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Convert Integer to Double

double :: Int -> Double

double x = y
 where y = fromIntegral x :: Double 

Take an integer input and return the the next integer as input which is the next integer number.

successor :: Int -> Int

successor x = x + 1

Take an integer and return a boolean value True if even else False

evenBool :: Int -> Bool

evenBool x = if x `mod` 2 == 0 then True else False
evenBool' x | x `mod` 2 == 0 = True
            | otherwise = False

Find the absolute of a number n

abs' :: Int -> Int

abs' x = if x >= 0 then x else -x
abs'' :: Int -> Int

abs'' x | x >= 0 = x
        | otherwise = -x

Find the Power of n

power :: Float -> Int -> Float

power _ 0 = 1

power x n = x * (power x (n-1))

Find Leap Year or Not

leap :: Int -> String

leap x | x `mod` 4 == 0 && x `mod` 10 /= 0 = "It's a Leap Year!"
 | x `mod` 400 == 0 = "It's a Leap Year!"
 | otherwise = "It's not a Leap Year!"

Calculate |c| = √(x2 + y2)

complexNumber :: Float -> Float -> Float

complexNumber x y = ( x * x + y * y ) ** (1/2)

Convert Bool to Int & Int to Bool

boolToInt :: Bool -> Int

boolToInt x | x == True = 1
 | otherwise = 0
intToBool :: Int -> Bool

intToBool x | x == 0 = False
 | otherwise = True

Find the largest of 2 numbers

maxof2 :: (RealFloat x) => x -> x -> x

maxof2 x y | x >= y = x
 | otherwise = y

Find the largest of 3 numbers

max3 :: (RealFloat x) => x -> x -> x -> x

max3 x y z = 

 if (x >= y) && (x >= z) then x
 else if (y >= x) && (y >= z) then y
 else z 

Find Even or Odd

evenodd :: Int -> String

evenodd x = if x `mod` 2 == 0 then "Even" else "Odd"

Find the distance between two points in a xy-plane. Let P = (x1, y1) and Q = (x2, y2).

dist :: (RealFloat x) => x -> x -> x -> x -> x

dist x1 y1 x2 y2 = sqrt((a)^2 + (b)^2) where 
 a = x2 - x1      
 b = y2 - y1

Find Min or Max

min1 :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a

min1 x y | x < y = x
 | otherwise = y

max1 :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a

max1 x y | x > y = x
 | otherwise = y

Verify whether the first argument divides the second one.

divides :: Int -> Int -> Bool

divides 0 _ = False

divides x y = y `mod` x == 0

divide :: Int -> Int -> Bool

divide x y = if x == 0 then False
 else if y `mod` x == 0 then True
 else False

divi :: Int -> Int -> Bool

divi x y | x == 0 = False
 | y `mod` x == 0 = True
 | otherwise = False

Implement Stirling’s formula

stirling :: Int -> Float

stirling x = sqrt ( 2 * pi * a ) * ( (a / exp 1) ** a ) where
 a :: Float
 a = fromIntegral x

Find the number of solution of a quadratic equation

noOfSol :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String

noOfSol a b c | sol > 0 = "2 Solutions"
 | sol == 0 = "1 Solution"
 | otherwise = "No Solution" where
 sol = (b * b) - (4 * a * c)

Find the two roots of a Quadratic equation

rootsOfQuadraticEqu :: (Float, Float, Float) -> (Float, Float)

rootsOfQuadraticEqu (a, b, c) = (x, y) where
 x = eq + sqrt root / ( 2 * a )
 y = eq - sqrt root / ( 2 * a )
 eq = - b / (2 * a)
 root = ( b * b ) - ( 4 * a * c )

Find 2nd Last Element of a list

secondLast :: ( Ord a ) => [ a ] -> a

secondLast list = list !! ( length list - 2 ) 

Find the kth element of list, where k is the index

kthElement :: ( Ord a ) => [ a ] -> Int -> a

kthElement list i = list !! i

Palindrome or Not

isPalindrome :: ( Ord a ) => [ a ] -> Bool

isPalindrome list = list == reverse list

Remove duplicates from a given list

removeDup :: ( Ord a ) => [ a ] -> [ a ]

removeDup [] = []

removeDup ( x : xs ) = x : removeDup ( remove x xs )


  remove :: ( Ord a ) => a -> [ a ] -> [ a ]
  remove x [] = []
  remove x ( y : ys )
   | x == y = remove x ys
   | otherwise = y : ( remove x ys )

Duplicate each element of the list and produce a new list

adddup :: ( Ord a ) => [ a ] -> [ a ]

adddup [] = []

adddup ( x : xs ) = x : x : adddup ( xs )

Replicate the elements of a list N times

replic :: ( Ord a ) => [ a ] -> Int -> [ a ]

replic [] _ = []

replic ( x : xs ) n = replicate n x ++ replic xs n

Remove every Nth element from the list

removeNth :: [a] -> Int -> [a]

removeNth [] _ = []

removeNth xs n = take (n-1) xs ++ removeNth (drop n xs) n

Divide the list into two the first n elements as the first list and the rest as the second list and form a list of lists.

splitn :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

splitn n x = (take n x, drop n x)

Slice a list based on the input indices i and k.

slice :: [a] -> Int -> Int -> [a]

slice x i k = drop i (take (k+1) x)

Remove the Kth indexed element from a list

remk :: [a] -> Int -> [a]

remk [] _ = []

remk (x:xs) 0 = xs

remk (x:xs) n = x : remk (xs) (n-1) 

Insert an element N at a particular index i of a list

insertn :: [a] -> a -> Int -> [a]

insertn [] _ _ = []

insertn x element 0 = element : x

insertn (x : xs) element n = x : insertn xs element (n - 1)

Find First N Primes

isPrime :: Int -> Bool

isPrime n = null [i | i <- [2..floor (sqrt (fromIntegral n))], n `mod` i == 0]

nPrime :: Int -> [Int]

nPrime n = take n [x | x <- [2 .. ], isPrime x]
nPrime :: Int -> [Int]

nPrime n = findPrime n 2

findPrime :: Int -> Int -> [Int]

findPrime 0 _ = []

findPrime n x
 | isPrime x [2..floor (sqrt (fromIntegral x))] == False = findPrime n (x + 1)
 | otherwise = [x] ++ findPrime (n-1) (x + 1)

isPrime :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool

isPrime _ [] = True 

isPrime x (y : ys) 
 | x `mod` y == 0 = False
 | otherwise = isPrime x (ys)

Verify whether a list is sorted in ascending order

isSorted :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool

isSorted [] = True

isSorted [x] = True

isSorted (x : y : xs) = if x <= y then isSorted (y : xs) else False

Define a function that behaves as : but is defined in terms of ++

myConsRev :: [a]->[a]

myConsRev [] = []

myConsRev (x : xs) = myConsRev(xs) ++ [x]

myCons :: a -> [a] -> [a]

myCons a b = [a] ++ b

Creates a list containing n occurrences of v

occuR :: a -> Int -> [a]

occuR v n = replicate n v

Find all the digits in a string where the prelude function is True on those characters which are digits '0' up to '9'

dig :: String -> [Bool]

dig [] = []

dig (x : xs) = [x `elem` ['0' .. '9']] ++ dig (xs)

Double all the elements of a list of integers

doubleList :: [Int] -> [Int]

doubleList [] = []

doubleList (x:xs) = (2*x) : doubleList (xs)

Convert all small letters in a string into capitals, leaving the other characters unchanged

import Data.Char

toUpCase :: String -> String

toUpCase [] = []

toUpCase (x : xs) = if isLower x then toUpper x : toUpCase xs
 else x : toUpCase xs

Remove all non-letters from the list

import Data.Char

removeNonL :: String -> String

removeNonL [] = []

removeNonL (x : xs) = if isLetter x then x : removeNonL xs
 else removeNonL xs

Find the list of divisors of a positive integer

divisor :: Int -> [Int]

divisor x = findDiv x [ 1..(x - 1) ]

findDiv :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]

findDiv x list 
 | length list == 0 = []
 | x `mod` (head list) == 0 = [head list] ++ findDiv x (tail list)
 | otherwise = findDiv x (tail list)

Find all occurrences of an integer n in a list

indexL :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]

indexL list x = findOcc list x 0

findOcc :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]

findOcc [] _ _ = []

findOcc (x:xs) ele i = if x == ele then [i] ++ findOcc xs ele (i + 1)
 else findOcc xs ele (i + 1)

Find if the element is present in the List

isElement :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool

isElement [] _ = False

isElement (x:xs) y = if x == y then True
 else isElement (xs) y

Find the sum of lengths of inner lists

lenOfLists :: [[a]] -> Int

lenOfLists [] = 0

lenOfLists x = length(head x) + lenOfLists(tail x)

Map a positive integer to its list of factors

factor :: Int -> [Int]

factor y = [ x | x <- [1 .. y], y `mod` x == 0]

Return the list of all prime numbers up to a given limit n

isPrime :: Int -> Bool

isPrime n = null [i | i <- [2 .. floor (sqrt (fromIntegral n))], n `mod` i == 0]

nPrime :: Int -> [Int]

nPrime n = [x | x <- [2 .. n], isPrime x]

Return the list of all pairs of adjacent elements from a list

pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]

pairs x = zip x (tail x)

Decides if the elements in a list are sorted [ Check pair wise ]

pair :: [a] -> [(a, a)]

pair x = zip x (tail x)

sortF :: (Ord a) => (a, a) -> Bool

sortF (x,y) = if x <= y then True else False

sorted :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool

sorted x = null [ i | i <- (pair x), sortF i == False]

Return the list of all positions of a value in a list

positions :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [Int]

positions list x = [i | (i, j) <- zip [0 .. ] list, j == x]

Count the number of times a character occurs in a String

count :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a -> Int

count list x = length [ i | i <- list, i == x ]

Compute x^2 + y^2 = z^2

pythagorean :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]

pythagorean n = [ (x, y, z) | x <- [ 1.. n ], y <- [ 1 .. n ], z <- [ 1 .. n ], ( x^2 + y^2 == z^2 ) ]

Returns all the perfect number up to a given limit n which is a positive integer and is equal to the sum of all its factors, excluding the number itself.

fact :: Int -> [Int]

fact x = [ i | i <- [ 1 .. (x - 1) ], x `mod` i == 0]

sumOfF :: [Int] -> Int

sumOfF [] = 0

sumOfF ( x : xs ) = x + sumOfF xs

perfect :: Int -> [Int]

perfect n = [ i | i <- [ 1 .. n ], sumOfF (fact i) == i]

Find the scalar product of list elements of two lists

scalarP :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]

scalarP x y = [ i * j | ( i, j ) <- zip x y ]

Takes an integer n as an argument and return the sum of the squares of the first n integers

sumSQ :: Int -> Int

sumSQ n = sum [ i*i | i <- [ 1 .. n ] ]

Convert every character in string to uppercase and remove any digits in it

import Data.Char

charToUp :: String -> String

charToUp string = [ toUpper i | i <- string, i `elem` [ 'a' .. 'z' ] || i `elem` [ 'A' .. 'Z' ] ]

Extracts the upper case letters from the String

extractUpper :: String -> String

extractUpper string = [ i | i <- string, isUpper i] 

Capitalize the first letter of a String and return the entire String

caps :: String -> String

caps string = toUpper (head string) : tail string

Make a string with character n times

cpy :: Char -> Int -> String

cpy c n = replicate n c

Place space characters between characters in a string

space :: String -> String

space ( x : xs )
 | length(xs) == 0 = x : ""
 | otherwise = x : " " ++ space xs 

Take a list of integers and produce a list of the squares of those integers

squareAll :: [Int] -> [Int]

squareAll x = map (^2) x

Capitalize all the letters in the list of characters

capL :: [Char] -> [Char]

capL x  = map toUpper x

Take a list of strings as its argument and reverses each element of the list and then reverses the resulting list.

nestReverse :: [String] -> [String]

nestReverse x = map reverse (reverse x)

Take an object and a list of lists and sticks the object at the front of every component list

inFront :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]

inFront x y = map ( x : ) y 

Take a list of strings as its argument and returns the list of their lengths

strLengths :: [String] -> [Int]

strLengths x = map length x

Take a list of strings and returns a list of the integers 0 and 1 such that 0 is the nth element of the value if the nth string of the argument contains an even number of characters and 1 is the nth element of the value if the nth string contains an odd number of characters.

parityList :: [String] -> [Int]

parityList x = map check x where 

check x | even (length x) = 0
 | otherwise = 1

Take an integer n as its argument and returns the sum of the squares of the first n integers

sumsq :: Int -> Int

sumsq x = sum (map (^2) [1..x])

Remove all the capital letters from a string

noCapitals :: String -> String

noCapitals x = [ i | i <- x, i `notElem` ['A' .. 'Z'] ]

remUpper :: String -> String

remUpper = filter isLower

Take a list of strings as its argument and removes every occurrence of a vowel from each element

checkVowel :: String -> String

checkVowel x = [ i | i <- x, i `notElem` ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U'] ]

removeVowels :: [String] -> [String]

removeVowels x = map checkVowel x

cVow :: String -> String

cVow x = filter (\x -> not (x == 'a' || x == 'e' || x == 'i' || x == 'o' || x == 'u')) x

remVowels :: [String] -> [String]

remVowels = map cVow

Remove every occurrence of a vowel from a list of characters

remVow :: [Char] -> [Char] 

remVow x = filter (\x -> not (x == 'a' || x == 'e' || x == 'i' || x == 'o' || x == 'u')) x

Changes lower case a’s to b’s, b’s to c’s and c’s to a’s in a String

rotabc = map f where 

 f 'a' = 'b' 
 f 'b' = 'c'
 f 'c' = 'a'
 f c = c

Use foldr and foldl to define functions lengthr and lengthl respectively to find the number of elements in a list

lengthr :: [Int] -> Int

lengthl :: [Int] -> Int

lengthr = foldr (\x y -> 1 + y) 0

lengthl = foldl (\x y -> x + 1) 0

Find the smallest element of a list by defining functions minr and minl with the implementation of foldr and foldl respectively

minr :: [Int] -> Int

minl :: [Int] -> Int

minr = foldr (\x y -> if x < y then x else y) 1000000

minl = foldl (\x y -> if x < y then x else y) 1000000

Using foldr, define a function to reverse the current list

rev :: [Int] -> [Int]

rev = foldr (\x y -> y ++ [x]) []

Define a function remover using foldr which takes two strings as its arguments and removes every letter from the second list that occurs in the first list

remove :: String -> String -> String

remove str1 str2 = foldr(\x y -> if elem x str1 then y else x : y) "" str2

Remove adjacent duplicates from a list

rmDup :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
rmDup [] = []
rmDup [x] = [x]
rmDup (x:y:xs) | x == y = rmDup(y:xs)
 | otherwise = x : rmDup(y : xs)

joinr :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
joinr x [] = [x]
joinr x xs | x == head xs = xs
 | otherwise = [x] ++ xs

rmdFoldr :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
rmdFoldr [] = []
rmdFoldr ys = foldr joinr [] ys

joinl :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
joinl [] x = [x]
joinl xs x | last xs == x = xs
 | otherwise = xs ++ [x]

rmdFoldl :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
rmdFoldl ys = foldl joinl [] ys

Define a function approxe n using foldl

approx :: Float -> Float

approx n = foldl findApprx 1 [1 .. n] where findApprx x y = x + (1/product[1 .. y])

Define the function mult using lambda expressions.

mult :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a

mult a b c = (\x y z -> x * y * z) a b c

Define the function add using lambda expressions.

add :: Num a => (a,a) -> (a,a) -> (a,a)

add (a,b) (c,d) = (\x0 y0 x1 y1 -> (x0+x1, y0+y1)) a b c d

Using Lamda expression check whether an input list is palindrome or not

palindrome :: Eq a => [a] -> String

palindrome list = (\x -> if x == reverse x then "Palindrome" else "Not a Palindrome") list

Check whether each list in the list is palindrome or not.

checkPal :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool

checkPal x = (\x -> x == reverse x) x

palindromeList :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [Bool]

palindromeList list = map checkPal list

Define a function that picks first and last element in a list and perform addition, then pick second and second last element and perform a multiplication and so on by continuing addition followed by mutiplication until the list cannot further do computation. The result should be produced as a list.

altSumProduct [] = []

altSumProduct [x] = [x]

altSumProduct [x,y] = [x+y]

altSumProduct [x,y,z] = [x+z, y]

altSumProduct x = (head x)+(last x) : head (tail x) * last(init x) : altSumProduct (tail(tail(init(init x))))

main = do
  input <- getLine
  let xs = read input :: [Int]
  print (altSumProduct xs)

Define a function that takes a string s and a character c and replaces each the occurence of c in s with '#' and finally prints the transformed string.

replaceChar :: String -> Char -> String

replaceChar "" _ = ""

replaceChar (x:xs) c = if x == c then "#" ++ (replaceChar xs c ) else [x] ++ (replaceChar xs c )

main = do
 s <- getLine
 c <- getChar
 putStrLn (replaceChar s c)


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