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Highly customizable and fast system information fetch program


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A system information fetch tool (or neofetch like program), which its focus point is the customizability and perfomance.
customfetch is designed to provide a really customizable way to display your system informations in the way you like or want.

Currently supports Linux distros only. Android may be coming when stable release

Key Features


currently requires C++20, but it's possible to compile with C++17 too (not officially supported)

  • libdl (should come already installed in almost every distro)

If you want to install with GUI mode install from your package manager:

  • gtk3
  • gtkmm3



installing with GUI mode may slow down customfetch a bit because it needs to load the GUI libraries at runtime.
To check if it's enabled or not, run "cufetch --version"

Debian/Ubuntu and based

Download the latest .deb package in releases

Arch and based (AUR)

# btw checkout our other project ;)
# either
taur -S customfetch-bin

# or wiht GUI mode
taur -S customfetch-gui-bin

General Distros (Manual installation)

Download the latest .tar.gz tarball file in releases
It contains the binary cufetch and the manual cufetch.1 with the LICENSE.
Togheter with the directory assets/ascii with the distro ascii art logos.
If installing the GUI mode version, there's cufetch.desktop

Arch and based (AUR) (source)

# either
taur -S customfetch

# or wiht GUI mode
taur -S customfetch-gui

Arch and based (unstable) (AUR) (source)

# either
taur -S customfetch-git

# or wiht GUI mode
taur -S customfetch-gui-git

Compile from (source) (unstable)

# clone the git dir
git clone
cd customfetch

# DEBUG=0 for release build
# GUI_MODE=0 for disabling GUI mode, or =1 for enable it (will slow down a bit if run in terminal)
make install DEBUG=0 GUI_MODE=0

# automatically generates a config and prints the infos

Config (with explanation)

Here's an example using my config


The config:


# The array for displaying the system infos
layout = [
    "${auto}OS: $<> $<system.arch>",
    "${auto}Host: $<>",
    "${auto}Kernel: $<os.kernel>",
    "${auto}Uptime: $<os.uptime>",
    "${auto}Terminal: $<user.term>",
    "${auto}Shell: $<>",
    "${auto}Packages: $<os.pkgs>",
    "${auto}Theme: $<>",
    "${auto}Icons: $<theme-gtk-all.icons>",
    "${auto}Font: $<theme-gtk-all.font>",
    "${auto}Cursor: $<theme.cursor> ($<theme.cursor_size>px)",
    "${auto}WM: $<user.wm_name>",
    "${auto}DE: $<user.de_name>",
    "${auto}Disk(/): $<disk(/).disk>",
    "${auto}CPU: $<cpu.cpu>",
    "${auto}GPU: $<>",
    "${auto}RAM: $<ram.ram>",
    "$<builtin.colors>", # normal colors palette
    "$<builtin.colors_light>" # light colors palette

# display ascii-art or image/gif (GUI only) near layout
# put "os" for displaying the OS ascii-art
# or the "/path/to/file" for displaying custom files
# or "off" for disabling ascii-art or image displaying
source-path = "os"

# Path to where we'll take all the distros/OSs ascii arts
# note: it MUST contain an "ascii" subdirectory
data-dir = "/usr/share/customfetch"

# The type of ASCII art to apply ("small", "old").
# Basically will add "_<type>" to the logo filename.
# It will return the regular linux ascii art if it doesn't exist.
# Leave empty it for regular.
ascii-logo-type = ""

# A char (or string) to use in $<builtin.title_sep>
title-sep = "-"

# A separator (or string) that when ecountered, will automatically
# reset color, aka. automatically add ${0} (only in layout)
# Make it empty for disabling
sep-reset = ":"

# Should we reset color after or before the separator?
# true  = after  ("test ->${0} ")
# false = before ("test ${0}-> ")
sep-reset-after = false

# Offset between the ascii art and the layout
offset = 5

# Padding between the start and the ascii art
logo-padding-left = 0

# Padding of the ascii art from the top
logo-padding-top = 0

# Padding of the layout from the top
layout-padding-top = 0

# Colors can be with: hexcodes (#55ff88) and for bold put '!' (!#55ff88)
# OR ANSI escape code colors like "\e[1;34m"
# remember to add ${0} where you want to reset color
black   = "\e[1;30m"
red     = "\e[1;31m"
green   = "\e[1;32m"
yellow  = "\e[1;33m"
blue    = "\e[1;34m"
magenta = "\e[1;35m"
cyan    = "\e[1;36m"
white   = "\e[1;37m"

# $<os.uptime> config
# how to display the name of the uptime
# e.g: hours = "hrs" -> "Uptime: 3hrs"
days  = " days"
hours = " hours"
mins  = " mins"
secs  = " seconds"

# $<os.pkgs> config
# Ordered list of which packages installed count should be displayed in $<os.pkgs>
# remember to not enter the same name twice, else the world will finish
# Choices: pacman, flatpak, dpkg, apk
# Pro-tip: if your package manager isnt listed here, yet,
# use the bash command tag in the layout
# e.g "Packages: $(pacman -Q | wc -l) (pacman)"
pkg-managers = ["pacman", "dpkg", "flatpak"]

# Distros and package manager specific
# package manager paths for getting the packages count from path.
# They are arrayies so you can add multiple paths.
# If you don't know what these ares, leave them by default settings
pacman-dirs  = ["/var/lib/pacman/local/"]
dpkg-files   = ["/var/lib/dpkg/status"]
flatpak-dirs = ["/var/lib/flatpak/app/", "~/.local/share/flatpak/app/"]
apk-files    = ["/var/lib/apk/db/installed"]

# GUI options
# note: customfetch needs to be compiled with GUI_MODE=1 (check with "cufetch --version")
enable = false

# Font to be used
# syntax must be [FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]
# e.g "Liberation Mono Normal 12"
# check for more infos
font = "Liberation Mono Normal 12"

# These are the colors palette you can use in the GUI mode.
# They can overwritte with ANSI escape code colors
# but they don't work with those, only hexcodes
black   = "!#000005"
red     = "!#ff2000"
green   = "!#00ff00"
blue    = "!#00aaff"
cyan    = "!#00ffff"
yellow  = "!#ffff00"
magenta = "!#f881ff"
white   = "!#ffffff"

# Path to image as a background.
# put "disable" for disabling and use the theme color as background.
bg-image = "/tmp/idk.png"

We use the config.toml file, in there we got an array variable called "layout". That's the variable where you customize how the infos should be displayed.
You have 5 tags:

  • $<module.member> - Used for printing the value of a member of a module.
  • ${color} - Used for displaying text in a specific color.
  • $(bash command) - Used to execute bash commands and print the output.
  • $[something,equalToSomethingElse,iftrue,ifalse] - Conditional tag to display different outputs based on the comparison.
  • $%n1,n2% - Used to print the percentage and print with colors

They can be used in the ascii art text file and layout, but how to use them?

  • The info tag ($<>) will print a value of a member of a module
    e.g $<> will print the username, $<os.kernel_version> will print the kernel version and so on.
    All the modules and their members are listed in the --list-modules argument

  • The bash command tag ($()) let's you execute bash commands and print the output
    e.g $(echo \"hello world\") will indeed echo out Hello world.
    you can even use pipes
    e.g $(echo \"hello world\" | cut -d' ' -f2) will only print world

  • The conditional tag ($[]) is used for displaying different outputs based on the comparison.
    Syntax MUST be $[something,equalToSomethingElse,iftrue,ifalse] with no spaces between commas.
    Each part can have a tag or anything else.
    e.g $[$<>,$(echo $USER),the name is correct,the name is NOT correct]
    This is useful when on some terminal or WM the detection can be different than others\

  • The color tag (${}) is used for which color to use for colorizing the text
    e.g ${red}hello world will indeed print "hello world" in red (or the color you set in the variable).
    The colors can be: black, red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta, white and they can be configured in the config file.
    You can put a custom hex color e.g: ${#ff6622}.
    It's possible to enable multiple options, put these symbols before #:
         b - for making the color in the background
         u - for underline the text
         ! - for making the text bold
         i - for making the text italic

    Alternatively, ANSI escape codes can be used, e.g \\e[1;31m and \\e[38;5;160m
    (NOTE: 256 colors ANSI escape codes, those that have \e[38 or \e[48, can't be used in GUI mode).
    For auto coloring, depending on the ascii logo colors, use ${auto}.
    They can be used for different colors too. So for getting the 2nd color of the ascii logo,
    use ${auto2}, for the 4th one use ${auto4} and so on. If you're in GUI mode and the source path is an image, all the auto colors will be white

  • The Percentage tag ($%%) is used for displaying the percentage between 2 numbers.
    It Must contain a comma for separating the 2. They can be either be taken from a tag or it put yourself.
    For example: $%10,5% For inverting colors of bad and great (red and green), before the first % a put !

Any $ or brackets can be escaped with a backslash \


  • Color all ASCII arts (101/262) will take long ahh time
  • Support images on terminal as logo (currently only in kitty)
  • idk


I would like to thanks:

  • my best-friend BurntRanch,
          For helping me initialize this project and motivate me for keep going
          And also for making my customizability idea come true with the parsing.

  • the Better C++ discord server,
          For helping me improving the codebase and helping me with any issues I got,
          And also for being patient with me XD

  • fastfetch and neofetch,
          For inspiring this project

  • {fmt} and toml++ libraries
          Our favorite libraries that me and BurntRanch uses

  • this string switch-case library,
          Really amazing, thanks for making this

I hope you'll like customfetch, and also checkout TabAUR, our other project that was made before customfetch.
Don't forgot sdl_engine too ;)
