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Maven parent POM for eXist Apps

This repository just contains the Maven parent artifact for eXist Apps.

It just contains a number of constant properties alongside fixed dependency and plugin versions.


If you wish to use this as a base for your eXist EXPath App, then you can add the following to your pom.xml:


If you are just starting out with creating an eXist EXPath App, then you may be interested to use exist-apps-archetype which will create a skeleton app for your.


If you wish to install this locally:

$ git clone
$ cd exist-apps-parent
$ mvn clean install


Requirements: An install of GnuPG and a valid key for signing the release artifacts.

If you modify this POM and need to release a new version, make sure you have committed your changes and then run:

$ mvn release:prepare
$ mvn release:perform
$ git push

You can then visit and login, to then publish the artifacts to Maven Central.