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  • pip install dbt-athena-community
  • Or pip install git+


To start, you will need an S3 bucket, for instance my-staging-bucket and an Athena database:

COMMENT 'Analytics models generated by dbt (development)'
LOCATION 's3://my-staging-bucket/'
WITH DBPROPERTIES ('creator'='Foo Bar', 'email'='');


  • Take note of your AWS region code (e.g. us-west-2 or eu-west-2, etc.).
  • You can also use AWS Glue to create and manage Athena databases.


This plugin does not accept any credentials directly. Instead, credentials are determined automatically based on aws cli/boto3 conventions and stored login info. You can configure the AWS profile name to use via aws_profile_name. Checkout DBT profile configuration below for details.

Configuring your profile

A dbt profile can be configured to run against AWS Athena using the following configuration:

Option Description Required? Example
s3_staging_dir S3 location to store Athena query results and metadata Required s3://bucket/dbt/
s3_data_dir Prefix for storing tables, if different from the connection's s3_staging_dir Optional s3://bucket2/dbt/
s3_data_naming How to generate table paths in s3_data_dir Optional schema_table_unique
region_name AWS region of your Athena instance Required eu-west-1
schema Specify the schema (Athena database) to build models into (lowercase only) Required dbt
database Specify the database (Data catalog) to build models into (lowercase only) Required awsdatacatalog
poll_interval Interval in seconds to use for polling the status of query results in Athena Optional 5
aws_profile_name Profile to use from your AWS shared credentials file. Optional my-profile
work_group Identifier of Athena workgroup Optional my-custom-workgroup
num_retries Number of times to retry a failing query Optional 3

Example profiles.yml entry:

  target: dev
      type: athena
      s3_staging_dir: s3://athena-query-results/dbt/
      s3_data_dir: s3://your_s3_bucket/dbt/
      s3_data_naming: schema_table
      region_name: eu-west-1
      schema: dbt
      database: awsdatacatalog
      aws_profile_name: my-profile
      work_group: my-workgroup

Additional information

  • threads is supported
  • database and catalog can be used interchangeably

Usage notes


Table Configuration

  • external_location (default=none)
    • If set, the full S3 path in which the table will be saved.
  • partitioned_by (default=none)
    • An array list of columns by which the table will be partitioned
    • Limited to creation of 100 partitions (currently)
  • bucketed_by (default=none)
    • An array list of columns to bucket data
  • bucket_count (default=none)
    • The number of buckets for bucketing your data
  • format (default='parquet')
    • The data format for the table
  • write_compression (default=none)
    • The compression type to use for any storage format that allows compression to be specified. To see which options are available, check out [CREATE TABLE AS][create-table-as]
  • field_delimiter (default=none)
    • Custom field delimiter, for when format is set to TEXTFILE
  • table_properties: table properties to add to the table, valid for Iceberg only
  • strict_location (default=True): when working with iceberg it's possible to rename tables, in order to do so, tables need to avoid to have same location. Setting up strict_location to false allow a table creation on an unique location

Table location

The location in which a table is saved is determined by:

  1. If external_location is defined, that value is used.
  2. If s3_data_dir is defined, the path is determined by that and s3_data_naming
  3. If s3_data_dir is not defined data is stored under s3_staging_dir/tables/

Here all the options available for s3_data_naming:

  • uuid: {s3_data_dir}/{uuid4()}/
  • table_table: {s3_data_dir}/{table}/
  • table_unique: {s3_data_dir}/{table}/{uuid4()}/
  • schema_table: {s3_data_dir}/{schema}/{table}/
  • s3_data_naming=schema_table_unique: {s3_data_dir}/{schema}/{table}/{uuid4()}/

It's possible to set the s3_data_naming globally in the target profile, or overwrite the value in the table config, or setting up the value for groups of model in dbt_project.yml

Incremental models

Support for incremental models.

These strategies are supported:

  • insert_overwrite
  • append

Note: unique_key is not supported.

on_schema_change is an option to reflect changes of schema in incremental models. The following options are supported:

  • ignore (default)
  • fail
  • append_new_columns
  • sync_all_columns

In detail, please refer to dbt docs.


The adapter support table materialization for Iceberg.

To get started just add this as your model:

{{ config(
    partitioned_by=['bucket(5, user_id)'],
    	'optimize_rewrite_delete_file_threshold': '2'
) }}

	'A' AS user_id,
	'pi' AS name,
	'active' AS status,
	17.89 AS cost,
	1 AS quantity,
	100000000 AS quantity_big,
	current_date AS my_date

Iceberg support bucketing as hidden partitions, therefore use the partitioned_by config to add specific bucketing conditions.

Unsupported functionality

Due to the nature of AWS Athena, not all core dbt functionality is supported. The following features of dbt are not implemented on Athena:

  • Snapshots

Known issues

  • Quoting is not currently supported

    • If you need to quote your sources, escape the quote characters in your source definitions:
    version: 2
      - name: my_source
          - name: first_table
            identifier: "first table"       # Not like that
          - name: second_table
            identifier: "\"second table\""  # Like this
  • Tables, schemas and database should only be lowercase

  • Only supports Athena engine 2


This connector works with Python from 3.7 to 3.10.

Getting started

In order to start developing on this adapter clone the repo and run this make command (see Makefile) :

make setup

It will :

  1. Install all dependencies.
  2. Install pre-commit hooks.
  3. Generate your .env file

Next, adjust .env file by configuring the environment variables to match your Athena development environment.

Running tests

You must have an AWS account with Athena setup in order to launch the tests. You can run the tests using make:

make run_tests

Helpful Resources



The athena adapter plugin for dbt (







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  • Python 96.1%
  • Makefile 3.4%
  • Shell 0.5%