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Code-generate pattern matchers


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Place this definition somewhere in your project:

 * This special type can help generate pattern matchers for you!
 * Just use it as so:
 *    type Result<Ok, Err> = Enum<{
 *      Ok: Ok,
 *      Err: Err,
 *    }>
export type Enum<T extends { [Variant: string]: any }> = {
  [P in keyof T]: Record<P, T[P]>;
}[keyof T];

Now whenever you write a type with Enum definition at the root of a file (cannot be nested in another block), then enum-ts will be able to generate exhaustive pattern matchers and constructor code for you!


This is currently just an executable you can install through compiling through cargo, or use by installing through npm.

cargo install enum-ts
# build from source hosted on

npm install --global enum-ts-bin
# install from npm registry with npm

yarn global add enum-ts-bin
# install from npm registry with yarn

enum-ts --version
# print version

Then, you can test it out with one of the examples in tests/ or in this README:

cat ./tests/result.ts | enum-ts

Which will print the generated enum matcher helpers!


# no arguments puts enum-ts into pipe-mode

cat my-file.ts | enum-ts
# prints what would be generated from this file (mostly for debugging purposes)

enum-ts --write .
# recursively walks down the directory looking for *.ts & *.tsx files
# to write updates to directly

enum-ts .
# "dry-run" will only print out what it would have rewritten the files to if given the `--write` flag.




type Result<O, E> = Enum<{
  Ok: O;
  Err: E;
export type Ok<O, E> = O;
export type Err<O, E> = E;
export function Ok<O, E>(contents: Ok<O, E>): { Ok: Ok<O, E> } {
  return { Ok: contents };
export function Err<O, E>(contents: Err<O, E>): { Err: Err<O, E> } {
  return { Err: contents };
export function isOk<O, E>(item: Result<O, E>): item is { Ok: Ok<O, E> } {
  return item != null && "Ok" in item;
export function isErr<O, E>(item: Result<O, E>): item is { Err: Err<O, E> } {
  return item != null && "Err" in item;
export namespace Result {
  const unexpected = "Unexpected Enum variant for Result<O, E>";
  export function apply<O, E, R>(fns: {
    Ok(content: Ok<O, E>): R;
    Err(content: Err<O, E>): R;
  }): (value: Result<O, E>) => R {
    return function matchResultApply(item) {
      return "Ok" in item
        ? fns.Ok(item.Ok)
        : "Err" in item
        ? fns.Err(item.Err)
        : (console.assert(false, unexpected, item) as never);
  export function match<O, E, R>(
    value: Result<O, E>,
    fns: {
      Ok(content: Ok<O, E>): R;
      Err(content: Err<O, E>): R;
  ): R {
    return apply(fns)(value);


const res = Ok<string, any>("okay value");
Result.match(res, {
  Ok(value) {
    // do something with value
  Err(err) {
    // do something with err
if (isOk(res)) {
  console.assert(res.Ok === "okay value");



export type BinaryTree<T> = Enum<{
  Leaf: T;
  Branch: {
    left: BinaryTree<T>;
    right: BinaryTree<T>;
export type Leaf<T> = T;
export type Branch<T> = {
  left: BinaryTree<T>;
  right: BinaryTree<T>;
export function Leaf<T>(contents: Leaf<T>): { Leaf: Leaf<T> } {
  return { Leaf: contents };
export function Branch<T>(contents: Branch<T>): { Branch: Branch<T> } {
  return { Branch: contents };
export function isLeaf<T>(item: BinaryTree<T>): item is { Leaf: Leaf<T> } {
  return item != null && "Leaf" in item;
export function isBranch<T>(item: BinaryTree<T>): item is { Branch: Branch<T> } {
  return item != null && "Branch" in item;
export namespace BinaryTree {
  const unexpected = "Unexpected Enum variant for BinaryTree<T>";
  export function apply<T, R>(fns: {
    Leaf(content: Leaf<T>): R;
    Branch(content: Branch<T>): R;
  }): (value: BinaryTree<T>) => R {
    return function matchBinaryTreeApply(item) {
      return "Leaf" in item
        ? fns.Leaf(item.Leaf)
        : "Branch" in item
        ? fns.Branch(item.Branch)
        : (console.assert(false, unexpected, item) as never);
  export function match<T, R>(
    value: BinaryTree<T>,
    fns: {
      Leaf(content: Leaf<T>): R;
      Branch(content: Branch<T>): R;
  ): R {
    return apply(fns)(value);

cargo install --path ./enum-ts: Install locally after cloning repo


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.