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Transfer your diabetes data from Nightscout to LibreView.

Based on nodejs project

ATTENTION: project under development


see Makefile


export data to libreview

  nsexport libreview [flags]

      --date-from string       Start of sampling period
      --date-offset string     Start of sampling period with current time offset. Set in duration (e.g. 24h or 72h30m). Ignore --date-from and --date-to flags
      --date-to string         End of sampling period
      --dry-run                Do not post measurement to LibreView
  -h, --help                   help for libreview
      --last-ts-file string    Path to last timestamp file (for example ./last.ts )
      --measurements strings   measurements to upload (default [scheduledContinuousGlucose,unscheduledContinuousGlucose,insulin,food])
      --min-interval string    Filter: minimum sample interval (duration) (default "10m10s")
      --scan-frequency int     Average scan frequency (minutes). e.g. scan internal min=avg-30%, max=avg+30% (default 90)
      --set-device             Set this app as main user device. Necessary if the main device was set by another application (e.g. Librelink) (default true)
      --ts-layout string       Timestamp layout for --date-from and --date-to flags. More (default "2006-01-02")

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string     path to config (default "config.yaml")
  -d, --debug             toggle debug
      --timezone string   override timezone

Explanation of application flags

flags --date-from and --date-to set the sampling range from Nightscout. If flag --date-from is not specified, then its value will be the beginning of the current day. If flag --date-to is not specified, then its value will be the current time. The timestamp layout for these flags determined by --ts-layout flag.

flag --date-offset determines the time offset (backward) relative to the current time. In other words, the start of the sample will be the current time minus the specified offset, the end of the sample will be the current time.

flag --last-ts-file determines the path to the file in which the time stamp of the last exported glucose entry will be stored (or is already stored). When used, all subsequent export operations will exclude all records with a date preceding this timestamp.

flag --measurements determines a set of metrics that should be exported to LibreView.


  nsexport config [command]

Available Commands:
  default     generate default config
  print       print config
  set         set config key

  -h, --help   help for config

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string     path to config (default "config.yaml")
  -d, --debug             toggle debug
      --timezone string   override timezone

more info config.yaml


export to LibreView

# time range with set specify timestamp layout
nsexport libreview --config config.yaml --date-from='2023-09-08T10:50' --date-to='2023-09-08T18:00' --ts-layout="2006-01-02T15:04"

#  time offset with last timestamp file
nsexport libreview --config config.yaml --date-offset=24h --last-ts-file=./last.ts


# generate default config (in work dir with name "config.yaml", optional)
nsexport config default --config config.yaml

#  set some config keys
nsexport config set nightscout.url https://your.nightscout.domain
nsexport config set nightscout.apiToken XXXXXXXXX
# OR
nsexport config set nightscout.apiSecret XXXXXXXXX
nsexport config set libreview.auth.username your@e-main.address
nsexport config set libreview.auth.password XXXXXXXX
nsexport config set libreview.importConfig.deviceSettings.uniqueIdentifier xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

# view your config (in work dir with name "config.yaml", optional)
nsexport config print --config config.yaml

If both the apiToken and apiSecret fields are specified, the API-secret value takes precedence

software disclaimer

This project is subject to this disclaimer:

I do not guarantee that this software is free from defects. This software is provided "as is" and you use software at your own risk. I make no warranties regarding performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties, express or implied. Under no circumstances shall I be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse or inability to use this software, even if I was warned about the possibility of such damage.