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reduce objects deeply, call reducer for every nested value in object tree


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Reduce objects deeply, call reducer for every nested node in object tree. Use deepReduce for transforming/getting values from awfully nested objects. deepReduce also traverse arrays.


npm i deep-reduce


Try example in browser.

const deepReduce = require('deep-reduce')
const deepEqual = require('assert').deepEqual

// let nested leaf values be equal to their path, for demonstration purpose
let deepNestedObject = {
  a: 'a',
  b: { c: 'b.c' },
  c: [
      d: 'c.1.d',
      e: [

// store all values which are strings to reduced[path].
let flattenStrings = (reduced, value, path) => {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    reduced[path] = value
  return reduced

// the reduced value is returned
let reduced = deepReduce(deepNestedObject, flattenStrings)

// we should now have this object
deepEqual(reduced, {
  'a': 'a',
  'b.c': 'b.c',
  'c.0': 'c.0',
  'c.1.d': 'c.1.d',
  'c.1.e.0': 'c.1.e.0'

Root object may be an array also:

deepReduce([{a: 1},{b: 2},{a: 3}], (r,v) => typeof v === 'number' ? r + v : r, 0)
// 6

Here is how you would collect all items of nested arrays at some specific path:

// we want to get contents from all packets
let transport = {
  id: 'A8811',
  packages: [
      id: 'P100',
      contents: [
          id: 'R88',
          name: 'resistor'
          id: 'C99',
          name: 'capacitor'
    }, {
      id: 'P101',
      contents: [
          id: 'C96',
          name: 'coil'

let contents = deepReduce(transport, (reduced, value, path) => {
  if (path.match(/packages\.\d+\.contents\.\d+$/)) {
    // path is packages.n.contents.m
    // item n in packages array
    // item m in contents array
  return reduced
}, [])  // start with an empty array

// [ { id: 'R88', name: 'resistor' },
//   { id: 'C99', name: 'capacitor' },
//   { id: 'C96', name: 'coil' } ]


deepReduce takes 5 arguments. 2 mandatory and 3 optional:

deepReduce (
  obj: object,
  reducer: (reduced: any, value: any, path: string, root: object) => any,
  reduced = {},
  path = '',
  thisArg = {}): any


  • obj Object to traverse.

  • reducer Function to call with every value in obj-tree. See section below for reducer function signature.

  • reduced Initial value of reduced passed to reducer. Defaults to empty object {}.

  • path Path to root, start traversing here. Nice to omit looping through parts of obj.


    deepReduce({ a: [1,2,3], b: { c: [3, 3] } }, (reduced, val) => reduced + val, 1, 'b.c')
    // only traverses b.c, returns 1 + 3 + 3 = 7
  • thisArg Bound to reducer as this.

Arguments for reducer function

The reducer function is called with these arguments:

(reduced: any, value: any, path: string, root: object) => any
  • reduced Initial or current reduced value.
  • value Value of current node.
  • path Path to current value.
  • root Root object passed to deepReduce as obj.

The reducer should return the reduced value.


deep-reduce traverses every node of a 149 kb JSON in 10 milliseconds on a macbook air 2013 i5 1.3GHz, see test.js.

You can omit traversal of parts of the object tree with defining a start path:

deepReduce(object, reducer, initialValue, '')

...which may give some performance gains.

If you want to use this client size, bundle size is ~ 387 B, 209 B gzipped.


git clone
cd deep-reduce
npm start  # watches index.ts and builds on any change
npm test  # runs node test.js


MIT © 2017 Arve Seljebu


reduce objects deeply, call reducer for every nested value in object tree








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