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Custom Menus

JSON-base custom guis for Minecraft!

Wondering what this is? Well, do you remember that propular mod caled CustomMainMenu?

CustomMainMenus was a mod that allowed you to change the title screen for Minecraft to contain anything you like.It worked by editing a handy json file it dumped somewhere. It also made it possible to add your own screens as long as they were linked to by some button on the title screen.

long inhale

Now this does exactly that and more!

"Uh wuuuh!?" you say?

It's true! Custom Menus allows you to make changes to the game's title screen. But it also extends that functionality to any screen!

By default the mod contains json files for almost every screen included in the game. They're fully functional; and fully customizable!

You can also add to them and create your own screens. Existing screens can include functions from other ones, and even navigate to mod-added screens. The entire system is designed to be extensible, so modders are free to add their own elements/widgets/and actions.

But that's not all! You can control the window's title, and all of this is loaded as part of the game's resourcepacks system, meaning servers can specify custom interfaces!


Documentation will be coming along in a while, maybe a wiki (for the self-motivated). The avid reader may also note the used of the word 'almost'. All attempts were made to support every part of the game, however two (three if you include in-game interfaces) of them could not be supported. Those two are, namely, the world creation screen, and the world customisation screen.

Everything else if free game, though!


LiteLoader is required. After installing that, move the downloaded .litemod file into .minecraft/mods.


Requires jdk8, git, and optionally gradle.

Checkout this repository and build it.

cd ..
git clone
cd CustomMenus
./gradlew build