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Skiller9090 edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 1 revision


Command Description
help Displays This Menu
name Shows name of current shell
id Displays current shell's id
show Shows options or modules based on input, EX: show <options/modules>
options Shows a list of variable/options already set
set Sets a variable or option, EX: set
set_vars Auto sets need variables for loaded module
description Displays description of the module loaded
auto_vars Displays is auto_vars is True or False for current shell
change_auto_vars Changes the auto_var options for one shell, all shells or future shells
use Move into a module, EX: use
run Runs the current module, can also use exploit to do the same
spawn_shell Spawns a alternative shell
open_shell Open a shell by id EX: open_shell
show_shells Show all shell ids and attached name
set_name Sets current shells name EX: set_name
set_name_id Set a shells name by id EX: set_name_id
clear Clear screen
close Kills current input into opened shell
reset Resets Everything
exit Exits the program, can also use quit to do the same

Command Use

  • No-Arg Commands

    • help - to display help menu

    • name - shows name of current shell

    • id - shows current shell id

    • options - shows a table of set options/vars

    • set_vars - automatically sets vars needed for the loaded module (default defined in a module)

    • description - show description of current loaded module

    • auto_vars - displays current setting of auto_vars (auto_vars if true will automatically run set_vars on module load)

    • run - runs the module with the current options, exploit works the same

    • spawn_shell - spawns a new Shell instance

    • show_shells - shows all open shells ids and names

    • clear - clears the terminal/console screen

    • close - kills the input to current shell

    • reset - resets everything (not implemented)

    • exit - quits the program

  • Arg Commands

    • show <options/modules> - displays a list of set options or modules depending on argument.

    • set <var_name> <value> - sets a variable/option

    • change_auto_vars <to_set> <args>:

      • <to_set> - can be true or false (t or f) (-t or -f)

      • <args>:

        • -g = global - sets for all shells spawned

        • -n = new - sets this option for future shell spawns

        • -i = inclusive - no matter what, set current shell to <to_set>

    • use <module> <args>:

      • <module> - path to module

      • <args>:

        • -R - Override cache (reload dynamically)
    • open_shell <id> - opens a shell by its id

    • set_name <name> - set the name of the current shell

    • set_name_id <id> <name> - set the name of the shell specified by

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