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in backend folder to install all the necessary modules npm i @nestjs/common @nestjs/passport @nestjs/config express passport passport-42 prisma @prisma/client

npm i --save @nestjs/websockets @nestjs/ npm install cookie @types/cookie npm i -D @types/multer npm i bcrypt npm i -D @types/bcrypt

for 2fa npm install otplib qrcode

in backend folder to load the db scheme into the db npx prisma db push

.env file needed in backend with db config, api config and return url sample data in database needed

in frontend folder to install the vue server npm i vite npm install pinia npm install moment

API Documentation all route elements with leading ":" are variables but will be used without ":" e.g. /achieve/show/mmuster variables with trailing "?" are optional Achievements:

Method Route start Route specifier Effect
Get achieve show/:userid shows all achievements that belong to userid
Get achieve add/:userid/:achid adds achievement with achid to user with userid
Get auth return return route for 42 API
Get auth login login route directs to 42 API
Get auth status shows whether you are authenticated or not
Get chat list/chats/ lists all available visible chats (public/protected)
Get chat list/userchats list chats where logged in user is joined
Get chat join/:chatid?/:pw? creates a chat with first user as admin if nothing is specified or joins chatid with/without pw - checks for banned status
Post chat create creates a chat with information in JSON object { type: number; chatid: number; chat_name: string; password: string; }
Get chat leave/:chatid leaves chatid and deletes it with all messages if last one leaves
Get chat list/users/:chatid lists all users in chatid
Post chat message sends the chatmessage as json object to the backend { userid: string; chatid: number; message: string; }
Get chat list/messages/:chatid lists all messages in chatid for current userid but doesnt display messages from blocked users
Post chat details changes the details of the chat with JSON object { type: number; chatid: number; chat_name: string; password: string; }
Post chat user/status changes the user status with a JSON object { userid: string; chatid: number; status: number; bantime: number; }
Get chat open/pm/:userid opens a direct chat (pm) with userid
Get fl show/:userid show friendlist of userid
Get fl edit/:userid/:action changes the status of a friendship (actions: request, confirm, block, unblock, remove)
Get users me shows the properties of the current user
Get users all shows all users in the database
Get users :userid shows the properties of userid
Get users :userid/:field/:new changes the properties of userid (fields: username (string), user_status (number), twofa (not implemented), avatar (number))
Get match list lists all matches
Get match open/:opponent? start game and wait for opponent or challenge an opponent if they exist and are not in an open game
Get match accept accept challenge
Get match delete delete / cancel challenge / queue
Get 2fa generate generates QR code for google authenticator
Get 2fa turn-on/:secret turns 2fa on if secret is a valid code
Get 2fa authenticate/:secret checks if secret is a valid code


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