets API into collection and saved searches API's
- Tidy up the readme on the frontend and API
- Update Vagrant install scripts for a simpler mysql setup
- Clean up the DB schema: remove unused tasks table, add default roles, add a foreign key on roles in the users table.

Coming up next
- Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts
- Show post steps when creating and editing a post. Mark steps as complete.


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.18's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.18 (2015-06-04)


New Features

- Using Platform Pattern Library styles in the client.

  We've replaced Twitter Bootstrap styling with Ushahidi Platform's new design system as seen here: This was a major blocker to continuing with new components of the UI. In particular it lets us get on with building the post type editor and the collection and saved search views.


- Better validation and error messages on forms in the client
- Fix map loading when clustering is enabled
- Replace markdown rendering with newer library

Coming up next
- Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts
- Adding an editor for post types so you can modify the information collected when creating a post


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.17's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.17 (2015-05-14)


New Features

- Updates to timeline and graph views:
  - Use created time, updated time, or a custom time field as the time variable on timeline
  - 'Post count by category' graphs only show a single level of categories by default
  - Filters now apply to graph and timeline views too
  - Fixed missing values in timelines. Timeline should should show accurate post counts now
  - Get post counts grouped by custom fields values
- Set an audience when you publish a post. Each post can be published to everyone, or just to specific roles
- New users can register through the web client, rather than being added by an admin
- Post list now allows you to bulk delete posts, and go direct to editing a post
- New messages auto create an "unstructured" post. Unstructured posts will appear in the posts list. In future admins will be able assign unstructured posts a type, complete required stages and finally publish a post


- Frontend: Fixed issues with anonymous access and logging out of the client
- Frontend: Page titles update with the current page, and site name.
- Frontend: Site name is now used in the site header
- Frontend: Fixed and updated map settings and moved to the tools section
- Frontend: Added JSCS style to enforce consistent code style in the client codebase
- Frontend: Removed broken workspace sections
- Frontend: Removed old translations and set up transifex to auto update with the [latest source strings](
- Frontend: Updated site settings and removed incomplete tools
- Frontend: Collections and Saved Searches are now shown in the menu. However viewing the posts in each collection or saved search is still a work in progress.
- API: Create default saved searches on new deployments
- API: PHP 5.6 support
- API: Renaming form groups to form stages in the API
- API: Fix various permissions issues in the API

Coming up next
- Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts
- Replacing Twitter Bootstrap styling with the final [pattern library]( styles
- Adding an editor for post types so you can modify the information collected when creating a post


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.16's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.16 (2015-03-26)


New Features

NOTE: Items marked with (f) are frontend changes. Items marked with (b) are backend changes.

- (f) Graph and timeline views - a barchart or timeline view of posts count grouped by category, type or status
- (b) Post stats API - ability to get counts of posts by tag, type, status or other custom fields


- (f) Support for building the client with NodeJS 0.12 or io.js
- (f) Smaller frontend JS build size

Coming up next
- Adding an editor for post types - so you can modify the information collected when creating a post
- Accepting incoming SMS and including the posts lists
- Starting work on collection and saved searches


Toggle v3.0.0-beta.15's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rjmackay Robbie Mackay
Release v3.0.0-beta.15 (2015-03-12)


New Features

NOTE: Items marked with (f) are frontend changes. Items marked with (b) are backend changes.

- (f) List and map views can now be filtered by category, date, type, keyword and location
- (f) Added a publish button during post creation and editing
- (f) Added a right-to-left layout switcher to the menu for testing


- (b+f) Fix bugs with creating new posts
- Added a 'Deploy on heroku' button in the readme
- (b) Improved permissions checking in the posts API

Coming up next
- Adding an editor for post types - so you can modify the information collected when creating a post
- Accepting incoming SMS and including the posts lists
- Starting work on visualizing post statistics (post count over type, by category, etc)
- Starting work on Sets: collections of posts you can use to power your workflows