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How Threading Works

  1. multithreading is managed internally by a thread scheduler
  2. .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) delegates thread scheduling task to the operating systems

What happens to the shared resources of threads inside of one process/application

  1. CLR assigns each thread its own local memory stack to keep local variables separate
  2. a separate copy of local variables is created on each thread's memory stack
  3. to share variable among threads, one possible way is to use static variables

Thread Schedulers

  1. it ensures all active threads are allocated appropriate execution time

Preempted Thread

  1. is a thread that has execution interrupted, usually by an external factor such as timeslicing
  2. thread has no control over when and where it is preempted

Threads vs Tasks

  1. threads:
    • threads are the lowest-level constructs of multi-threading
    • working with threads can be challenging
    • it's a complicated process to return a value from a separate thread
      • by using Thread.join() to allow threads to wait for another thread's completion
      • as well as need some shared memory (which could potentially be changed by different threads)
  2. tasks:
    • tasks are a higher-level abstractions
    • tasks are capable of returning values
    • tasks can be chained
    • tasks may use a thread pool
    • tasks may be used for I/O bound operation

Task Chaining

  1. some times we need to do something right after a task completes, that's the scenario for task chaining
  2. Continuation: asynchronous task that is invoked by another task called an antecedent (antecedent --> continuation)
  3. by using task chaining, we can:
    • pass data from antecedent to continuation task
    • pass exceptions from antecedent to continuation task
    • precisely control how the continuation is invoked
    • can cancel a continuation, not only before it starts, but even while it's running
    • can invoke multiple continuations from the same antecedent
    • can invoke continuation based on the completion of any antecedents (you can do that when all the antecdents complete, too)

Threads vs Process

  1. processes run in parallel in the computer
  2. processes are fully isolated from each other
  3. threads run in parallel in a single process
  4. threads have a limited degree of isolation
    • they share heap memory with other threads running in the same application
    • they isolate their local memories where the local variables are stored, and cannot be accessed by other threads

Thread Pool

  1. every thread requires a certain overhead
    • a few hundred miliseconds including time spent in:
      • creating a flash local variable stack
      • spawning off the thread
    • cosumes roughly around one megabyte of memory
  2. one of major benefits of using a thread pool is to reduce the performance penalty by sharing and recycling threads
  3. thread pool only creates background threads
    • one difference from a forground thread: it will die if the main thread dies
    • to create a background thread, we simply create a new thread and set its background property to true
  4. thread pool limits the number of threads that can run simultaneously
  5. when the limit is reached, all jobs form a queue and begin only when another job finishes
  6. use Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread property to determine if execution is happening on a pool thread
  7. ways to enter a thread pool
    • Task parallel library
    • Asynchronous delegate
    • Background work
    • Call ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem

CPU bound vs I/O bound

  1. CPU bound:
    • Use resources of a local machine/CPU
    • computation-intensive operations (like calculating fibonacci value)
  2. I/O bound
    • out-of-process calls, something like call a database/API/web server
    • operations can take an indeterminant amount of time because we are waiting on something external to us.
    • we want to make a call, then release the resources, and keep a call back, which will be called when we get the results back from that call
    • for I/O bound operations, tasks can use TaskCompletionSource, which makes our lives easier.


  1. act of coordinating actions of multiple threads or tasks running concurrently
  2. necessary when running multiple threads to get predictable outcomes
  3. methods to achieve synchronization
    • blocking methods (sleep, join, Task.Wait()): stop the execution util the task/thread is completed
      • blocked threads do not consume CPU, but do consume memory
      • blocking v.s. spinning (spinning consumes the CPU)
    • locks
      • limit the number of threads
      • exclusive lock
        • allow only one thread to access a certain section piece of code
        • alternative is to use Monitor.Enter/Moniter.Exit, it's just a syntax difference, behind the scenes, it has the same implementation as locks
        • two kinds of exclusive locks
          • lock
            • nexted locks: only the parental lock does the work (but watch out for dead locks!)
          • mutex
      • nonexclusive lock
        • semaphore
        • semaphoreSlim
        • Reader/writer
        • they allow multiple threads to access a resource
    • signals
      • signaling constructs: let the threads pause utill they receive a signal from another thread
      • two methods: Event wait handles, and monitor's wait/pause methods
      • .net framework 4 also introduced CountDownEvent and Barrier classes
    • nonblocking constructs
      • Thread.MemoryBarrier
      • Thread.VolatileRead
      • Thread.VolatileWrite
      • the volatile keyboard
      • the interlock class
      • protect access to a common field.


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