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Flipper File Toolbox

Random scripts and links for generating/creating/modifying Flipper Zero data files that can be loaded onto a FlipperZero.

As this is an occasional work in Progress, these scripts are mostly "works for me" level testing, pull requests welcome.


NFC Tools

Python script to convert proxmark json dump into flipperZero NFC Save File test_dat/mf-classic-1k-23AD7C86.json > mfc1k-23AD7C86.nfc

Generates NFC with a telephone number and saves it to a flipperZero NFC "save" file.

More Info:

You must provide the phone number with area code THEN the +country-code. The final file will be called call-me.nfc and will be saved to the same directory as the python program. Rename it manually if you'd like then copy it over to your Flipper.

Example: 8185551122 +1

Note: requires ndeflib (available on pypi)

Generated files should be placed on the directory /ext/nfc on the flipperZero

Generates NFC with WiFi Tag Data and saves it to a flipperZero NFC "save" file.

More Info:

This program takes no arguments. You will be prompted for all the relevant wireless network info (see below). The final file will be called WiFi.nfc and will be saved to the same directory as the python program. Rename it manually if you'd like then copy it over to your Flipper.

You need the following wireless network information:

  • SSID
  • Authentication Type: WPA/WPA2-Personal or WPA/WPA2-Enterprise (might not work)
  • Encryption Type: AES or TKIP
  • Password
  • Radio Band: 2.4GHz or 5.0GHz


Tap your phone to the emulated tag on the Flipper Zero and your device will join the WiFi network you've encoded.

Generated file should be placed on the directory /ext/nfc on the flipperZero

Note: requires ndeflib (available on pypi)

Generates NFC with URL address data and outputs flipperZero NFC "save" file format

More Info: "Rick Roll" > rick_roll.nfc

see file rick_roll.nfc

Generated file should be placed on the directory /ext/nfc on the flipperZero

Note: requires ndeflib (available on pypi)

Convert flipperZero NFC files to proxmark / ChameleonUltra / MIFARE Classic Tool format

More Info:


./ -h [-f output_format] input_filename [output_filename]

    Valid formats:
        eml:	proxmark emulator
        bin:	proxmark/Chameleon bin format
        mct:	MIFARE Classic Tool
        mfj:	MIFARE Classic Tool Json
        cham:	ChameleonUltra Json format

Convert card_data.nfc (flipperZero format) into card_data.bin (proxmark/Chameleon bin format) : -f bin flpper_data.nfc

or flpper_data.nfc flpper_data.bin

Quick script to diff/compare two flipperZero NFC dict lists mf_classic_dict_user.nfc new-mf_classic_dict_user.nfc

More Info:

Example output:

./ mf_classic_dict_user.nfc mf_classic_dict_user-down.nfc
mf_classic_dict_user.nfc mf_classic_dict_user-down.nfc
list_A 2263 mf_classic_dict_user.nfc
list_B 2221 mf_classic_dict_user-down.nfc
diff_AB 42
Unique to mf_classic_dict_user.nfc
0B1E863497F0 0BB9EE9022D9 0E3824E8C3C6 0F2791EDA281 27A6FA15ED2C 2A2C13CC242A
32F093536677 3351916B5A77 336E34CC2177 35C3F7DE783A 375A22C53D43 3D51DE4AC40F
458D5B2A9EEC 4D48414C5648 4D57414C5648 554B2EFDD9C4 5621022CD098 5C063BD5579F
62545F654D9F 6324521C7AFC 689766D777D0 68F933727D62 71E014238723 75FAB77E2E5B
879DC03B759A 9095D0C3C344 92A7AD43C437 962437C8C45A A160D18CA5C8 A1670589B2AF
A39A65A72D6E A4EBB44208C2 AB5F0F829695 AF0601A02DC7 BEF14EC1C1C9 C91DDF322410
CCEA733B0FD3 D34476FE829E E372C0DFA525 EA0389A32D72 ED246CAEB781
diff_BA 0
Unique to mf_classic_dict_user-down.nfc

Quick script to comment out or strip duplicate dict keys mf_classic_dict.nfc mf_classic_dict_user.nfc > new-mf_classic_dict_user.nfc

More Info:
Usage: [-d ] dict_file_A dict_file_B > dict_nodups

    removes duplicate keys, outputing only keys unique to dict_file_B

option -d causes lines with duplicate keys to be deleted/omitted

else duplicate keys will be commented out with #- (DEFAULT)

reads flipperZero NFC dump and adds ascii and decimal to RFID HEX dump (for easier file analysis) nfc/Rick_Roll.nfc

More Info:

Usage: [-c] [-d] [-b] [-r] FILENAME

use `-c` to dump ascii values
    `-d` to dump decimal values
    `-b` to dump binary values
    '-r' to reverse bit order

Default: dump ascii and decimal values


    Page 4: 03 29 91 01
    Page 5: 15 55 04 79
    Page 6: 6F 75 74 75
    Page 7: 2E 62 65 2F


    Page 4: 03 29 91 01 #   - ) - -         3  41 145   1
    Page 5: 15 55 04 79 #   - U - y        21  85   4 121
    Page 6: 6F 75 74 75 #   o u t u       111 117 116 117
    Page 7: 2E 62 65 2F #   . b e /        46  98 101  47

IR Tools

Plot signal data from flipperZero IR raw data save files

More Info:

Usage: [-h] [-v] [-n CMD_NAME] [-f FILENAME]
           [-i] [-d DESTDIR] [-o {png,pdf,svg}] [-s] IR/ Reverse

Will split signal into retransmition samples and plot separately (see code for other options)

sampled/recorded .ir file can be downloaded from the directory /ext/infrared/ on the flipperZero

Generates file flipperZero IR file with all possible command codes for a given address

(great for finding hidden menus)

More Info: RC5 03 00

Will generate file with all possible command codes for IR remote protocol: RC5 protocol , address 03 00 00 00 in filename

Generated .ir files should be placed on the directory /ext/infrared/ on the flipperZero

Subghz Tools

Convert signals captured/recorded with rtl_433 (or rtl-sdr ) to the FlipperZero .sub format.

More Info:


convert rtl-sdr raw data file (keyfob_capture.cu8) into .ook file

rtl_443 -r g001_433.92M_250k.cu8 -w keyfob_capture.ook

convert .ook file into FlipperZero .sub format. keyfob_capture.ook

then copy keyfob_capture.sub to your FlipperZero

Generated .sub file should be placed on the directory /ext/subghz/ on the flipperZero

Quick script to plot raw subghz format data

More Info:

use -s option to split data into multiple subplot
-p to specify gap length when spliting signal data
-n to to limit number of subplots

sampled/recorded .sub iles can be downloaded from the directory /ext/subghz/ on the flipperZero

Python script to display and/or edit flipperZero SubGhz Security+ 1.0 Key Files

More Info: [-h] [-r rolling_code] [-b button_id] [-f fixed_code | -i remote_id] [-q] [-o output_filename] [input-file]

Work in progress

secplus v1 .sub files can be uploaded/downloaded from the directory /ext/subghz/ on the flipperZero

Python script to display and/or edit flipperZero SubGhz Security+ 2.0 Key Files

More Info: [-h] [-r rolling_code] [-b button_id] [-f fixed_code | -i remote_id] [-q] [-J rtl_log.json] [-o output_filename] [input-file]

  input-file            flipperZero Subghz File

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r rolling_code, -rolling rolling_code
                        Rolling Count
  -b button_id, --button button_id
  -f fixed_code, --fixed fixed_code
                        fixed code value
  -i remote_id, --id remote_id
  -q, --quiet           run quietly
  -q, --quiet           run quietly
  -J rtl_log.json, --Json rtl_log.json
                        Read rtl_433 json log
  -o filepath, --out filepath
                        output filename or directory,
                        use '-' for stdout

Defalt output filename : secv2-{FIXED_CODE}.sub ( eg: "secv2-03428432A2.sub" )

The option -J allows for reading rtl_433 json output format. for example: -J logfile.json

the json log data can be generated with rtl_443's -F option:

rtl_443 -f 315M -R 164 -F json:logfile.json

or generatedd from a save file

rtl_443 -f 315M -R 164 -F json:logfile.json -r g002_310M_250k.cu8

Example json log data:

{"time" : "@10.117228s", "model" : "Secplus-v2", "id" : 1791779012, "button_id" : 22, "remote_id" : 1791779012, "fixed" : "96281059524", "rolling" : "115", "packet_1" : "0963ce281e80", "packet_2" : "494dadfb1ec0"}
{"time" : "@0.219888s", "model" : "Secplus-v2", "id" : 1797824737, "button_id" : 104, "remote_id" : 1797824737, "fixed" : "448474423521", "rolling" : "240123942", "packet_1" : "0405ce2b61c0", "packet_2" : "4a9852e28080"}
{"time" : "@0.416932s", "model" : "Secplus-v2", "id" : 1082192868, "button_id" : 33, "remote_id" : 1082192868, "fixed" : "142816113636", "rolling" : "49"}
{"time" : "@0.514776s", "model" : "Secplus-v2", "id" : 1082192868, "button_id" : 97, "remote_id" : 1082192868, "fixed" : "417694020580", "rolling" : "33", "packet_1" : "0589f5906980", "packet_2" : "4164968687c0"}

Work in progress, requires secplus library

secplus v2 .sub files can be uploaded/downloaded from the directory /ext/subghz/ on the flipperZero

Generates x10 rf command in flipperZero subghz file format

More Info:

Valid options: <housecode>[unit] <command>

Valid Commands:



./ C5 On

Will generate filename C05_on.sub

Brute Force :

./ -b

Generates All-ON and ALL-OFF files conraining all housecodes

NOTE: In North America, the X-10 RF carrier frequency is 310MHz. Outside North America it is 433.92MHz.

Generated .sub files can be placed on the directory /ext/subghz on the flipperZero

Generates insteon rf command in flipperZero subghz file format

./ 247846 4C1B16 On > hall-light_on.sub

More Info:

Syntax SRC DST On

Valid Commands:



An Insteon device needs to be "paired" before it will accept command from andother device, but there is no authenticaion.

The easiest way (for me) to get the insteon node id/address of a pair is to run rtl_433

Example command:

rtl_433 -f 914.8M -s 2048k -R 159 -Y classic

Example output:

time      : 2022-11-28 21:36:45
model     : Insteon      From_Addr : 4C1B63        To_Addr   : 347864        Message_Type: 0
Message_Str: Direct Message                        Extended  : 0             Hops_Max  : 3
Hops_Left : 0            Packet    : 03 : 247864 : 4C1B61 : 13 00  BE        Integrity : CRC
Payload   : 03647824611B4C1300BE00

Generated .sub files can be placed on the directory /ext/subghz on the flipperZero

Script to read flipperZero SubGhz RAW File and plot 0 & 1 segment lengths using pyplot

Based on @jinschoi's and modified to plot 0 & 1 segments separately. sample.sub

Python script to generate flipperZero RAW .sub files from 01 bitstreams

More Info:

Based on @jinschoi's

Added :

  • FSK support
  • insteon (funtional)
  • FAN-11T Remote Control of Harbor Breeze Fan (Brute Force)

A command line based Python script to generate flipperZero RAW .sub files

More Info:

Usage: [-h] [-v] [-o OUT_FILE] [-f SEND_FREQ] [-0 ZERO_LEN] [-1 ONE_LEN] [-i]
                  [-b BAUD_RATE] (-H HEX_DATA | -B BIN_DATA) [-p MOD_PRESET] [-m]

Example: -f 302500000 -0 333 -1 333 -m -B 0110100001000

Generates CC1101 "SubGhzPresetCustom" settings


Usage: [-h] [-p {AM270,AM650,FM238,FM476}] [-pr] [-sw SYNC_WORD] [-sm SYNC_MODE]
                        [-mod {2FSK,4FSK,GFSK,MSK,OOK}] [-lc {Fixed,Infinite,Variable}]
                        [-pl PKT_LEN] [-v] [-n CONF_NAME] [-if INTERMEDIATE_FREQ] [-dr DATA_RATE]
                        [-fr FREQUENCY] [-bw BAND_WIDTH] [-np NUM_PREAMBLE] [-dev DEVIATION]
                        [-cs CHANNEL_SPACING] [-man] [-crc {on,off}] [-dw {on,off}]

The following loads Preset 2FSKDev238Async sets FM deviation to 6000 Hz and turns on manchester encoding -p FM238 --deviation 6000 -pr --manchester


Custom_preset_name: NewPreset
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 07 04 08 32 0B 06 10 67 11 83 12 0C 13 02 14 00 15 17 18 18 19 16 1B 07 1C 00 1D 91 20 FB 21 56 22 10 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Decodes CC1101 "SubGhzPresetCustom" settings from flipperZero saved sample file or settings_user (subghz/assets/setting_user) file.

More Info: test_dat/Raw_Sample.sub

for more info see the CC1101 Datasheet cc1101.pdf


Filetype: flipperZero SubGhz RAW File
Version: 1
Frequency: 433920000
Preset: FuriHalSubGhzPresetCustom
Custom_preset_module: CC1101
Custom_preset_data: 02 0D 03 07 08 32 0B 06 14 00 13 00 12 30 11 32 10 17 18 18 19 18 1D 91 1C 00 1B 07 20 FB 22 11 21 B6 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00



[   ('IOCFG0', 13), ('FIFOTHR', 7), ('PKTCTRL0', 50), ('FSCTRL1', 6),
    ('MDMCFG4', 23), ('MDMCFG3', 50), ('MDMCFG2', 48), ('MDMCFG1', 0),
    ('MDMCFG0', 0), ('MCSM0', 24), ('FOCCFG', 24), ('AGCCTRL2', 7),
    ('AGCCTRL1', 0), ('AGCCTRL0', 145), ('WORCTRL', 251), ('FREND1', 182),
    ('FREND0', 17), ('PATABLE', [0, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]

    Intermediate_freq:        152343.75 Hz
    Modulations:              OOK
    Data_Rate:                3793.72 Hz
    Bit_Width:                263.59 ms
    Channel_Bandwidth:        650000.00 Hz
    Sync_Mode:                SYNCM_NONE
    Channel_spacing:          25390.62 Hz
    Manchester:               0
    Variable_length_packet:   Infinite packet length
    Enable_Pkt_CRC:           0
    Pkt_DataWhitening         0
    Min_TX_Preamble:          0
    PA_Table:                 [0, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Eventually this will be able to read a config file and generate "Custom_preset" radio settings.

WARNING : this is shit code and still needs a lot of work and cleanup. (I'm surprised it works)


Random Collection of flipperZero NFC signals files

Random Collection of flipperZero IR signal files

A Collection of Generated Subghz Signal Files

See Also:

  • FlipperAmiibo A collection of FlipperZero NFC files that emulate Amiibo


Random scripts for generating Flipper data files.







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