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macOS Setup Script

This script provisions your Mac for a specified environemt by installing the necesarry tools from Homebrew and Apple App Store

It utilizes

  • brew to install the Homebrew packages and
  • mas to install the Apple App Store apps like Xcode


  • Login to Mac App Store before executing the script
  • not important: Authenticate terminal to github using the command ssh -T


  • Since this relies on brew, you get idempotence by default
  • Some apps will require you to enter you computer login password during install (keep an eye on the terminal)


Clone the Repo

git clone && cd macosetup

Add dotfiles

This path should exist in macosetuo/dotfiles and contain all you configs.

  1. Clone dotfiles from your own repository. (highly recommended)
  2. You can also try out mine and customize it to fit your preference: git clone
  3. Create a folder dotfiles and add your config to it
  4. Ignore this step and continue

Update dotfiles (if any)

These dotfiles are widely based on personal preference and we highly advice maintaining your own version in your own repo. Either clone your own dotfiles repo into this workspace Or


Populate user, email, username values in the dotfile/.gitconfig file


Replace the file dotfiles/.zshrc with your own


Replace the powerlevel config dotfiles/.p10k.zsh with your own

Setup for desired environment

Available environments

  • mobiledev: for Mobile App Developer tools like Xcode, Android Studio, Fastlane . . .
  • security: for Security related tools
  • sre: for cloud provider tools frequently used by SREs and DevOps
  • webdev: for Web Developer tools like Node, PHP, grunt, . . .
  • base: for basic tools that all macOS should have like Spotify, VLC, VSCode, . . .
  • -h or --help: for help


./setup <environment>

SRE Example

./setup sre

Help Example

./setup --help

Update Terminal Font Setting

  • CMD + , to open Terminal Preferences
  • Goto Profiles
  • Select Text
  • Change Font to either MesloGS NF to have graohical images like git branch or folder show on Terminal

Additional Configuration

Configure JAVA


ln -s fn /usr/local/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk

Add JAVA JDK Path to .zshrc file

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Additional Packages


brew cask install sublime-text


mas install pasta

Stubborn Packages

Oversight by Objective-See:

  • app installs but have to quit it to continue

brew cask install oversight

Known Issues:


  • Images not showing on Terminals


  • Select one of the already installed Nerd Fonts Meslo or Hack.
  • If not installed, then install Nerd Fonts


  • nerd-font: Multiple Casks found


  • Only homebrew/cask-fonts is available. Untap caskroom/fonts using command:
  • brew untap caskroom/fonts

  • Re-run the environment again


  • fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:


  • Check your internet connection or proxy settings
  • Run the environment again


  • scale display to: more space

  • set nighshift to custom time: 1900 - 0700

  • set trackpad tracking speed to: fast

  • set Accessibility->Pointer Control->Trackpad Options-> Enable Dragging - Three finger drag

  • set trackpad tap to click

  • Trackpad: enable tap to click for this user and for the login screen

    defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 1

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 1