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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with download_uncompress
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This is the download_uncompress module. It allows to download and uncompress a software distribution in a specified directory.

##Module Description

The module provides a utility define that takes care to download and uncompress a software distribution in a specified directory. The software distribution can be uncompressed with unzip or untar or leaved as it is. The operations are performed only if the expected file or folder does not yet exists.


###What download_uncompress affects

The module installs the unzip package if it is not installed using stdlib ensure_packages type.

The module performs a wget from the specified url into the /tmp directory and possibly unzip the downloaded file into the destination folder. The base_url from which to download can be provided as a parameter and defaults to the value of the key distributions_base_url defined in hiera.

###Setup Requirements

This modules requires the following other modules to be installed:

  • puppetlabs/stdlib

    to use the ensure_packages resource.

###Beginning with download_uncompress

To download and unzip from the base url specified by the key distributions_base_url defined in hiera, it is possible to use a declaration as the following:

download_uncompress {'dwnl_inst_swxy':
   download_base_url  => '',
   distribution_name  => ''
   dest_folder   => '/tmp',
   creates       => '/tmp/SXYInstallFolder',
   uncompress    => 'tar.gz',


It is convenient to specify via hiera the default base url to be used to download software distributions; typically it would be some kind of internal repository where software binary packages are made available. An example hiera (JSON) declaration would be as follows:

  "distributions_base_url" : "http://site.x.y/dist"

Then, a typical declaration would be:

  download_uncompress { 'install_jboss_5':
    distribution_name => '',
    dest_folder       => '/opt',
    creates           => '/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA',
    uncompress        => 'zip',
    user              => jboss,
    group             => jboss,

Alternatively, the base url can be given as a parameter:

  download_uncompress { 'install_jboss-4.2.3.GA':
    download_base_url => '',
    distribution_name => "JBoss-4.2.3.GA/",
    dest_folder       => '/opt',
    creates           => '/opt/jboss-4.2.3.GA',
    uncompress        => 'zip',
    user              => jboss,
    group             => jboss,

Or, the full url can be specified in one place:

  download_uncompress { 'install_jboss-4.2.3.GA':
    distribution_name => 'http://sourceforge.nt/projects/jboss/files/JBoss/JBoss-4.2.3.GA/',
    dest_folder       => '/opt',
    creates           => '/opt/jboss-4.2.3.GA',
    uncompress        => 'zip',
    user              => jboss,
    group             => jboss,

Another example, to put in place a JBoss library (no uncompression in this case):

  download_uncompress { "${postgresqlModulePath}/postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4.jar":
    distribution_name => 'lib/postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4.jar',
    dest_folder       => "${postgresqlModulePath}",
    creates           => "${postgresqlModulePath}/postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4.jar",
    user              => jboss,
    group             => jboss,


If you need some feature please send me a (pull) request or send me an email at: dsestero 'at' gmail 'dot' com.


Puppet module to download and uncompress a software distribution in a given directory







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