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Sean Kruzel edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 2 revisions


Panalytics provides software to help Financial Services firms better identify, manage and respond to regulatory compliance risk and violations. By merging the latest techniques in violation identification with the proven workflow of traditional surveillance solutions, Panalytics offers firms the first viable alternative to broken and outdated surveillance processes and tools.


Contact Details
{ email } { linkedin }
{ phone } { crunchbase }
{ google-plus }
Social Media
{ twitter }
{ instagram }
{ facebook }

##Sandbox Member:##

  • Member Since: { sandbox_start_date }
  • Alumni Since: { sandbox_alumni_start_date }

###Contact Information###

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
{ person1_name } { person1_role } { person1_email } { person1_linkedin } { person1_twitter } { person1_slack } { person1_skills }

Contributed To

Links to repos and wiki articles with details to record their Give Backs

Product Description

A description of the product being offered (very similar format to Data-Provider)

Data Providers

Sandbox Members


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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