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Asynchronously load link-tag stylesheets with promise result indicating load completion. May also be used for favicon-loading.

The advantage over injecting into <style> after fetch is that with <link> injection, one gets separate stylesheet documents which don't clutter the source and which can be viewed as separate documents in the web console. Loading also appears to occur more quickly.

Useful for code libraries which allowing for parallel loading of stylesheets (including optionally user-supplied one(s)) related to that widget/library but in a modular manner (akin to ES6 Modules but for stylesheets). No need for your main HTML to specify the stylesheets the widget is using internally.


Node install

npm i load-stylesheets


yarn add load-stylesheets

Browser install

<script src="node_modules/load-stylesheets/dist/index-umd.cjs"></script>

The global will be loadStylesheets.

or, using ES6 modules:

import loadStylesheets from './node_modules/load-stylesheets/dist/index-es.js';


<Promise> promise = loadStylesheets(<string|Array of strings and/or two-item arrays of path and options> paths, <object> options?);
  • paths - A string path or array of string paths indicating stylesheets to load. In place of string paths, one may add a two-item array of a stylesheet path and options which override the main loadStylesheets options on a case-by-case basis
  • options - An optional object hash with the following optional parameters
    • after - A reference element after which the created stylesheet <link> will be added. Choose this or before or the default which adds to the end of the <head>.
    • before - A reference element before which the created stylesheet <link> will be added. Choose this or after or the default which adds to the end of the <head>.
    • Favicon options
      • favicon - A boolean to indicate whether this is a favicon. This is only needed if the URL does not end with ".ico". Otherwise, and if this is not true, the URL will be treated as a stylesheet.
      • image - A boolean (default: true) to indicate whether a favicon is first loaded as an image so as to detect its load event. Since browsers do not seem to report load events for favicon links otherwise, keeping this as true allows us to know when the image has loaded. If set to false, the separate loading as an image is avoided and the favicon promise will resolve immediately as the <link> is added to the page regardless of whether it has loaded or not.
      • canvas - This boolean option is used if image is set to true (default: false). This option will determine whether the image that is loaded is converted into a canvas and loaded as a data: URL. If false, the image loading will merely serve to detect the point of image load (hopefully with the browser caching the image), but the favicon image file URL will be used as the <link> href (again, hopefully with the image just cached) rather than any kind of data: URL.
      • acceptErrors - This option may be set to a boolean or to a function which will be passed an object with the following keys: error, stylesheetURL, options, resolve, reject. The option is an alternative to rejecting upon errors (the boolean will just automatically resolve upon errors).

Example (basic)

const stylesheetElements = await loadStylesheets([

Example (with config)

const stylesheetElements = await loadStylesheets([
  ['path/to/favicon.png', {favicon: true, before: document.head}],
], {before: document.body.lastElementChild});


For example, a code library might use load-stylesheets internally to allow for an API such as:

// main.js
import Widget from './widget.js';

// We even do the title in JavaScript
document.title = 'Internationalizable title';

const widget = await new Widget({
  stylesheets: ['@builtin', '/path/to/custom/styles.css']

// the stylesheets were loaded and then the widget added
// widget.js
import loadStylesheets from 'load-stylesheets';

class Widget {
  constructor ({stylesheets}) {
    // We'll allow control in one place of whether the user wants the
    //   built-in stylesheets for this widget or not
    this.stylesheets = => {
      return s === '@builtin' ? '/path/to/widget.css' : s;
  async init () {
    this._stylesheetElements = await loadStylesheets(this.stylesheets);

    // The stylesheets have now been loaded, so your widget will be
    //      added without "jankiness" and without need for your users to
    //      non-modularly add stylesheets to their main HTML

    // Begin widget-building code here

    return this; // Return `Widget` instance for convenience
export default Widget;

After building the ES6 modules (e.g., using Rollup), your HTML will then be as clean as:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script type="module" src="dist/main.js"></script>

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