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Titanic Survival Prediction

finished on 20th, May 2015

This is the code for Kaggle's 101 game Titanic Survival Prediction. I used logistic regression model with some simple feature engineering. The final score got 0.81340 which ranked 169/3084 at my final submission.

Feature Engineering

Missing Age

Missing age seldom appears in a survivor's data, so adding a binary feature "AgeIsNa" is necessary. The missing ages are then filled with random values between age_min and age_max.

I also tried to fill missing ages using a random forest but in vain.

Name Title

Name title may reveal a person's information. This may help decide whether he/she has the chance to get into lifeboat. Using a categorical variable "Title" to record this.

Ticket Price Distribution

The price's distribution is very skewed. Using Log(fare) can alleviate the spike near low ticket fare, making it fit well to a linear model.

"Parch" + "SibSp"

When "Parch" (parent and child number) + "SibSp" (sibling and spouse number) equals 1,2 or 3, a person tend more likely to survive. So a variable "FamilySize" helps.

Categorize the Age

Make the continuous variables into discrete ones can help logistic models predict well. This information is recorded in variable AgeCat.

Dummy Variables

The magnitude in a categorical variable like "Title" is meaningless, so dumminize it.

Model Comparison

Logistic Regression: 0.81340 {'penalty': 'L1', 'classifier__C': 10, 'classifier__tol': 0.001}

Support Vector Classifier: 0.79349 {'kernel': 'linear', 'C': 1, 'tol': 0.0001}

Random Forest Classifier: 0.78469 {'n_estimators': 200, 'n_jobs': '-1'}


kaggle 101 game: titanic survival predict






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