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Page Level Progress is an extension bundled with the Adapt framework.

page level progress bar clicked and drawer opening, showing completion status of components

This extension displays the learner's progress through a page via a progress bar displayed in the top navigation area. Progress is calculated as the percentage of child components that have been completed. Clicking on the progress bar opens the drawer to reveal buttons showing the title and completion status of individual components in the page; these buttons can be clicked to scroll directly to the component in the page (if it is available and not hidden by trickle/similar).

Page progress may also be displayed on menu items representing the page.

Visit the Page Level Progress wiki for more information about its functionality and for explanations of key properties.


As one of Adapt's core extensions, Page Level Progress is included with the installation of the Adapt framework and the installation of the Adapt authoring tool.

  • If Page Level Progress has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line: adapt install adapt-contrib-pageLevelProgress

    Alternatively, this extension can also be installed by adding the following line of code to the *adapt.json* file:
    `"adapt-contrib-pageLevelProgress": "*"`
    Then running the command:
    `adapt install`
    (This second method will reinstall all plug-ins listed in *adapt.json*.)
  • If Page Level Progress has been uninstalled from the Adapt authoring tool, it may be reinstalled using the Plug-in Manager.

Settings Overview

The attributes listed below are used in components.json to configure Page Level Progress, and are properly formatted as JSON in example.json.

The absence of the _pageLevelProgress object in a component model is interpreted as that component having Page Level Progress disabled ("_isEnabled": false).

By default, calculation of the percentage of child components that have been completed includes all components, even those that have pageLevelProgress disabled and those with no _pageLevelProgress object in the component model. In order to have a component ignored in this calculation, you must set either _isOptional to true in the component model (components.json) or set the _showPageCompletion property (see Attributes) to false in either course.json or contentObjects.json

The same _pageLevelProgress object may be added to components (components.json), blocks (blocks.json) and articles (articles.json). At this level "_isEnabled" adds a bar to the list of progress items appearing in the drawer. Adding "_isCompletionIndicatorEnabled" at this level adds a progress bar next to the title of element in the page.

The same _pageLevelProgress object may be added to contentObjects (contentObjects.json). At this level "_isEnabled" governs whether a progress bar will be displayed on the menu item. It does not act to provide defaults for its child components. It does not override their settings. Setting "_excludeAssessments" to true will prevent assessments from being included in calculations for page level progress. Adding "_isCompletionIndicatorEnabled" at this level adds a progress bar next to the title of element in the menu.

The same _pageLevelProgress object may be added to the course (course.json). At this level, "_isEnabled" can be used to disable Page Level Progress on components and contentObjects that have "_isEnabled": true. In some cases, indicators are required on the page but not in the drawer, "_isShownInNavigationBar" is used to turn off the drawer button.

Note: Setting the _pageLevelProgress object in course.json does not provide defaults for components, blocks, articles or contentObjects. It cannot be used to enable Page Level Progress on components or contentObjects that have "_isEnabled": false or that do not have the _pageLevelProgress object in their model json. Visit the Page Level Progress wiki for more information about how they appear in the authoring tool.


Add to course.json under _globals._extensions.

_pageLevelProgress (object): The Page Level Progress object

_navOrder (number): Determines the order in which the page level progress is displayed in the navigation bar. Negative numbers (e.g. -100) are left-aligned. Positive numbers (e.g. 100) are right-aligned.

navLabel (string): The text for the button label. Used when navigation labels are enabled globally

_drawerPosition (string): The position that the button appears in the drawer. Position options include 'auto', 'left', and 'right'. Defaults to 'auto'

_navTooltip (object): The tooltip object. Used when tooltips are enabled globally

_isEnabled (boolean): Enables tooltips on the button

text (string): The text of the tooltip

Add to course.json.

_pageLevelProgress (object): The Page Level Progress object that contains a value for _isEnabled.

_isEnabled (boolean): Turns Page Level Progress on and off. Acceptable values are true and false.

title (string): Alternate course title to display when using _showAtCourseLevel: true.

_isCompletionIndicatorEnabled (boolean): Adds a completion indicator next to the title of a component, block, article, page or menu. Acceptable values are true and false.

_isShownInNavigationBar (boolean): Allows Page Level Progress to appear in the navigation bar. Acceptable values are true and false.

_showPageCompletion (boolean): Set to false to have the overall progress calculated only from components that have been set to display in Page Level Progress (ignoring the completion of those that haven't). Defaults to true.

_showAtCourseLevel (boolean): Allows Page Level Progress to display all content objects and the current page components together, or just the current page components as before. Acceptable values are true and false. Defaults to false.

_useCourseProgressInNavigationButton (boolean): Allows Page Level Progress to use course-level completion for the navigation button instead of page-level completion. Defaults to false.

Add to contentObjects.json.

_pageLevelProgress (object): The Page Level Progress object that contains a value for _isEnabled.

_isEnabled (boolean): Turns Page Level Progress on and off. Acceptable values are true and false.

_isCompletionIndicatorEnabled (boolean): Adds a completion indicator next to the title of a component, block, article, page or menu. Acceptable values are true and false.

_showPageCompletion (boolean): Set to false to have the overall progress calculated only from components that have been set to display in Page Level Progress (ignoring the completion of those that have not).

_excludeAssessments (boolean): If true, prevents assessments from being included in calculations for page level progress.

Add to components.json, blocks.json or articles.json.

_pageLevelProgress (object): The Page Level Progress object that contains a value for _isEnabled.

_isEnabled (boolean): Turns Page Level Progress on and off. Acceptable values are true and false.

_isCompletionIndicatorEnabled (boolean): Adds a completion indicator next to the title of a component, block, article, page or menu. Acceptable values are true and false.


Several elements of Page Level Progress have been assigned a label using the aria-label attribute: pageLevelProgress, pageLevelProgressIndicatorBar and pageLevelProgressMenuBar. These labels are not visible elements. They are utilized by assistive technology such as screen readers. Should the label texts need to be customised, they can be found within the globals object in properties.schema.


No known limitations.

adapt learning logo Author / maintainer: Adapt Core Team with contributors
Accessibility support: WAI AA
RTL support: Yes
Cross-platform coverage: Chrome, Chrome for Android, Firefox (ESR + latest version), Edge, IE11, Safari 12+13 for macOS/iOS/iPadOS, Opera