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This project was bootstrapped with Windows Forms and dotnet.


dotnet6 sdk or dotnet5 sdk

webview2 runtime (It's already preinstalled in your windows generally)

Init example

You need to init requires 5 parameters, which are all string type:

Name Description File
Domain Your Casdoor server host/domain CasdoorVariables.cs
ClientId The Client ID of your Casdoor application CasdoorVariables.cs
AppName The name of your Casdoor application CasdoorVariables.cs
CallbackUrl The path of the callback URL for your Casdoor application, will be casdoor://callback if not provided CasdoorVariables.cs
ClientSecret The Client Secret of your Casdoor application CasdoorVariables.cs

If you don't set these parameters, this project will use the Casdoor online demo as the defult Casdoor server and use the Casnode as the default Casdoor application.

How to run it

Visual Studio

  1. Open casdoor-dotnet-winform-example.sln
  2. Press Ctrl + F5 to start

Command line

  1. cd casdoor-dotnet-winform-example
  2. dotnet run --framework net6.0-windows or dotnet run --framework net5.0-windows