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based on Dominion Randomizer (aka Kingdom Creator) from Blakevanlan
reworked by gillesgros

Originately hosted at It is a kingdom randomizer, or card picker, for Dominion. As I became a maintainer for Kingdom Creator, might be at the same level.

Feel free to propose any improvements you see fit and send me a pull request!


2024/07/10 - 6.1.0 New release Fixing enlargde display for Addons, Boons, Allies

2024/07/08 - 6.1.0 New release Fixing boon display

2024/07/04 - 6.1.0 New release add German rules and box add menu for new set tools


it uses vue 3, vite.js, Pinia, vue-i18n and node.js v20


This is a static site. : served through GitHub Pages and deployed at each commit. Check the /docs directory in master to see the source currently being served. served at through my personal site. Check the /docs directory in master to see the source served.


npm run Gen - build translation file locate at src/i18n/locales/messages/{lang} based on the translation maintained in Run the development server with hot reloading npm run dev - Run the development server with hot reloading

npm run build - Builds the static site and outputs the assets in /docs

npm run preview - Serves the build assets from /docs in case you want to check the built version

Updates based on Dominion Expansion evolutions

Following new updates on some adjustements need to be made.

To add a new set

build set file

The first step is to create the "setname".yaml file based on models located at /sets Remember that entries with false are nonmandatory. Add all cards to allow correct box content display

get images

To get images from

  • Add a type if needed. You will need to code a bit. This might occur in file ./process/get_ CardImage_linkForAtrwork_Illustrator.js in function: getCards() and in file ./process/resize.js in function: isHorizontal()

You will be guided thru the type of info, the set and cards selection.

to execute cd process run node get_ CardImage_linkForAtrwork_Illustrator.js Images will be created for english version at process/processed/docs/img/cards/setname You will need to move them to /public/img/cards/setname

add translations

if the file process\ressources\Pages.xlsx add all the netries for the cards to translate.

The Cards translation generation is included in npm run Gen command

The translataion source is Pages.xlsx for all the expansions. it generates a csv file: ./resources/pages.csv in process folder It will create for each language defined at line 2 of page.csv, files in ./src/i18n/messages/${lang} for dominionrandomizer pages and a file per set in ./src/i18n/messages/${lang}/cards with card name translation for this set.

The feature can be use standalone with cd process and run node Build-translation-pages.js the generated files will be located in /process/processed/src/i18n/messages/${lang} for dominionrandomizer pages and a file per set in /process/processed/src/i18n/messages/${lang}/cards with card name translation for this set.

Build kingdoms

To build kingdom file related to an expansion use cd process run node GenerateKigndom.js with in file GenerateKigndom.js add the string variable contaning the kingdom list example :

Kingdoms["alchemy"] = [
  "Forbidden Arts: Apprentice, Familiar, Possession, University, Cellar, Council Room, Gardens, Laboratory, Thief, Throne Room",
  "Pools, Tools, and Fools: Apothecary, Apprentice, Golem, Scrying Pool, Baron, Coppersmith, Ironworks, Nobles, Trading Post,  Wishing Well",
strings = ["Introduction: Cartographer, Crossroads, Develop, Jack of all Trades, Margrave, Nomads, Oasis, Spice Merchant, Stables, Weaver"]

Old features - stil uselful ?

Docker Container - This was possible with webpack serving. It should still be working.

Dominion Randomizer can also be served from a Docker container with the following commands:

# Build the site
$ npm run build

# Build the Docker image
$ sudo docker build --tag "kingdom_creator:latest" .

# Start a container from the built image. This will be published on local port
# 9999, but that can be changed as needed.
$ sudo docker run \
    --detach \
    --name="kingdom_creator" \
    --publish="9999:80" \
    --volume="$(pwd)/docs://usr/share/nginx/html:ro" \

Personnal full set-up


to upgrades your package.json dependencies to the latest versions, ignoring specified versions. npm install -global npm-check-updates