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🏗 Welcome to your new SDK! 🏗

It has been generated successfully based on your OpenAPI spec. However, it is not yet ready for production use. Here are some next steps:


Formance Stack API: Open, modular foundation for unique payments flows


This API is documented in OpenAPI format.


Formance Stack offers one forms of authentication:

  • OAuth2 OAuth2 - an open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications.

Table of Contents

SDK Installation

Getting started

JDK 11 or later is required.

The samples below show how a published SDK artifact is used:


implementation 'com.formance:formance-sdk:3.1.0'



How to build

After cloning the git repository to your file system you can build the SDK artifact from source to the build directory by running ./gradlew build on *nix systems or gradlew.bat on Windows systems.

If you wish to build from source and publish the SDK artifact to your local Maven repository (on your filesystem) then use the following command (after cloning the git repo locally):

On *nix:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -Pskip.signing

On Windows:

gradlew.bat publishToMavenLocal -Pskip.signing

SDK Example Usage



import com.formance.formance_sdk.SDK;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.operations.GetVersionsResponse;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            SDK sdk = SDK.builder()

            GetVersionsResponse res = sdk.getVersions()

            if (res.getVersionsResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;


Available Resources and Operations

Available methods

Server Selection

Select Server by Index

You can override the default server globally by passing a server index to the serverIndex builder method when initializing the SDK client instance. The selected server will then be used as the default on the operations that use it. This table lists the indexes associated with the available servers:

# Server Variables
0 http://localhost None



import com.formance.formance_sdk.SDK;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.operations.GetVersionsResponse;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            SDK sdk = SDK.builder()

            GetVersionsResponse res = sdk.getVersions()

            if (res.getVersionsResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;


Override Server URL Per-Client

The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the serverURL builder method when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:


import com.formance.formance_sdk.SDK;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.operations.GetVersionsResponse;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            SDK sdk = SDK.builder()

            GetVersionsResponse res = sdk.getVersions()

            if (res.getVersionsResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;


Error Handling

Handling errors in this SDK should largely match your expectations. All operations return a response object or raise an error. If Error objects are specified in your OpenAPI Spec, the SDK will throw the appropriate Exception type.

Error Object Status Code Content Type
models/errors/ErrorResponse default application/json
models/errors/SDKError 4xx-5xx */*



import com.formance.formance_sdk.SDK;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.operations.CreateTransactionsRequest;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.operations.CreateTransactionsResponse;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Posting;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Security;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.TransactionData;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Transactions;
import java.lang.Exception;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            SDK sdk = SDK.builder()

            CreateTransactionsRequest req = CreateTransactionsRequest.builder()
                                    .amount(new BigInteger("100"))

            CreateTransactionsResponse res = sdk.ledger().v1().createTransactions()

            if (res.transactionsResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (com.formance.formance_sdk.models.errors.ErrorResponse e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;



Per-Client Security Schemes

This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:

Name Type Scheme
clientID clientSecret oauth2 OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

You can set the security parameters through the security builder method when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:


import com.formance.formance_sdk.SDK;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.operations.GetVersionsResponse;
import com.formance.formance_sdk.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            SDK sdk = SDK.builder()

            GetVersionsResponse res = sdk.getVersions()

            if (res.getVersionsResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;




This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.


While we value open-source contributions to this SDK, this library is generated programmatically. Feel free to open a PR or a Github issue as a proof of concept and we'll do our best to include it in a future release!

SDK Created by Speakeasy